Nationalist groups are common in almost any large society that inhabits our planet. Their programmatic provisions, structure and composition, working methods and results of activity are strikingly different compared even with organizations of the same kind within the same country.
However, tense times in the history of states, infringement on national and religious grounds, and even the absence of their own power as such, will always ultimately lead to the radicalization of part of society, if such problems are not resolved as soon as possible. And the consequences of the steady growth of nationalism do not always have a fruitful effect on welfare and prosperity in the end. Just a match of anger and discontent is enough to rekindle the flames of interethnic hatred, bloody clashes, the complete destruction of the economy, society, the code of civil liberties and, in especially difficult cases, even a war with other states.
Therefore, it is important for any government not only to timely solve the urgent problems of its own country and take care of its interests on the world stage, but also to carefully study those elements that are inconspicuous at first glance, which at the slightest shock will not fail to take advantage of all available means to rule on the throne themselves.
The origins of the radical current
One of these nationalist organizations is the Northern Brotherhood. In Russia, being recognized as extremist, it clearly did not receive special popularity among the broad masses, although its activity is still of interest (at least among law enforcement agencies).
The exact birth date of this nationalist movement is not known for certain. Nevertheless, there is a version among nationalists that the beginning of the Security Council was December 2006. Earlier, the Northern Brotherhood (the founding date of which is still under question) was part of another radical movement - the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, namely its “pagan” wing.
The backbone of their ideas was partially formed by some provisions from the NORNA program. From the very first days of independent activity, the Svarog sign was chosen as the “face” of the Northern Brotherhood movement, whose emblem looks like the one shown in the photo below.
In 2009, a friendly Freedom Party joined the Security Council. In the same year, the most famous “mole” in motion was expelled - professor in the field of theoretical systems analysis Peter Khomyakov (joined in 2006), unsuccessfully trying to merge important information about this organization.
On August 6, 2012, at the request of the prosecutor’s office, the Moscow Brotherhood Movement, the Northern Brotherhood movement, whose organization’s goals were regarded as a threat to the statehood of the Russian Federation, was recognized as extremist, and its interregional activities were prohibited by law.
Structural component
The whole organization consists of various autonomous cells operating according to the official doctrine of the Security Council in different parts of the country. All participants in the movement are guaranteed anonymity and non-distribution of personal data, so it’s simply impossible to accurately judge the total number of supporters of the entire organization. Abroad, people are even less aware of what the Northern Brotherhood is. Nevertheless, this does not in any way interfere with the conduct of activities outside of Russia by a special security unit called the “Foreign Legion”.
At the same time, the very procedure of selection into the ranks of the organization is covered in darkness no less than the other structural nuances of the Northern Brotherhood organization. The Russian nationalist movement, as it is known for certain from their own statements, accepts into its ranks: all Russians, Slavs, other friendly peoples of Russia and representatives of any ethnic groups of the white race. There are no restrictions on religious and political beliefs in the selection. An exception here are only two categories:
- Supporters of the imperial-sovereign path of development of Russia are not accepted.
- Christians are not identified with the nomenclature of the Russian Orthodox Church. The organization itself clearly puts a distinction on this issue, clarifying an aspect of no small importance for its program: the Russian Orthodox Church is most likely to support the existing government top, therefore, a speech against the Russian Orthodox Church for Christian SB supporters will also be inevitable.
Due to the closeness for a long time there were rumors that the "Northern Brotherhood" in Russia had ceased its activities. On the official website of the organization also posted an ad of a similar sense. But even taking into account these two nuances, there is no real evidence or refutation of their activities after the legislative ban.
Cold calculation in ambitious intentions
The main task that the Northern Brotherhood posed from the first day of its existence (a network of independent cells represents an ideal basis for this) is to come to power in a time of crisis for the current government.
According to the ideologists of the organization, the collapse and collapse of the current top of the Kremlin is approaching every year, which will steadily lead to an irreparable split in the ranks of the elite and, accordingly, create a temporary vacuum in the Kremlin. That is what the Northern Brotherhood is betting on, the main purpose of which is to enter the domestic political arena only by overthrowing and coup (this position is mainly explained by the non-recognition of the current Russian government).
