Each room has its own unique energy. If it harmoniously combines with the biofield of the people living there, then in their fate everything is very successful. The ancient Chinese philosophical trend in Feng Shui teaches you how to organize space in order to neutralize the destructive energy of Sha and activate positive Qi.
The problem of energy harmonization is especially relevant for residents of multi-storey buildings, one-room apartments, which are entangled in a network of all kinds of communications and wires.
Feng Shui apartments are necessary for normal human life, like food, water, light, air. With it, you can improve the quality and quantity of Qi energy, the lack of which a person, by all means strives to get - at work, in the company of friends, in nature, in shops.
Feng Shui has a whole arsenal of tools with which you can achieve the attraction of an additional influx of Qi energy and neutralize the effect of negative Sha. This can be done with the help of mirrors, bells, screens, live paintings, mobiles.
In order to activate Chi energy, it is necessary to find out how the apartment is located relative to the cardinal points.
Apartment orientation
Using a compass, you need to determine which side the north is - this is the beginning of the layout of the room. But it should be borne in mind that in modern high-rise buildings, the compass can behave unpredictably. The fact is that the arrow can be affected by metal reinforcement, which is present in the walls of the building.
Therefore, you can simplify the task with the help of online maps. You need to find your home in Yandex or Google and orient it in relation to parts of the world.
Then you need to calculate the center of the apartment:
- if its plan is in the form of a rectangle or square, then the center will be the intersection of the diagonals;
- if the apartment is of irregular geometric shape, you need to draw up the part missing to the rectangle, then draw the diagonals and calculate the center.
The plan of the apartment must be divided into nine equal squares.
At the very end of all the manipulations, check the marked-up plan of the apartment with an online map to determine the true orientation of the living space relative to parts of the world.
Now consider the feng shui zones in the apartment and how to identify them.
Bagua grid
It is possible to divide the room into conditional zones, as the feng shui apartment requires, using the magic square - Lo-shu or the Bagua Grid, which, according to ancient legend, was put by the gods on the shell of a huge turtle. The meaning of trigrams was deciphered several thousand years ago by the great sage Fu Xi.
Feng Shui philosophy claims that all the events that occur in human life can be reduced to nine directions (categories, types, zones). They are collected in a strictly defined order and make up the Lo-shu square (Bagua grid). Each of these zones corresponds to a specific area of human life and is responsible for love, health, career and so on.
Bagua grid is a regular octagonal figure, on each side of it there is a trigram. The sector in the grid corresponds to a specific area, which, in turn, corresponds to a certain color. It’s the Bagua grid that has been used for about 4,000 years to understand the methods of distribution and methods of energy management in space.
How to identify feng shui zones in an apartment? To do this, you must:
- On the marked plan of the apartment to impose a grid of Bagua. First of all, you need to determine the career zone: combine the north on the plan of the apartment and the north on the online map.
- Then, guided by the Bagua grid, determine the location of the remaining 8 zones.
- If the apartment has an irregular shape, then the absence of any zone can be harmonized by strengthening the corresponding sector in the living room (put Bagua grid on the plan of this room and determine the location of the corresponding sector in this room).
- When determining the zones of feng shui in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account that its plan should fit into a square. If the plan of the apartment is of the wrong configuration, it must be adjusted in such a way as to obtain the shape of a square. This will help identify missing zones.
General rules of ancient Chinese teaching for living quarters
To harmonize the flow of positive energy in the apartment, the activation of individual zones of Feng Shui is not enough. The following general rules must also be observed:
- Regular maintenance of cleanliness and order in each room.
- It is forbidden to store unnecessary trash in front of the apartment entrance, as it attracts destructive energy. That is, there should be no brooms, mops, dirty shoes, rags in the hallway.
- It is necessary to keep the front door in a neat form, this will protect the home from evil forces and the penetration of thieves.
- Of great importance in feng shui is the size and cleanliness of the windows. They ate large, this contributes to the unhindered penetration of Chi energy into the room, dust and dirt indicate the accumulation of negative Sha. The windows should not have gratings, blinds, heavy curtains.
- Do not clutter the windowsill with a huge number of flower pots, you can limit yourself to a few healthy and beautiful plants.
- In the room itself, the Chi energy should circulate freely, for this it is necessary from time to time to free the room from unnecessary things.
- Old and broken objects accumulate negativity on themselves, so you should periodically clean up the cabinets, on the shelves in the kitchen, in the drawers of the desk.
- A lot of old expired cosmetics and medicines often also accumulate in a cosmetic bag and in a home medicine cabinet, which you urgently need to get rid of.
- Rearrangement of objects in rooms prevents stagnation of negative energy. In this case, you can not move the furniture, just rearrange 27 items in the apartment, such as vases and frames for photographs, books and paintings.
- A large collection of books attracts negative energy. It can be dispelled by rearranging books on shelves and wiping them with a rag soaked in a salt solution that destroys mental pollution.
- It is necessary in perfect condition to maintain a toilet and a bathroom.
- In order to always have money in the family, it is necessary to close the door to the toilet and bathroom, and also always keep the toilet lid closed.
- Leakage of the flushing barrel, tap must be immediately eliminated, since this malfunction will provoke an outflow of well-being from the family.
- The apartment should be lit brightly, blown bulbs should be replaced immediately with serviceable ones.
- Periodically use scented lamps and candles, this attracts positive energy to the room.
How can feng shui zones be strengthened?
In order for the ancient Chinese teaching to work at full strength, it is necessary to strengthen some sectors in the apartment. In Feng Shui, their activation occurs by placing some objects that attract Qi energy in each specific zone. For example, to strengthen the wealth sector, it is necessary to establish an aquarium in the southeast, Chinese money on the red ribbon.
