To maintain health, you need to eat right and have an active rest. The number of calories eaten should correspond to spent. Imbalance leads to changes in the physiological state of the body. With nutritional deficiency, depletion occurs, with excess - obesity, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a balance of energy intake and consumption.
What is CFA
The ratio of calories burned per day to the main metabolism is called the coefficient of physical activity (CFA). The value of the indicator depends on the professional activity a person engages in during the day. Any activity increases the coefficient compared with the state of rest.
CFA is determined based on the following data:
- active actions throughout the day;
- gender
- age.
The coefficient of physical activity determines the relationship between activity and human health, its weight. Thanks to this, you can determine what you need to increase or decrease during the day in order to bring the weight back to normal. Physical activity refers to all the actions that a person performs. This can be reading books, ice skating or watching TV. The state of human health depends on physical activity indicators. More and more diseases arise due to a passive lifestyle.
CFA value
The value of CFA should always be higher than one. In an average person, the indicator is in the range of 1.4 to 2.4. Higher rates are among professional athletes who train to the brink of opportunity. To restore the body, overestimated rates should be temporary. Indicators below 1.4 appear in bedridden patients. In order to determine the coefficient of physical activity, it is necessary to take into account the temperature, metabolism and the effect of the disease on the body.
The coefficient 1.4-1.6 indicates a sedentary lifestyle. Such people do not play sports, rarely walk. Work is not associated with physical activity, the evening passes in front of a TV or computer. This group includes office workers, housewives, women on maternity leave with one child.
With indicators of 1.6-1.9 people sometimes experience physical exertion. Work is associated with infrequent movements, a person takes walks, sometimes goes in for sports. This type also includes workers in light physical labor.
1.9-2.0 - the ratio of persons engaged in manual labor. These include production workers, as well as people working out in the fitness room for at least 3-4 hours a week.
The expressed load, equal to 2.0-2.2, is occupied by dancers, agricultural workers, people involved in sports 7 times a week.
Heavy physical activity starts at 2.2. It is typical for athletes, workers with difficult physical conditions.
CFA calculation
The coefficient of physical activity is calculated based on the type and duration of the activity that a person engages in during the day. If a person did the same thing during the day, his CFA would always be the same. But vigorous activity is replaced by sleep, food and a relaxing holiday, which means that at certain points in time the coefficient will be different.
The calculation of the coefficient of physical activity is carried out from determining what a person is doing and what time. For example, sleep is 8 hours, CFA is equal to 1, therefore, the total coefficient will be equal to 8 * 1 = 8. Running at a speed of 12 km / h gives CFA 10. To find the total coefficient when running for 30 minutes, you need 10 * 0.5 = 5. Thus, they are calculated all 24 hours a day. The total coefficient for the day is summarized. If the total CFA is 45.9, then it must be divided by 24. 45.9 / 24 = 1.91 - the formula for the coefficient of physical activity.
Instant CFA can be in the range from 1 to 300. It should be borne in mind: the more effort is spent, the less time you can spend on it. One powerful spurt with a coefficient of 300 in duration will take 0.1 seconds. With moderate work with an indicator of 5 people are able to work during the day.
The average coefficient during the day is much less than instantaneous. A person needs rest in order to regain strength.
CFA Example
The instant coefficient of physical activity depends on the activity that a person is engaged in. An example of these indicators can be found in the table. If there is no necessary parameter, then you can rely on the most similar.
Human activities | CFA |
sleep | 1 |
lying thinking | 1,03 |
reading | 1.4 |
sitting conversation, eating | 1,6 |
lectures, computer work | 1.8 |
teeth cleaning | 2.2 |
playing the violin | 2,3 |
painter work | 3.4 |
homework | 3,5 |
calm dancing | 3,7 |
hand wash | 3.8 |
plasterer work | 4.2 |
carpenter work | 5.3 |
saw service | 5.9 |
excavation | 7.0 |
crutches | 8.0 |
scythe mowing | 10 |
ski slalom | 34 |
sprint 100 m | fifty |
How to increase CFA
Understanding how to calculate the coefficient of physical activity, you can find out how to increase CFA. An increase in the number of movements per day helps to reduce weight and improve the general condition of the body. An increase in physical activity should occur in accordance with the age and level of fitness of the body.
A positive effect will be noticeable with an increase in CFA every day for 30 minutes. Running and physical education will allow you to change the coefficient up. If this option is not considered, then you can replace the elevator with a pedestrian climb on the stairs. One stop to walk on the strength of everyone. Parking a car away from the entrance to the supermarket will have a positive effect. During the break, you can do 10 push-ups or squats. Instead of a chair, you can use the ball for fitball.
CFA dependence on everyday life
The dependence of CFA on lifestyle allows you to determine what needs to be changed in order to improve the quality of life. With a passive rest near the TV, sedentary work in the office, without long walks, the indicator will be low. Therefore, on how a person spends most of the day, his physical activity coefficient depends.
If a person has hard physical work, or he is engaged in professional sports with regular training, then his coefficient will be much higher. Therefore, in order to maintain health, it is necessary to maintain a balance between stress and rest. A prolonged increase in CFA exhausts a person physically and psychologically. Constantly low coefficient contributes to the degradation of muscle mass and weight gain.
Calorie Calculation
To determine the number of calories needed by the body, you can use the formula:
K (call) * weight (kg),
where K - is a fixed value required per 1 kilogram of weight.
Women with a slow metabolism require 31 kcal, with an active - 33 kcal. In men, the indicators are different. With a slow metabolism - 33 callas, with a good one - 35 kcal. With active physical exertion, women can add 30% to the coefficient K, men 50%.
CFA and Health Dependence
In people with a low level of coefficient of physical activity, chronic diseases are more common than in people with an average CFA. The fact is that in order to maintain a good condition you need to move. Excess weight provokes diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Obesity puts a strain on the cardiovascular system. With improper metabolism and a lack of physical activity, the risk of increasing cholesterol levels increases several times. Constant jumps in weight affect your health, so itβs important to keep CFA at a sufficient level to avoid weight gain.