Learning how to link to a site

In order to make a link for the site, you can use several methods. And in many ways, the way this is done depends on the resource on which you plan to place the link, and what type of link will be.

So there are regular links (I call them direct), in this case you open the necessary page (the one to which the link you must place should lead), and copy the link from the browser address bar completely.

Such a conditional page (used solely as an example) should lead to the main (main) page of the ssilka site after you copied such a link (by the way, if you cannot copy using the right mouse button, use the “ctr + c "), Insert it simply into the place where you planned. This can be either a regular text document or a special field on the site page to insert HTML code. As a result, your link will look like you copied it from the address bar of your browser. This is one perhaps the easiest way to link to a site.

There is another common way when the link is indirect (the concept was invented solely for the convenience of explanation). In this case, when placing such a link in the text of the article or in the additional fields of the site, the user will see before himself not a line with HTML code in the form of a link similar to the one we gave for the example above. In this option, the link will look like a word, or phrase, clicking on which the browser will redirect you to the page where this link leads. This way of making links is caused by the desire of web designers to give website pages a more beautiful look and optimize them for readers. Indeed, if a user reading an article just reads the word “link”, even if it is highlighted in blue with underlining, it will not be so noticeable and annoying than to find a full direct link with the http tag and the ssilka address among the text. Moreover, often the words that are associated with the link (they are called anchors) fit into the text not just like that, but within the meaning of the whole article. Search engines pay close attention to this. How to make a link to a site in the form of an anchor. To do this, when inserting a link into the text, you need to select the desired word (phrase) and then in the control panel (where the type of text is set , font size, etc.) similar to the main menu of the word text editor, find the icon similar to the infinity icon "∞ ". Click on it, and in the window that opens, an inscription like “insert link URL address” and an input field will appear. Sometimes this field may contain the “http” source code already entered, and sometimes not, but in any case, the full address of the link should start with that source code. After that, click OK, and the entire word in the text is highlighted in blue with underline, if you have not changed the link style for your site before.

But there are situations when it is not possible to use this button when adding links to a sidebar, for example, or how to make a header for a site so that it contains the same links in itself. There are also several ways to do this. So how to make a link to the site in the sidebar in the form of an anchor. To do this, you need to open a widget or a field in which you can add the source HTML code (almost all SMS support this function) "insert HTML code". Then you need to use the href tag and write the link. If you are not an expert in the HTML language and are not eager to learn it, but you urgently needed to make a link manually. How to make a link to the site in this case. And for this, you just need to use an HTML editor such as "Dreamve". There, typing and using the button to create links, you can, by switching to the "source code" tab, copy the full address of your link.

By the way, in addition to redirecting visitors from one page to another, links help and modernize the design of the site. For example, many novice site owners using various standard themes for design, do not know how to make the background for the site different. And for this, you just need to select the background image you need, upload it to the root directory with images for your site, and instead of the old link to the old image, set the path to the new one. That's all in such a tricky way, you can easily change the background of the site.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A11582/

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