But the main rule is not to overdo it. It is enough to activate several, but the most important zones at this time. For example, health, wealth and career.
The effect of this will be large-scale and will affect all spheres of life.
Activating zones is a way to improve certain areas of our lives and change the energy field of an apartment.
So, how can you strengthen the Feng Shui sectors in your apartment?
- Bagua's wealth zone corresponds to the southeast. The main colors of the sector are lilac and green, its element is water, the talismans that activate this area: mini-fountains, an aquarium with live fish, a model of the ship (but the sailboat must be oriented so that its bow is turned inside the room).
- The health sector is in the east, the main color is terracotta, the element of the sector is earth, talismans: paintings depicting cranes, round crystal chandeliers, peaches, a dining table (it is best to put it in the center of the room, if possible).
- The career zone is the northern part of the Bagua grid. The sector element is water, the color is black, blue, blue. If you need to change something in your work, move up the career ladder, get a promotion or change your profession, you need to activate this sector. For this, the turtle is best suited: the more there will be in this part of the apartment, the better. Water talismans have a good effect on the sector: aquariums, sailboats, water paintings, fountains.
- A zone of creativity and children is located in the west of Bagua grid. The sector color is white, silver, the main element is metal. This side of the Feng Shui apartment is responsible for taking care of the children, their successes, and motherly happiness. The talismans are bells, figures of young children.
- The assistant sector is also responsible for travel - this is the northwestern part of the apartment. The main colors are gold, white, silver, metallic. The activation of this part will allow you to find a patron among the bosses, get support, make an unforgettable trip. Talismans of the zone: angels, portraits of famous people, icons of saints.
- The knowledge sector is the northeast of the Bagua grid. Colors: beige to brown. Activation of the zone will allow a person to achieve academic success. Talismans of the sector: snakes and crystals, porcelain vases, a globe, clay figurines.
- The zone of love is in the southwest of the Bagua net. Color - terracotta, elements - earth. They activate the sector with the help of paired things or chocolates, fresh flowers, hearts and so on.
- Zone of fame. Its element is fire, the color is red. Talismans: pigeon and other birds (but not predatory and not wooden figurines). You can activate the zone using lights. You can put in this place of the apartment all the symbols of your personal achievements: diplomas, certificates, cups, medals and so on.
The identification and activation of Feng Shui sectors is important when studying the methods of the impact of objects on human life. But, according to ancient teachings, other factors also have a significant impact on our lives, for example, what the front door of a house looks like, what is the apartment’s room, or what color its walls are painted on. Consider additional aspects that will allow you to harmoniously organize the space and equip in Feng Shui "the right apartment."
Entrance door
She plays a huge role in the process of circulation of positive energy, as it is she who opens her the way to the house.
Tips on how the front door should look like in Feng Shui:
- For vital energy to freely enter the living room, the door must open inward.
- It must be integral and, most importantly, reliable.
- The optimal size of the front door is medium in size. Too small will provoke quarrels in the family, too big will cause financial problems.
- The door should not creak, open with difficulty.
- It should be beautiful, since it is believed that along with beauty, harmony enters the house.
The color of the door also matters: brown brings harmony to family relationships, red - stabilizes them.
You can hang symbolic attributes above the entrance: “wind music” (there must be 7 or 9 tubes), a bunch of Chinese coins, a small crystal ball, horseshoe hanging upside down - they will convert negative energy into positive.
Apartment Number and Feng Shui
Numerology is one of the tools that feng shui experts use. They believe that the number of the apartment also affects tenants and their fate. To calculate it, it is necessary to add all the numbers that make up the address. You need to add up until you get a single-digit number, which will be cherished.
The characteristics of each number are not difficult to find, so we will not dwell on this issue. We only note that each of them creates a certain vibration, which affects the fate of a person.
Feng Shui in a studio apartment
It is not easy, but possible to comply with all the requirements of ancient Chinese teachings in a small apartment. First of all, you need:
- Get rid of trash.
- General cleaning should be carried out on the waning moon.
- Carry out energy cleaning of the apartment, it is better to do it after cleaning.
- Use Slavic or oriental amulets.
- Activate the most relevant areas.
- To zoning the room use a screen.
- Ventilate the apartment daily, but avoid drafts.
Color in the rooms
Correct feng shui of an apartment is impossible without a properly selected color scheme.
The color of each zone should correspond to its main color, but one must also take into account one's own taste. If you do not like this or that shade, do not paint the walls of the room into it.
The meaning of each color in feng shui:
- Red: active, encourages activity.
- Yellow: affects intelligence, means wisdom and wealth.
- Orange: Attracted by success.
- Blue: relaxing, promotes meditation and reflection.
- Pink: romantic.
- Violet: soothing.
Choosing the color for Feng Shui, it is not necessary to repaint the walls or re-glue the wallpaper throughout the room. You can arrange small objects of the desired color scheme (lamp, pillows, picture, vases), relying more on your own intuition.
Some tips
In order to bring luck, harmony, happiness, wealth to life, the following rules should be observed in a Feng Shui apartment:
- Keep order in all rooms.
- Get rid of trash from time to time.
- Do not activate all zones at the same time, select a maximum of 3 priority areas.
- For harmony in the house, you need to use the center (living room or apartment as a whole), the most universal way is to hang a huge crystal ball or chandelier in this place.
- Do not overload the zones with symbolic objects, everything is good in moderation, so 2-3 talismans to activate the area are enough.
The environment, which was created with the help of ancient Chinese teachings, contributes to change, but does not do anything instead of man.
Everything should be harmonious: both space and personal aspirations. The location of the apartment in Feng Shui, its arrangement, the color of the walls help a person. But to change something in life, this is not enough. Action required.
Miracles happen to those who meet them.