The fair sex at all times tried to decorate their appearance. Entire industries, such as the production of cosmetics, luxury clothing, and perfumes, work to make women look even more beautiful, and such a trend as the art of manicure does not lag behind them. But if relatively recently the choice of manicure has fluctuated between conventional and French, then now there is a diverse decor of nails - rhinestones, stickers, photographs that allow you to create a design of nail plates for any look.
The range of accessories for manicure is constantly updated, and new collections with original drawings and various color schemes appear on sale.
A special place in the range of accessories for manicure is occupied by stickers for nails. Their advantage over other methods of decorating the nail plate is that they can be used at home. And in fact, only a master in the salon is able to perform fine brush painting, but anyone can use nail stickers. Pre-printed pictures with different types of ornament will give your nails an original and stylish look.
There are two main types of nail stickers: drawings according to the type of water application and pictures on a sticky basis. Water applications appeared on this market earlier, and for a long time maintained their superiority due to the fact that there were no worthy rivals. Stickers for nails by the type of water application need preliminary preparation - you need to soak them in warm water, and after the paper base dries, carefully transfer it to the nail plate. The second type of drawings is more modern, does not require any special manipulations, since they are made according to the principle of ordinary adhesive tape. To stick the image, it is enough to separate the paper base from the sticker and place it on the plate.
In addition, there is a separate direction in the art of manicure - photo design for nails. The essence of this technology is that special drawings are glued onto the plate, which are not inferior in quality to photographs. Therefore, on the nail you can put not only interesting and unusual ornaments, but also photos of idols, images of your friends or relatives (to order) and whole pictures in a greatly reduced scale. Another original direction is 3D nail stickers, which visually do not differ from real sculpting.
In order to stick drawings of any kind, you must first prepare the nails - make a manicure and either degrease the surface of the plate, or apply a base of colored and transparent varnish. After placing the pictures, the nails are covered with one or more layers of transparent varnish and thoroughly dried.
In general, we can say that the art of complex manicure ceases to be aimed at an elite audience - even if you can not afford the services of a salon, you can try to make an original nail design at home. With such a variety in the sale of various decor, you will need only a little effort to create a real masterpiece of manicure.