Selling texts: examples. The secret to creating sales texts

It is well known that the engine of trade is advertising. This is even more true for online businesses. After all, it is there that huge resources of sales and services are concentrated today. And this, in turn, creates an increasing demand for high-quality advertising content, including the so-called selling texts. These are articles, the task of which is not only and not so much to inform the site visitor about something, but through a light digestible text to unobtrusively convince the reader to buy the offered product or to use the provided service.

selling texts examples

Order or write yourself?

If you are the owner of an online store and you need material that increases sales, it is easiest to order it from professionals by contacting a specialized agency selling texts. Fortunately, there is no shortage of them. Another thing is that for their services such offices present rather big bills. And given the fact that advertising texts, as a rule, need a few, if not a lot, their order will cost a round sum. And if you are just a budding entrepreneur and do not have extra money for expensive services? In the latter case, as well as for those who want to start a career as a copywriter, the basic rules and principles that reveal the secrets of how to write selling texts will be discussed below.

Formulating the purpose of an advertising article

So, the main task of the selling text is to stimulate the site visitor to do some kind of operation. As a rule, the end result of a user visiting a resource should be reduced to clicking on the “buy” or “order” button. However, these are not the only possible consequences of the impact that selling texts have. Examples of other user operations on the site: registration, call to the office, online consultation, subscription to newsletter, request for a meeting with a company representative.

When starting to write an advertising article, the first thing you need to decide what it should encourage the reader to do. When such a goal is clearly formulated, you can proceed to the next step.

An Important Rule for Writing Selling Articles

At the second stage of the compilation of the text, it is necessary to clearly clarify the following: good marketing and SEO-optimized content is intended primarily for people. This means that the material should be readable, easy and interesting. Of course, you can perfectly observe all the canons of writing advertising texts, but the result will be inoperative. The maximum that he can do is to promote the site to the first pages when searching by keywords. However, the real person will close the tab with your resource before reading the text to the middle. As a result, he will make a purchase from competitors, and it is on them that such content will ultimately work.

how to write selling texts

Therefore, the second rule on how to create a selling text says: it is reasonable to use the algorithm for creating such texts without being hostage.

Defining Destinations

It happens that when generating promotional content, the advertiser tries to reach the maximum audience. As a result, the output is a product designed for everyone. This is a fatal PR error, because the message for everyone as a result is not addressed to anyone. As a result, the text does not bring any benefit, being useless advertising garbage. In order to avoid this, you should decide on the target audience - who your article is intended for, who these people are, what are their incomes, age and social status. It is necessary to enter the role of the buyer, to understand his needs, to understand his problems, to realize the needs and give him exactly what he wants. Even if a person does not make an order right away, he will have a favorable impression of the site, and another time he will give preference to you.

To illustrate, we give the correct and incorrect advertising text. Examples follow below.

advertising text examples

Option one. How not to write selling articles

“Do you want to go on a romantic trip abroad? The cost of the trip will depend on a number of factors - country, city, season, class of service and the list of services provided. Therefore, you should decide on your wishes and consider all possible expenses when planning an unforgettable vacation for two. Specialists our office is ready to answer your questions at ... or by phone ... "

Obvious disadvantages:

  • Firstly, for whom this text is written, it remains unclear - for students looking for a budget travel option, or for newlyweds thinking where to spend their honeymoon, or maybe for an elderly couple who wants to celebrate a golden wedding abroad?
  • Secondly, no matter what the consumer needs, he will not find answers to his questions about the price, about the list of possible countries, about the available services.

Most likely, most people will not have any desire to contact this company, and they will go look for options on the sites of competing firms.

how to create sales text

Second option

How to write sales texts correctly? Consider a case in point.

"If you want to go on a romantic trip, then our company will help you realize your dream, taking into account all your wishes at affordable prices!

  • Western European countries (10 days) - from $ 850 to $ 2,200 *.
  • Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and the countries of the Middle East (10 days) - from 450 to 1750 $.
  • North American countries (10 days) - from 1200 to 3500 $.
  • The countries of South America (10 days) - from 900 to 2700 $.
  • The price includes life and health insurance, ticket prices, hotel rooms for two, one romantic evening in a prestigious restaurant and a sightseeing tour of the sights in all cities included in the travel plan.
  • The All Inclusive service is available.
  • A special unique bonus for honeymooners and couples whose journey is dedicated to the wedding anniversary.
  • In addition to standard services, we will certainly take into account your individual wishes.

* The price is calculated based on the number of hotel stars, class of flight and geographical travel pattern.

Contact our office by phone ... and we will be happy to advise you on all services and select the appropriate travel option. We are also waiting for you at ... "

Everything is clear here - price thresholds, standard services and additional features. Target audience defined. I would like to contact such a company.

best selling texts

The content of the article

It should be remembered that distinguishes the best selling texts from all others. This is their clear structure and consistency. Literate texts are unobtrusive. They do not offer to immediately buy the product in your store or use your service. On the contrary, for starters, you need to establish touch points with consumer problems and express solidarity with them. In other words, in the text, the potential buyer should read his own thoughts for some reason, to recognize himself. Then you should offer a solution to the existing problem using your product or service. When doing this, two factors must be considered:

  1. Everything has flaws, and the product you offer is no exception. There is no need to deceive potential buyers, assuring them of the absence of any real defects - selling texts are not intended for this. Examples of this are everywhere. On the other hand, it is not necessary to focus on the shortcomings. Sometimes an obvious marriage is presented with a “+” sign. Good selling texts will be able to do this. Examples are found anywhere, at least in the used car market: the seller, by selling the car, saves on painting, and in the ad writes the following: “Native painting”. The buyer sees this as evidence that the car did not fall into a serious accident. Thus, an obvious flaw positively affects the sale. Another principle for describing a defective product is that the flaws should be sunk, dissolved in a sea of ​​merits and advantages of the proposed product. By shading cons by pluses, you act honestly, informing in advance about all sides of the goods. At the same time, you earn a reputation as an honest seller, which will increase the loyalty of potential buyers. By focusing on the positive qualities of the product, you run the risk of going to the other extreme described in paragraph 2.
  2. Excessive focus on the merits of the goods. Yes, all the pluses should be taken into account and voiced, but it is not necessary to use too loud slogans such as this: “Our cat carriers are the best in the world” to advertise them. When the reader feels the elements of propaganda, he does not intuitively trust the company. Nobody wants to be bred for money, passing off mediocre goods for candy. And that’s how advertising of an ideal product is perceived. A minimum of unreasonable praise, enthusiasm, a maximum of facts presented at the right angle - here is an advertising text, examples of which provide high sales and consumer confidence.

selling text agency

Additional motivation

If any promotions take place in your store, bonuses are provided or savings / incentive / discount programs are in effect, be sure to include such information in the text. This is a very powerful incentive and an unsurpassed weapon that selling texts possess. You will find examples in your own life - how many times have you made an unplanned purchase for the sake of the discount you provided or with the system for returning a certain percentage of the purchase amount? You see ...

Use all available means. In addition to the above factors, do not forget, when possible, to recall your authority and achievements, provide the text with quotes from the positive reviews of your existing real customers, provide statistics, etc.

selling text template


Remember: no one will ever provide you with a golden template for selling text. Just because it does not exist. In each case, one does not need to be afraid to experiment, change something, add a touch of originality, play with styles and vocabulary. Originality and a healthy sense of humor are able to win over no less customers than correctly inserted keys and an elaborate structure.


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