To gain knowledge: the need of the human brain, effective ways of development, learning features and benefits

The brain is one of the most mysterious and mysterious human organs, which is in a constant learning process. For full development, it must be fueled by new information. In the framework of this article, we will consider effective ways that will help facilitate the process of assimilation of knowledge and enjoy learning.

The brain needs training

The brain needs to gain new knowledge

Neuroplasticity - the ability of the brain to transform, while receiving a certain experience. Not so long ago, scientists were able to prove its ability to actively interact with the environment and form throughout life. Thus, the neurocardiogram associated with the possibilities of human thinking is as follows: the brain is able to change throughout life, therefore, learning is a natural and permanent state of it. In this regard, for training, you do not need to force anyone to gnaw at the granite of science, but just create favorable conditions for the mental system.

Types of knowledge gained

Every day, our brain absorbs new information, which is divided into the following types:

  • Worldly - based on everyday consciousness and common sense. Simply put, this species is the basis of everyday human behavior, the relationship between him and nature.
  • Practical - based on actions and mastery of things.
  • Artistic - carried out using cultural means. This view helps to gain knowledge through theater, cinema, music, literature, architecture or painting.
  • Rational - is based on knowledge based on theoretical and logical reasoning.
  • Irrational - does not obey the laws of science and logic. It consists in reflecting reality in experiences, intuition, emotions and other feelings.
  • Personal - depends on the characteristics of the intellectual activity of the subject.

What prevents the brain from learning effectively?

For the brain to function effectively, it is necessary to create favorable conditions. The main obstacles to this are the following:

  • Lack of sleep. A full sleep favorably affects memory and attention, as well as the entire brain. In a sleepy person, absolutely, like in a drunk person, the speed of thought processes is impaired. Therefore, in order to better memorize and assimilate material, an eight-hour sleep is necessary.
  • Poor blood circulation. As a rule, intellectual studies are associated with a sedentary lifestyle. No matter how paradoxical this may sound, it is the absence of physical activity that negatively affects brain activity. In this regard, during intellectual studies, you should take a short break and perform simple exercises. In addition, regular physical activity contributes to the growth of the hippocampus, which favorably affects learning and memory. Recall that the hippocampus is the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the quality of assimilation of the material, memory and mental health.
  • Stress has a negative effect on a person’s cognitive abilities. That is why, being in such a state, training is hard given. Chronic depression contributes to the thinning of the neural tissue of the hippocampus, which negatively affects memory and brain function in general.
  • Improper nutrition. Low glucose in the blood reduces brain productivity, thereby preventing it from fully acquiring new knowledge and skills. Scientists have concluded that the hippocampus may be less in adherents of malnutrition. For example, sugar in any form, salty dishes, fast food, cigarettes and coffee - all these products have a negative impact on mental abilities and interfere with full study.

Ways to develop intelligence

It's no secret that the brain has the ability to constantly evolve, and, most likely, no one has managed to reach the top of its capabilities. If you are interested in how you can increase your knowledge in just fifteen minutes a day, then this video is for you:

A high degree of intellectual development is important for a social person, since it is she who plays a role in our personal results, work efficiency, success in training, mastering new skills and contact with others. But not only the environment and the people around us are able to affect our mental abilities. First of all, we can increase our intelligence on our own using various methods.

Board and intellectual games

Table games

You can increase thinking abilities and concentration using puzzles, quests, card games and other educational activities. Well-known board games, such as dominoes, checkers, chess and backgammon, train associative thinking and help activate mental resources.

In addition to the fact that during such a pastime, when communicating with an opponent, there is a training of intellectual abilities and mental abilities, we also automatically form the basic character traits, such as patience and endurance.

Exact sciences

Exact sciences

Solving problems in logic and mathematics contributes to the development of the brain in different directions.

Exact sciences have a positive effect on mental abilities as follows:

  • train different types of thinking;
  • increase mental speed;
  • improve prognostic abilities;
  • train memory;
  • affect organization.

