How many calories are in chocolates? Chocolate diet

Every girl dreams of a perfect figure. Agree, it would be nice to lose weight on your favorite food. However, instead of enjoying a piece of soft delicacy, we frantically count how many calories are in chocolate candies, how much we can eat today. Let's see if the sweet product based on cocoa beans is a big loss for the figure.

how many calories in chocolates

Diet on a delicious product.

It is noteworthy that for some time not a single one of the effective diets contained any sweets and confectionery products, including chocolate. However, at present, some girls are intensively practicing the course of losing weight with the help of delicious cocoa products. The duration of the chocolate diet is 7 days. Within a week, a person can lose 6-7 kilograms. However, some rules must be observed. So, you can not use anything but chocolate, unsweetened coffee and water. A complete rejection of sugar and salt will allow you to feel the result of losing weight in a few days. In this case, the basis of the diet is chocolate, not chocolate candy . Calorie 1 pc. (tiles) of the product is determined based on additional substances. So, white chocolate is in no way suitable for the diet due to the lack of cocoa butter in it. It is also recommended to abandon the product containing milk, dried fruits, nuts and other toppings. The best option for this diet is a bar of dark chocolate. It is thanks to the consumption of this product that the highest results are achieved.

calories in chocolate candy

Nutrition Facts for Sweet Treats

However, those who adhere to a different diet will be more interested in knowing how many calories are in chocolate candies. Of course, for each variety of goodies, this indicator is a different value. Currently, on the shelves of stores there is a huge number of different varieties of sweets, the basis of which is chocolate. Manufacturers are doing their best to attract the attention of consumers to their products. That is why many types of goodies contain various additives that affect not only the taste, but also the nutritional and energy value of the product. Due to this, the available calories in chocolate candy are the "merit" of not only cocoa butter, but also milk, sugar, nuts, dried fruits and other fillers.

candy chocolate calorie 1 pc

Choose a confectionery

Depending on the variety of goodies, its energy value also varies . We present to your attention a short list, where it is indicated how many calories in chocolate candies of one kind or another (per 1 pc.).

  1. "Merci" - has a weight of 12.5 g and an energy value of 295 kJ, which equals 70 kcal.
  2. Favorite delicacy of girls - Raffaello sweetie - has 62 calories.
  3. Each toffee “Meller” in a pack gives the body an additional energy of 14 kcal.
  4. Each chocolate round dragee "M & M's" has 3 calories.
  5. Sweetie "Squirrel" has a value 20 times greater than the previous treat.
  6. "Swallow" has a calorie content of 40 units.
  7. The confectionery “Levushka” has a similar energy value.

On average, the calorie content of any candy ranges from 35 (prunes in chocolate) to 65 (Raffaello) units.

how many calories in chocolates

Right lifestyle in harmony with sweet abundance

In order to lose a couple of kilograms, but not to give up your favorite treats, you should remember a few simple rules. So, for the proper development of the human body, it is necessary to consume a certain amount of calories, which depends on age, lifestyle and susceptibility to diseases. Another factor affecting the right choice of diet is the gender of the person. Women need slightly fewer calories than men. Choosing a healthy diet and giving up bad habits, you can sometimes afford to enjoy your favorite treats. For those who regularly exercise, you don’t even have to think about how many calories are in chocolate candies, but just extend your workout for a couple of minutes and the absorbed calories will go away.


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