Wooden sandboxes - a long-standing and indispensable attribute of any more or less equipped urban courtyard, and even more so - a playground. An inexhaustible source for the games and creativity of kindergarten kids and even younger students. But, alas, for many years they have been demanding protection. From whom - read below.
In the meantime, let's talk about how to relax in the country, when the children are busy with something not too destructive. For adults, they are sitting in a gazebo or on a bench, talking about something of their own. Kids are not interested. In order to distract their attention from the dacha corners, where it is sharp, dirty and unsafe, wooden
sandboxes for giving will be just right.
Of course, such a design can be bought, and it will cost inexpensively. But firstly, if you can save, why not? And secondly, standard sandboxes are usually quite small. And if the size of the summer cottage allows, you can build a small sandy country for the children.
You yourself will see that wooden sandboxes are built quickly, fun, and even with a song (if you know the right one). You will need wooden boards 30-40 mm thick, nails or screws, a hammer or a screwdriver, respectively, a shovel, oil paint. Do not forget the fantasy.
The boards are knocked together so that they make four shields with a width of 40 cm. Work as it should with a brush - and the tree will subsequently not begin to rot. Pick up bright, but not easily soiled paints. You can leave the shields monophonic or draw on them the usual pictures that they draw on the cabinets in the kindergarten: flowers, apples, stars, boats.
The size of the future sandbox you already know. Now, at the place chosen for it, you need to mark the area a little larger in width. The upper soil layer is removed from the outlined rectangle. In the corners for racks, you need to dig holes with a depth of 35-40 cm.
A box is assembled: the racks are beaten in pairs to opposite shields (the upper edges of the racks and boards should be flush); shields are fastened together by nails or screws; racks sink into pits and fall asleep with the earth. The design must stand firmly.
Do not be too lazy to pour quite a bit of cement mortar to the bottom of the sandbox. When the time comes to change the sand, you will do it easily and quickly.
And now - about the sad. A rare mother will let her child play in the yard sandbox without thinking how many dogs and cats have already used it. Owners of cute homemade balls and murks also often go for free sand in exchange for purchased filler. So the wooden sandboxes in the yards, alas, need to be protected.
One could simply cover the structure with tarpaulin from above, fixing it in loops at the corners. But almost every yard we have is a checkpoint; the sand was taken away - the tarp was also laid back. Therefore, you need a wooden
sandbox with a lid.We select wooden boards of the same thickness as for the sandbox so that they slightly overlap the width along the length. We determine how many boards are needed on the lid that completely covers the children's "farm" from above. Then we attach on top two extreme boards. The kids will get comfortable benches, and the design will get extra rigidity. To the other boards from the opposite side we beat two bars so that we get a solid shield, without distortions, but sufficiently tightly covering the sandbox. Do not forget to round the sharp corners of the benches and the shield. Of course, color them and provide them with funny drawings.
I would like such wooden sandboxes to be everywhere. In any case, until all the
stray animals find their caring owners, too conscientious for the night theft of sand from the children.