Any collections of problems in mathematics and logic are suitable for intellectual development. For beginners in this matter, brochures for preparing for the olympiad for primary school age are quite suitable.

Reading of books

Reading books - a way to develop the brain

An easy way to gain knowledge and new experience is to read books. They contribute to the intellectual and cognitive development of both children and adults. As a rule, any well-read person is an excellent conversationalist and behaves much more confidently in society.

Thus, classical or modern literature is able to increase mental development, instill an aesthetic taste, improve the emotional background and significantly broaden one's horizons.

Exit Comfort Zone

The point is to carry out the usual actions for us in unusual ways. Each of us brushes our teeth, washing our hands, washing dishes, combing our hair - such things have become familiar to us and are done automatically. To make the brain stir, it is necessary to give new colors even to such everyday activities. To do this, you can change the route to work, climb the stairs, starting with the right foot, and so on. Thus, you can activate thought processes, become more conscious in moments and pay attention to little things, and getting knowledge of the direction you need will become much easier. Among other things, this is an excellent workout for attention, memory, creativity, focus and intelligence.

Communication with art

Communication with art

Not everyone can boast in-depth knowledge of the visual arts. Even most parents consider it a better solution to send their child to additional courses in mathematics or the English language than to a theater, music or art school.

According to research scientists, communication with art helps to engage all cognitive mechanisms. Thus, when we play any instruments or pick up a brush for drawing, we activate motor skills, abstract thinking, perception, attention and memory.

Albert Einstein from the age of four played the violin. Elsa, Einstein’s wife, recalled: “I fell in love with Albert as a little girl, because he perfectly performed Mozart on the violin. (...) He also played the piano. Music helped him reflect on his theories. He went into the office, played several notes, wrote down something, returned to the office again. ”

Learning foreign languages

Learning foreign languages

Learning languages ​​promotes the growth of the hypocampus and some other parts of the cerebral cortex. Experts came to the conclusion that those people who made efforts while learning foreign languages, after a few months there was an increase in the amount of gray matter.

The benefits of nature

Outdoor activities

The passive form of learning is not always beneficial when students listen to the teacher while sitting in class. In order to get a child new knowledge, it is necessary to be active both intellectually and physically. Experts advise to conduct classes in the fresh air as often as possible. Lessons outside the classroom will help mobilize the brain structures that are responsible for learning in schoolchildren.

Physical activity

Physical activity

Due to physical activity, the muscles produce protein, which in turn enters the brain, thereby supporting neural plasticity. This helps to increase the number of neural connections, which helps to memorize information and increase learning.

How to find motivation and enjoy learning

  • Find people to look up to. As a rule, our environment forms us. Take an example from those people who are pleasant to you, and study from them.
  • Healthy competition contributes to speedy results.
  • Sometimes you need an experienced mentor to motivate a good student. When something does not work out, it becomes boring or interest in the business disappears, a certain person will help to return the desire to receive new knowledge. It can be a friend, teacher, parents.
  • Make a summary of the work done and praise yourself. To ensure that learning is not a burden, make a list of daily tasks and stick to it throughout the day. For example, if you included in this list to learn certain material, then you should definitely do it, and after completing the work you should award yourself with chocolate or going to the cinema.
  • Interest in learning can be created through aesthetics and order. Remove all unnecessary things from your table. New notebooks, pens or pencils will help create comfort in the workplace. Also, for additional motivation, stick your target above the desktop. She will remind you that all your labors are not in vain.
  • To gain knowledge, sometimes it is necessary to create ideal conditions for this: turn off the TV and phone, ensure yourself silence. A calm environment will help you focus and learn the necessary amount of material.
  • Learn to plan your studies rationally, set real goals and achieve them. Know how to correctly distribute the amount of work in accordance with your forces. Learn to load yourself evenly, then there will be no fatigue, and the motivation itself will be present in you.


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