Planning profits and profitability of enterprises based on the use of intangible resources

At the present stage, it is no longer possible to provide significant competitive advantages due to exclusively material factors. Preservation and enhancement of the economic potential of the organization, ensuring the competitiveness of its products on the market is possible due to intangible assets, which determines their role in ensuring the efficient operation of business entities, and involves planning profit and profitability precisely in these circumstances.

The focus on obtaining a result and ensuring its competitiveness in the market requires the concentration of research and inventive activity in the most effective areas, and the reduction of the time for industrial development of innovations by organizations.

On the one hand, it is well known that the parameters of profit and profitability of the enterprise are the most important from the point of view of using them to assess the economic efficiency of the enterprise. In theoretical terms, these comparatively relative parameters show how effectively all of its resources are used at a particular enterprise — material, intangible, financial, human and other. In accounting and planning, the definition of these parameters is carried out taking into account their classification. The general calculation represents the result of dividing the value of gross profit by the amount of all costs due to which this profit was received. However, such a metric indicator is not always able to adequately reflect the state of the enterprise, especially when it comes to intangible resources, the assessment of which, for example, in cash is quite relative.

On the other hand, the role of these same intangible resources in performance indicators is constantly increasing.

Logically, it follows that profit planning and the profitability of the use of the intangible segment, in modern conditions, is becoming the highest priority in the activities of enterprise services. The principles of their calculation are as follows:

- profitability of profit of intangible resources should be made for the enterprise, as well as for its individual structural divisions;

- the calculation of these indicators should take into account all areas of the use of intangible resources;

- these parameters (profitability and profitability) should have regulatory status.

An increase in the profits of an enterprise when intangible assets are brought into economic circulation is possible either with a decrease in the cost of production or with an increase in the price of products. This can also be achieved by increasing sales volumes while expanding sales markets or the range of services provided. Reducing the cost of production can be achieved by reducing production factors such as labor intensity, material consumption of products, and new markets are conquered only as a result of the creation of modern and advanced technologies or the application of current ones in an innovative context. All these articles and areas of work should be taken into account and include profit and profitability planning .

The use of intangible assets contains the potential for the efficiency of conducting business activities, which determines the relevance of the development and improvement of such an important process of organizing the activities of an enterprise as profit planning and profitability, managing intangible assets of business entities. In this regard, indicators of profit and profitability of the enterprise in the study of intangible asset management processes and the development of their methodological support are of great scientific and practical importance.


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