After taking power into their own hands, the priority will be the building of a Russian technocratic national state, whose conventional name is designated as "Bright Russia". The political system is a confederation (in the likeness of the Swiss system).
The mono-ethnic nature of this project also presupposes “Russian separatism” - separation from the “Bright Russia” of the North Caucasus and other regions of the Federation, where the percentage of non-Slavic population prevails over the Russian. Such a doctrine has received in the ranks of the Security Council a separate slogan "Russia against Russia."
For an even faster “approaching the inevitable revolution” to our time, the organization intends to use its own intelligence network in the ranks of the power structures of the Russian Federation, to bribe representatives of the authorities and regional elites, as well as to carry out its own “buildup of the system” project called the “Big Game”.
Attitude to the current Kremlin
Perhaps the only word that accurately characterizes the attitude of the members of the Northern Brotherhood movement to the current Russian government is non-recognition. In their opinion, the current government is pursuing an anti-Russian, destructive policy for the Slavic population of the country, the result of which is the prosperity of ethnic mafia and a rampant increase in corruption among officials. Therefore, in the statements of the organization, a firm thesis is the rejection of even the slightest possibility of cooperation or negotiations with the Kremlin. According to their statements, the refusal to comply with any state requirements does not at all cancel one of the key principles of the Northern Brotherhood organization: that this will in no way violate the current Criminal Code.
As for the attitude of representatives of the current government in Russia towards the Northern Brotherhood, the version of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation relating the organization to the most active extremist associations in the country will be indicative here. The pressure from the law only confirmed the conclusions that the Northern Brotherhood had completely ceased its activity on the territory of the Russian Federation, although the autonomy of the organization’s cells gives a good reason to doubt this.
Foreign Policy Priorities
The Security Council characterizes its principle of the foreign policy doctrine as follows: “We will not take an alien, we will not give up our own.” This primarily means the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of neighboring countries with Russia. It is assumed solely the path of mutually beneficial trade relations and cooperation, completely eliminating the manifestation of "imperial ambitions and aspirations."
Nevertheless, the proclaimed position of “respect for other states” does not in any way negate respectful attitude, first of all, to the interests of one’s own power. Therefore, the struggle for "Russian national interests" in the event of an aggressive encroachment on them from the outside is also not excluded from the "Brotherhood" program.
For financing
The SB approach to potential sponsors is much more pragmatic and balanced, completely devoid of any personal antipathies and preferences. The only exceptions to this practice are:
- Any states and representatives of peoples from which "ethno-demographic expansion to the lands of the Russian people" is carried out.
- The Russian state itself, whose politics (according to the Northern Brotherhood) traces the policy of genocide of the Russian people. And not even so much in terms of the economic, as by the replacement of millions of masses of foreign ethnic migrant workers.
Being banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Northern Brotherhood officially ceased its activities. However, rumors that his followers are still secretly looking for the necessary investments for themselves and continue their work, still have not ceased.
Views on property and society
The ideals of the "Northern Brotherhood" in theory are equally far from both Western liberalism and the socialism that is familiar to our history. The development of the idea of collective mutual assistance in their program plays an essential role, but they also do not intend to put up with social dependency.
The sacred and unconditional ownership right of the organization extends only to the personal result of the work of each person. Everything that was obtained by the efforts of the worker belongs exclusively to him and to those to whom he himself wishes to transfer this right to anything belonging to him.
However, the definition of property in the programmatic framework of the Security Council does not at all extend to the country's natural resources - they belong to the whole nation without individual exceptions. Their disposal is carried out purely by collective management bodies, whose activities must be under constant strict public control. Any effective user can fully count on the possibility of managing the country's resources, provided that the return of natural rent to society is mandatory.
Nevertheless, the property of those individuals who will be identified as invaders of various assets in the collapse of the USSR and subsequent predatory privatization will in no way remain untouchable.
A word of common national sense across fanatical decisions
To increase the welfare of the entire population, the state should first of all provide citizens with the most stable and competent legislative ground. This basis applies not only to health, ecology, social protection, but also to national aspects as well.
