Many face a problem like a crust in the ear. It indicates that there are certain disorders in the body. Such symptoms should not be ignored, since it is healthy skin that indicates the absence of pathology.
It is very important to determine why the crust appears in the ear, as well as how to treat it correctly in order to prevent the occurrence of more serious problems.
Violation feature
Crusts in the ears of a person can appear for a variety of reasons, ranging from microtraumas to dangerous inflammatory processes. Often they appear with infectious diseases, psoriasis, dermatitis, as well as with many other problems.
In addition to diseases, mechanical damage can provoke such a violation. These include microtraumas that may occur with improper hygiene, as well as more serious injuries resulting from direct or indirect exposure to the ears.
In any case, damage to the skin is observed, as a result of which the blood plasma seeps through the cells, dries, and crusts form. Their feature largely depends on the ongoing pathology. It is very important to determine in a timely manner why the crusts form in the ear, and also try to cope with the existing problem as soon as possible.
Main types
The crust in the ear may vary depending on the type of pathogen and localization. It can be provoked by diseases such as:
- ear candidiasis;
- maryngitis;
- psoriasis;
- seborrheic dermatitis;
- neurodermatitis;
- eczema.
Ear candidiasis occurs due to damage by yeast. As a result of this, not only crusts appear in the ear canal, but also a characteristic smell. A similar lesion is localized on the middle and outer ear, as well as behind the auricle.
Maringitis or tympanic membrane infections is a fungal process that can occur with mechanical damage.
If crusts appear in the ears (photo below), then this may be due to many skin diseases, each of which requires a special treatment method. One such disease is psoriasis. It is characterized by damage to the surface of the skin. Red nodules are formed on it, which are covered with white scales. Initially, the nodules are small, and then become large, forming plaques.
Neurodermatitis is a skin disease that is manifested by a rash and severe itching. Redness appears on the affected area and peeling begins. In the advanced stage, the skin darkens, bubbles form on it, after which a dried crust remains.
Causes of occurrence
There are many reasons why a crust may appear inside the ear. These include such as:
- diabetes;
- fungus;
- staphylococcus;
- non-compliance with hygiene rules;
- allergy;
- excessive accumulation of sulfur;
- mechanical damage;
- hereditary factor.
Fungal infection is characterized by the appearance of itching, discharge from the ear canal. With staphylococcus, not only a crust forms in the ear, but also a boil is formed or the patient suffers from otitis media. Purulent discharge from the ear canal is also present. Excessive cleanliness or poor hygiene can cause flaking of the ears due to the use of cotton buds. In this case, painful crusts may form in the ear canal. Such a violation can be complicated by infectious eczema.
There may also be dandruff in the ears. This disease manifests itself in the form of dry peeling of the skin, the formation of whitish scales, which are very difficult to separate from the epidermis. Sometimes it appears in the form of yellow crusts on the ears of an unkempt appearance. The disease provokes a very severe itch.
Peeling can occur on the auricle, inside the ear canal, and also on the head behind the ear. Excessive sun exposure can cause burns. This can cause crusting in the ear and peeling. Also, such a violation can cause exposure to chemicals on the skin.
Often peeling is associated with poor nutrition, stress, infection of the ear canal with infections. When a white crust appears in the ears, a doctor’s consultation and comprehensive treatment are required.
Main symptoms
Yellow and white crusts in the ears are not considered a disease, but merely signal an existing pathology. In order to accurately diagnose, you need to conduct a thorough examination and determine what other symptoms of the disorder are. The most common signs that are observed when there is a crust in the ears are considered such as:
- severe itching - with fungal infections;
- redness - always present in the presence of a crust;
- discharge from the ear is characteristic of otitis media, eczema, prickly heat;
- pain - accompanies the course of the inflammatory process;
- temperature increase - occurs with purulent otitis media.
Symptoms largely depend on the particular pathology and the severity of its course. Almost all otitis media are accompanied by the occurrence of headache and soreness inside the ear, and an increase in temperature. Fungal lesions are characterized by the presence of itching, which is constantly present. All attempts to scratch inside the ear lead to the occurrence of microtrauma and exacerbation of the pathological process, which is also expressed in the formation of crusts.
Dermatitis and eczema have the ability to affect large areas. Therefore, not only the auditory canal, but also the entire auricle becomes the zone of formation of the crust and peeling.
With the occurrence of otitis media, which provokes the formation of a crust in the ears of a person, symptoms such as:
- persistent or periodic itching in the ear;
- headache;
- sulfur plug formation;
- irritation or sensitization of the auricle.
In addition, there may be hearing loss and a feeling of stuffiness in the ears. A particularly bright similar sign is manifested in mycotic otitis media. If the disease is localized in the outer ear, then plugs and crusts form in it, and fluid secretions also appear. Itching may occur in the behind the ear.
Before treatment, it is important to determine exactly why crusts form in the ears, and for this you need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Diagnostic techniques largely depend on the symptoms present, as well as the severity of the pathological process.
First of all, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the auricle and ear canal, on the basis of which, makes a preliminary conclusion. If the doctor can immediately make a diagnosis, then an additional examination is not required. Severely diagnosed diseases include seborrhea, eczema, and dermatitis. Basically, during their course, dry crusts form in the ears, the photos of which accurately show the peculiarity of the pathology.
