What is a report and what does it β€œeat” with?

The head of the company, organization, large enterprise can not avoid public speaking with a report. How to write it correctly, what mistakes can in no case be made in it? We’ll talk about all this in more detail. And to begin with, we will understand what a report is. This is a public official announcement on a specific issue, based on documents and facts. What mistakes do speakers most often encounter?

what is a report

Mismatch of the declared topic and content

Very often, what the speaker is talking about goes against the stated topic of the speech. This happens because he uses the same report at different conferences, only changing the subject and slightly rearranging pieces of text. The second reason for this discrepancy is the craving of speakers for catchy names. Moreover, the entire subsequent public report can be quite ordinary. Speakers forget that their task is to present new factual information or retell known facts, but with new conclusions. The third common mistake is when the speaker begins to write about one thing, but in the course of his ornate thought shifts his focus to a completely different topic. As a result, his speech is significantly different from what was stated at the beginning. To avoid the above errors, take the time to read what is written and compare the topic and content of your work. Otherwise, your listeners may feel cheated. After all, they expected to hear one thing, but received a completely different one.

public report

The report is better supported by the presentation.

Speakers during their presentation often underestimate the role of the presentation. Although it is an important component of a successful report. Keep in mind that a significant part of the audience is usually visual. What is a report for them? This is a mix of sounds and illustrations. Yes, and those who often attend various conferences and are used to perceiving large amounts of information, it is much easier to assimilate reports confirmed by visual images. It is necessary to write a separate article about creating a high-quality presentation, however, in short, it should consist of 10-15 slides, and the information in it must be submitted thesis, as if in confirmation of the words spoken.

Working on diction and voice

Pay special attention to the voice during the performance. It should sound solid, without trembling and uncertainty. Unfortunately, only a few are able to stay well in public. What is a report? This is a small play, a show. The more original you talk, the more information you can convey to the audience. No need to arrange a circus. However, you need to immediately hook the audience, make it listen carefully, albeit not throughout the report, but at least a significant part of it.

report this
Sometimes it happens that the speaker presents very interesting information, but due to poor presentation, no one perceives it. In less than ten minutes, everyone starts to fall asleep. The worst thing is a quiet, lulling voice. And given that the conference can last several days, it is not surprising that such a speech becomes better than any sleeping pill. Therefore, going to the podium, think over the original beginning of your speech, speak clearly and confidently. And do not lose visual contact with the audience. There are successful speakers who maintain constant communication with the audience and turn to it with questions. We have repeatedly said here what a report is. So try to get the most out of this process. Then your audience will be very pleased with your performance. A report is just an excuse to show all your skills and talents in public speaking.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A1152/

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