Caring for Russian national identity should not only be an initiative from patriotic associations of citizens, but also from the state as a whole. Thorough support and the widespread development of their own traditions in the country, an increase in the Russian population in all regions to at least 55% of the total national composition, as well as a full-scale education program for all Russians from kindergartens and a school bench, focused on developing deep respect for their country, its culture, roots and language - that is the priority in the modern Russian question.
Legislative framework without exceptions and compromises
However, the development of its own national component throughout the country should not be carried out as a result of oppression or squeezing out the culture of other ethnic groups of our vast country. The Russians are not a salt mix of everything and everyone, it is a self-sufficient nation with a great history, achievements and future. Forgetting who the Russians are is in fact death, and without knowing one’s own roots there can be no real future development. But forgetting about the other numerous nations for which Russia is their home is also wrong.
Peaceful soil, devoid of even a hint of ethnic hatred, can prepare the state. Establishing rules of conduct to ensure order and security within the framework of Russian society, the country needs really working laws that will be equally harsh and harsh for absolutely everyone, regardless of ethnic group, social group, etc. For this, in the opinion of the Security Council, it is necessary:
- To abolish the moratorium on the death penalty, providing it for those who committed particularly serious crimes.
- Remove the suspended sentence from the Criminal Code, which will thoroughly strengthen the influence of the law in the life of the country, making it a real threat to each offender.
- Significantly increase the terms of imprisonment for murders and beatings / mutilations, and regardless of which representative of the ethnic group is guilty of the deed.
- Introduce a large fine for insulting (the same for the entire population, regardless of ethnicity).
The firm and influential hand of the Law, fair in relation to all nationalities, is an incomparable good for the further successful development of a huge country than widespread massacre and murder only in color and accent. It is the rigid and uncontested control in this regard for each citizen by the state that is the ideal platform for peaceful and safe development.
For the work of such laws aimed at the equality of any violator before the law, an appropriate level of professionalism of law enforcement agencies will be required. This is more than feasible with the help of a thorough sweep of the police and the judiciary, replacing most of the unreliable elements with specialists loyal to this policy.
A separate item on migration
Unfortunately, the mass issuance of Russian passports to labor migrants from neighboring countries still takes place. Moreover, the scale of such arbitrariness, when instead of hundreds of conditionally the most valuable highly qualified personnel arrives, thousands of uneducated unskilled laborers cross all conceivable boundaries. This is the essence of selfish business and corrupt local officials blindly preoccupied with exceptionally quick profits. It goes without saying that no healthy society wants to accept the astronomical stream of migrants, whose numerous descendants in the distant future will no longer be so determined to work according to the example of their ancestors, how to create more and more areas of compact living and live on social benefits (in many cases, incidentally getting involved in criminal groups).
A clear example of such a destructive influence is the good old Belgium, which in its current multicultural realities has lost its former friendly face, resigned to the new order. And they are not being established by new generations of the indigenous population. They are predetermined by the second and third generation of migrants, whose ancestors were previously allowed to live in huge numbers in this state. The actual benefit from them for the country is almost zero - most of this contingent inhabits entire areas, establishes its own Sharia rules there, and receives generous benefits. At the same time, the "new Europeans" sympathize with the radical Islamists, often joining the ranks of the Islamic State (a banned terrorist organization in Russia) and committing terrible terrorist attacks. Including already in Europe itself.
Given such a sad outcome, which it is definitely impossible to correct within the framework of the rules and structure of the EU, it is important not to repeat similar mistakes. First of all, the situation can be regulated not by a surge of right-wing radical activity, arson of migrants' habitats and other illegal measures. It is the state that is obliged to cope with the control function with the help of the same rigid laws that truly work primarily for national interests.
Russian citizenship should be a tremendous value, not a half-free open-door ticket. It must be deprived of serious misconduct, and all who acquire it in the future should not be deprived of the same control. The passport must be the document for which labor migrants will compete in terms of law-abiding and professional suitability. Yes, they can work in the Russian Federation, but they do not need citizenship for professional activities. And even in case of success, when valuable foreign specialists are still rewarded with a Russian passport, they should in every way appreciate it under pain of irreversible loss. It is such a migration policy that will make it possible not only to select the most valuable and sought-after specialists for the country, but also significantly increase the number of jobs for its population, remove most of the visiting offenders and exclude the possibility of subsequent crowding out of our compatriots from their many descendants.