Cerebrovascular spasm that may cause symptoms and treatment

Cramps can occur quite early, at an age when a person does not think about diseases, at 30 or a little older, when he is full of energy and imagines that there are still many years of active life ahead. The reasons for this condition can be very different. Often cerebrovascular spasm arises due to osteochondrosis, there may be other causes of the disease: overwork, stress or lack of sleep.

Causes of Cramping

The nutrition of the brain, its blood supply may be impaired due to the narrowing of the holes in the cervical spine, in which the basilar arteries (located in the special openings of the vertebrae) pass. A sharp narrowing of the lumen in the vertebrae at certain positions of the head (occlusion) or due to osteochondrosis is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to important parts of the brain, which leads to the appearance of the above symptoms. A cerebrovascular spasm is a serious disease that should not be ignored. An ultrasound scan of the cervical spine and an MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging) of the neck and head are necessary.

The cause of the disease can be an aneurysm, the occurrence of which still does not have a unified opinion in the theory of medicine. Presumably, the cause may be degenerative changes in the walls of blood vessels, which contributes to the occurrence of aneurysm, as well as factors contributing to its change and causing hemorrhages in the brain. Spasm of cerebral vessels can cause:

  • Defects in the muscle layer of the vessel.
  • Damage to the elastic membrane inside it.
  • Damage to the fibers in the artery itself.
  • Increased stiffness of the artery wall in combination with decreasing vessel thickness.

Often, cerebrovascular spasm can be the result of high blood pressure, abnormalities in the development of arterial blood supply to the brain, or a tumor. The causes can be different, as a consequence and signs of the above diseases, and the manifestation of the symptoms of ischemia or heart attack. No need to delay treatment, do not treat yourself. You should contact a neurologist, and in the case of a diagnosis of osteochondrosis, a vertebrologist.

What symptoms may indicate spasms of the brain

Symptoms of a phenomenon such as cerebrovascular spasm may be speech impairment, loss of consciousness, feeling of nausea, headache, dizziness. In the case of an aneurysm, pain may occur in half (left or right) of the body, loss of orientation, memory lapses appear, a person will not recognize relatives.

Narrowing and spasm of cerebral vessels may occur in case of hemorrhage, the patient may be awake, but late in response to requests and recommendations, unable to speak or speak in a whisper, chews food for a long time, holds it in his mouth.

How to relieve vasospasm

Both medicinal and some folk remedies can temporarily relieve spasm of the vessels of the neck, but they should not be abused. Short-term relief of the disease will not solve the problem, and sooner or later it will reappear. Take the examination, follow the doctor's recommendations, and use folk remedies as auxiliary.

In order to relieve spasms, you can brew an ordinary burr and drink a glass of infusion. Valerian can help both in the collections (motherwort, anise, yarrow), and tincture, 20-30 drops each.

Such medicines as devinkan, vincapan, cavinton and others have a plant basis - periwinkle small. A decoction of its leaves perfectly relieves spasms of the brain, facilitates the condition of the patient. Shredded leaves, not more than a tablespoon, a glass of water and boiling over low heat for about 20 minutes. Accepted during the day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A11200/

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