What is the cause of stuffy ears?

Recently, a rather simple at first glance question has been quite popular: "What is the reason for stuffy ears?" As you know, only after the establishment of the cause itself is it worth going to the immediate treatment. In fact, this problem worries many people. In this article we will try to understand it in detail.

cause of stuffy ears
Cause of stuffy ears

  • Physical factor. This category, first of all, includes sharp pressure drops. For example, when you take the elevator or take off in an airplane. The solution in this case can be only one - swallow several times in a row or yawn deeply. On the other hand, the ear can also become blocked after water enters the sink itself. Such a common situation, as a rule, occurs when bathing, taking a shower, etc. Some special treatment for this will not be required. All that is needed is to remove all accumulated liquid with the utmost care using a cotton swab or a disk.
  • The physiological factor. What to do if sharp pressure drops were not observed, but problems are still present? Here again, one should turn to such a question as the cause of stuffy ears, and only then look for a solution. It often happens that the above problem is accompanied by colds (nasal congestion, cough, etc.). Probably, mucus from the nose penetrated the auditory duct, as a result of which the process of inflammation began. Only one way out - to sign up to the doctor, who after a detailed examination will prescribe individual therapy.

ear treatment
Ear treatment

If you do not want to resort to the help of traditional medicine, you will probably like popular recipes. In order to get rid of stuffy ears during a cold, you will need to rinse the nasal mucosa with a special solution. To prepare it, carefully stir a spoonful of salt in a glass of water, and then rinse your nose with this solution. In addition, in almost every pharmacy you can buy preparations based on sea salt. Some people prefer to use the so-called vasoconstrictor drugs. However, in this case, you should be careful, as they are often addictive.

ear disease
Proper hygiene

The reason for the stuffy ears, according to experts, may also be hiding in improper hygiene. For example, everyone knows that sulfuric matter is constantly forming in the auricles. If you do not remove it in time, an accumulation of a viscous substance occurs, and then sulfur plugs appear. If you have already encountered this problem, it is better to seek the help of a qualified specialist than to try to get rid of sulfur yourself using cotton swabs. It's no secret that ear disease appears most often due to lack of hygiene. So, doctors recommend washing your ears every day, and then thoroughly wipe the water. In order to prevent sulfur from forming in large quantities, you can purchase special drops for these purposes, which are produced mainly on the basis of natural components.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A10961/

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