Metaphysical causes of diseases and methods for overcoming them

Despite the active development of medicine and the emergence of ever new medicines and treatment methods, sick people are not getting smaller. And more and more often people think about what are the causes of their illnesses? It turns out that they need to be sought not in the physical world, but beyond. Many people do not believe this. But a person’s lifestyle, his thoughts and emotions, that is, the metaphysical world determines his health. This was discussed by many philosophers and sages from antiquity. They believed that the metaphysical causes of disease are much more important than the external factors that cause them.

metaphysical causes of disease

In the history of mankind there are many cases when, under the same conditions, one person dies from a contagious disease, and the other does not, when women took care of patients with plague and typhoid, but did not get sick. In one accident, one of the people sitting next to him was dying from injuries, and the other did not get a scratch. Why is this happening?

To explain this, you need to know the metaphysical causes of disease. All ailments, infections, injuries and pains are the result of our wrong thinking and negative emotions. After all, the main life of a person goes beyond the body. And it is the state of mind that determines whether his body will be healthy.

The metaphysical causes of human diseases are much more important than external factors. After all, it is with his thoughts and emotions that he determines his lifestyle. Many researchers have found that the most serious diseases come to someone who can not cope with their grievances, guilt, anger and envy.

Many just talk about how important it is for the zohora to cope with negative emotions and think positively. But some healers and psychologists, having studied diseases and communicated with many patients, identified metaphysical

metaphysical causes of disease lys bourbo
causes of disease. Liz Burbo, one of the most famous experts on this issue, believes that the disease does not occur by chance. This is the way the Universe draws a person’s attention to the fact that he thinks incorrectly.

Liz Bourbo urges everyone who wants to get rid of diseases, to understand their thoughts and desires, to determine what they are afraid of. First of all, you need to forgive yourself and others and get rid of guilt. To be healthy, you must stop blaming others for your problems and take responsibility for your life.

Another famous psychologist who works a lot in this direction is Louise.

louise hay metaphysical causes of disease
Hey She analyzes in detail the metaphysical causes of illnesses in her book “Heal Your Body” and in many others. In her opinion, the main human error that leads him to illness is a negative attitude towards himself and his body. She believes that the main thing is to love yourself the way you are, to stop feeling guilty and scolding yourself for mistakes.

The way to get rid of diseases according to the method of Louise Hay is the regular pronunciation of certain phrases with a positive meaning - affirmations. They set a person to a different attitude to life and help to heal.

Each person needs to know the metaphysical causes of diseases in order to be able to get rid of them without drugs. You need to live in harmony with yourself and the world, and then your soul and body will be healthy.


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