How to control dreams and change their script

It happens that after awakening we cannot remember whether we had dreams. Fully lucid dreams are a rare occurrence. The ability to maintain consciousness during sleep and change the course of its course is given to far from many. However, it allows you to get rid of nightmares and draw inspiration even at night. There are a few simple rules that guide you to learn how to control dreams and even change their script.

1. After waking up, do not jump out of bed, but lie down for several minutes, and try to remember what you dreamed about. To do this, you can keep a diary in which you will write down all the dreams. It is important that you try to remember each of the elements of sleep, and transfer them to paper.

2. Make it a rule to sometimes think during the day, and do you sleep? Try to convince yourself that the reality surrounding you is nothing more than another dream, and then cheer up sharply, you can even pinch yourself. You will be surprised, but as a result, and at night you will get the feeling that you quite consciously see dreams and dreams.

3. Before going to bed, convince yourself that at night you do not forget to look at your palms. This simple but effective method gives amazing results.

4. Try to stop the internal dialogue. Down with erratic thoughts that constantly spin in your head! This will be a useful skill if you want to learn how to see the OS.

how to control dreams

5. Visualization of various geometric shapes before falling asleep is another method of controlling dreams. In the morning, after waking up, pay attention to the most important aspects of sleep. Physical activity also gives good results. If the body falls asleep faster than the brain, it will be easier for you to control everything that happens in a dream.

dreams and dreams

Harvard University professor of Sleep Control Technique Deirdre Barrett shares his observations. He distinguishes the so-called fast phase of eye movement (or BHD), and argues that this is practically the only phase of sleep when the brain activity is the same as during wakefulness. It is during this period that rhythmic outbreaks occur in the cerebral cortex, which transform into dreams. When asked about how to control dreams, the professor claims that this can only be learned through everyday memory training. Before falling asleep, you need to give yourself the setting that we want to look at ourselves from the side, as in the movie. And that we are the directors of this film, and we can change any scenery and characters. So you can easily get rid of nightmares - to realize that sleep is a partially controlled process.

lucid dreams

However, not all so simple. Some psychologists believe that those people who know how to control dreams cause irreparable harm to their health. In their opinion, lucid dreams interfere with full sleep, because when using such techniques, the brain works at the peak of activity. We can say that a person is trying to intervene in a natural process that has been forming over millions of years. But still, to be able to wake up and get away from an unpleasant dream or nightmare by willpower is a useful skill, and with constant training it will not be difficult to master it.


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