How to remove a banner from the screen - a question sooner or later visiting every user of the global network

The development of the Global Network has led to the fact that virtually unlimited possibilities in terms of obtaining information have become available to each user. It is worth noting that all the benefits that the Internet brings with it are very often accompanied by a lot of negative moments represented by receiving inaccurate information, leakage of personal data, Internet fraud, and the like, the effects of which often harm the user, both moral and material. Today I want to talk about such a nuisance as ad units distributed in the form of banners blocking access to some programs, Internet resources, and even the computer as a whole. Perhaps the question of how to remove a banner from the screen was puzzled by every Internet user. What is it, how to remove the banner from the computer, as well as how to avoid the appearance of annoying windows and loss of financial resources will be discussed below.

So, what are advertising banners that appear on top of other windows and interfere with normal operation, what is the purpose of their creators and distributors? Advertising windows is one of the tools through which online fraud and extortion of money from wallets of respectable users is carried out. Maybe the word β€œextortion” seems to someone too exaggerated definition of the actions of Internet scammers, but if you remember that the banners require sending SMS to a specific paid number for their closure, then this characteristic is entirely justified. It should be remembered that the sole purpose of the banner that blocked access to any programs or the computer as a whole is to receive money, no matter what is written and displayed in the ad unit. How to remove a banner from the screen - this question arises for every user whose access to the normal execution of PC functions is blocked. Many in a fit of fulfilling the requirements posted on the banner, send SMS ... It is worth noting that these actions do not lead to any result, except for the loss of funds in 99% of cases. At its core, banners blocking access to computer functions are computer viruses, the creators of which will extort money from the user until he is ready to give them away. To understand how to remove a banner from the screen, you need to learn a simple rule: never give in to the entreaties and demands of fraudsters, in whatever form they were conveyed to the user.

Imagine the situation. Surfing the Internet, the user is suddenly faced with the fact that a significant part of the workspace is suddenly closed by a banner that carries any information. This can be data, both of an advertising nature, and other information that often does not carry (at first glance) any threat. Attempts to click on the close button do not lead to the disappearance of the message, but cause a new window with a proposal to send SMS to a short number, and very often an insignificant cost of such SMS is guaranteed. What should the user do, how to remove the banner from the screen and continue working? You can go in two ways - send SMS and lose a large amount of money (much more than guaranteed by the requirement to send), which is strongly discouraged, or resort to special software that allows you to unlock access to your PC.

Almost all well-known companies that produce anti-virus software provide the ability to remove a banner using special modules developed specifically for this purpose. Among the most effective tools, users mention products provided by developers such as Dr.Web (Dr.Web CureIt!), As well as Kaspersky Lab (a free Kaspersky unlock service).

We hope that resolving the issue of how to remove a banner from the screen will not lead to rash decisions and will take a minimum of time!


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