In all other cases, especially with suspected otitis media or fungus, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies should be performed to make an accurate diagnosis. To determine the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, a urine and blood test is prescribed. Scraping is performed to determine the nature of the origin and composition of the crusts. Bacterial culture helps determine the nature of bacteria. In the presence of inflammation of the inner ear, radiography is prescribed. If a malignant tumor is suspected, computed tomography is required.
Treatment features
If a crust forms in the ear, then this may be due to a general violation of the state of the body. Therefore, an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease is required. The usual rules of a healthy lifestyle will help you cope with any disease much faster. A full night's sleep and rest, daily walks in the fresh air, moderate exercise are recommended.
Whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables are recommended in the usual diet. It is important to consume enough clean water. It is important to provide the body with the required vitamins and minerals, taking special multivitamin complexes.
It is recommended to avoid stressful situations. If this is very difficult to do, then sedatives should be used. You need to drink them in courses according to the instructions. Every day 3-5 times a day you need to wipe the ears with a cotton swab dipped in an oil solution.
If there are crusts in the ears, how to treat them largely depends on the provoking factor. The treatment of otitis media should begin with the elimination of infection. To do this, rinse the ears with a solution of glycerol. You also need to stop taking antibacterial and hormonal drugs. This will help increase the susceptibility of the pathogen to drugs, accelerate the antifungal effect. The composition of drug therapy includes the use of ointments, instillation of solutions.
Doctors prescribe antifungal drops for the ears, compresses, lotions and rinses. They are used when it is necessary to eliminate pain, inflammation and destroy the pathogenic microflora. For this, “Cefazolin”, “Candibiotic”, “Clotrimazole” are prescribed.
The duration of treatment is set by the doctor. Drops can be used only if the inside of the ear is not damaged. Otherwise, you need to use lotions.
A painful type of fungus is candidiasis of the ear, the symptomatology of which requires solutions with an appropriate composition. The fungus can be eliminated with the help of such means as Econazole, Fluconazole, Natamycin. They can be prescribed in the form of ointments and solutions with the use of on the recommendation of a doctor.
With all the recommendations of the doctor, candidiasis can be completely eliminated, but only if it proceeds at an early stage. For the advanced form of infection, systematic treatment with medications in tablet form will be required.
If the fungus is localized outside the ear, then external antifungal drugs are used. These include such as Exoderil, Lamisil, Nitrofungin, Clotrimazole. If the fungus is in the ears, then the ointment is applied after their preliminary cleaning.
Folk remedies
When dry crusts form in the ears, only a doctor can determine how to treat. Strengthen the effect of medications can folk remedies. They help to eliminate pain and itching. Folk techniques imply the use of therapeutic baths, decoctions and tinctures.
Against a fungus, you can instill a solution of vinegar in your ear. Mix 1: 1 table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Bury daily 3 drops of the finished product in the ear. The course of treatment is 10 days. This remedy is contraindicated if the fungus is combined with an ear injury.
From garlic, you can make a therapeutic ointment. This tool is used if the fungus is accompanied by a bacterial infection of the ear. It has a strong antiseptic property. Take 3 cloves of medium-sized garlic, chop until gruel, add 3 drops of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Apply the finished product to a cotton swab, insert into the ear and hold for 30 minutes. After the procedure, clean the ear canal.
A good result is an ointment from geraniums. Initially, prepare a brew, choose inflorescences, add 3 drops of onion juice and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Apply as a compress. Aloe ointment is prepared in the same way. Both of these drugs have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Crusts in the child’s ear
A small amount of secret is produced daily in the ear canal of the child. An excess of sulfur must be removed. Many parents are interested in how to properly care for the child’s ears in order to avoid various problems and the formation of a crust.
There are many different symptoms that indicate the onset of diseases of the baby's ears, namely: pain, unpleasant odor, peeling or redness of the skin. It is important to clean not only the ear, but also behind the ears, as the accumulation of dirt can lead to the development of many problems.
If yellow crusts have formed, then this may be a sign of a disease such as scrofula. It refers to one of the manifestations of dermatitis. Among the main symptoms, the appearance of yellow crusts, flaking of the ears and itching should be highlighted. Under the crusts, the skin is smooth and moist. After a while, the rash can spread to the head and body. In addition, yellowish crusts may appear for reasons such as:
- inadequate hygiene;
- allergy;
- staph infection.
It is very important to immediately take the child to a dermatologist or allergist who will prescribe the correct treatment.
Crusts in the ears can form due to external otitis media. This is a common disease in which an infection penetrates the external auditory canal. In this case, the ear swells, turns red, and translucent discharge appears. After a while, a crust forms on the surface. If the disease proceeds in a mild form, then treatment is carried out using drops, lotions, ointments.
Since the formation of crusts in the ear is only a symptom, all preventive measures should be aimed at preventing the development of possible diseases. That is why, prevention implies:
- timely appeal to the doctor for help;
- increase immunity;
- proper nutrition;
- stress elimination;
- prevention of hypothermia;
- proper ear hygiene;
- general hygiene.
Most people do not pay attention to the formation of crusts, believing that they are not serious. However, this is wrong, as they signal the onset of the disease. At the first sign, you should immediately consult a doctor.