Itching in the ear

Itching in the ear can be a symptom or a separate disease, and therefore this condition can not always be left without the attention of a doctor.

Itching in the ear brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient, often people cannot fall asleep, itching distracts attention, and patients become irritable. This affects their social relationships, the situation in the family and at work, so patients have a desire to consult a doctor and stop this nightmare. The question immediately arises - which doctor treats itching in the ear and whom to contact? In most cases, people go straight to the therapist, but this is not entirely correct. The initial stage in the diagnosis of itching in the ear should be an otolaryngologist. If the ENT excludes its pathology, then it will refer the patient to the right specialist for further diagnosis of the process.

Itching in the ear, the causes of which may be associated with excessive secretion of sulfur and the formation of sulfur plug. In this situation, the otolaryngologist will flush the ear with saline or water, after which the itching will stop.

A common cause that causes itching in the ear is a fungal infection of the external auditory canal. A patient who is concerned about itching in the ear caused by a fungus needs to consult a dermatovenerologist and further treatment by this specialist. It should be noted that for the treatment of otomycosis , only external therapy is not enough, it is necessary to take antifungal drugs orally. If you start treatment of the fungus in time, then recovery will occur within 10 days, if the process is already in advanced form, then there may be a transition of the disease from one ear to another, and to other organs.

Chronic otitis externa is a common cause that causes itching in the ear, and sometimes in both. Inflammation of the outer ear is often found in children or adults who do not wear a hat or headband. As a result, there is a chronic hypothermia of the external auditory canal and its inflammation. In such a situation, the treatment of itching in the ear consists in eliminating the immediate cause of the disease and its further treatment.

Patients with eczema may also notice a symptom that translates into discomfort and itching in the ear. However, in this situation, itching in the ear is precisely a symptom of the disease, which means that its treatment will be the same as with exacerbation of eczema.

Allergic reactions can also manifest as itching in the ear; treatment in this situation is symptomatic. Those. you need to eliminate the intake of allergen into the body, conduct detoxification therapy and remove the rest of the allergen from the blood.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the few diseases that affects almost all organs and systems. The pathogenesis of this disease is a mechanism to reduce the production of sebum and increase dry skin. Accordingly, this can lead to itching of the skin and the external auditory canal. If the itch bothers the patient too much, sleep becomes disturbing or the patient cannot fall asleep, then people with diabetes are usually prescribed antihistamines, sleeping pills and sedatives.

Sometimes patients note itching in the ear with food poisoning and intoxication. The mechanism for the development of such a symptom is associated with the deposition of toxic substances on the skin, which cause its irritation, and accordingly, itching.

There is also a concept - idiopathic itching in the ears, i.e. when the cause of the disease cannot be determined. However, the patient clearly observes the presence of this symptom. For further diagnosis of the diseases of such patients, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist and a neurologist in order to exclude this group of pathologies.

It must be remembered that if itching in the ear brings you significant inconvenience, as well as during this there is discharge from the ear canal or pain and fever are observed, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Especially you should not hesitate if pus or another liquid with an unpleasant odor is released from the ear canal, because this can lead to serious complications.


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