Many people who have managed to succeed in life practice affirmations for money, happiness, weight loss, love. Others will say that such methods are unscientific and completely ineffective. In fact, a money-compiled affirmation will help in any case. You can find many options, but your mantra should be composed only by you, adapting to your life and worldview.
A little bit about affirmation for money
If the text is composed correctly, then the mantra will certainly work. Its effect is explained by the fact that, first of all, a person gradually changes his thinking, after which it is the turn of transformation and lifestyle. Negative thoughts and attitudes turn into those that help to achieve success, after which behavior, actions, actions, and as a result, income become different.
You won't become rich from affirmation for money. To think so is supremely naive. And they are needed in order to change the way of thinking. If you sit and do nothing, then even a million repetitions of affirmation will not give any sense. If you prefer easy ways, then you can look for grandmothers who conjure you wealth. So, affirmations for money will give you positive attitudes, an incentive to move forward.
Principles of Compilation
You can find a lot of ready-made affirmations that program a person for financial success, but the best ones should be compiled by you, since you adapt them for yourself and your activity, life. So, the main rules of compilation: firstly, any affirmation for money should be drawn up in the form of approval. Remember the cartoon "Ralph"? There was at the very beginning of "The Bad Boy Affirmation." In it you can see a lot of mistakes. The use of such words and particles as “never”, “not”, “no” and other negations will not produce a positive effect. The focus should be exactly on what you want to get, and not on what you do not want. So, for example, “not poor” should be replaced by “rich”, “I don’t need anything” by “I have everything”. The second rule: affirmation should be compiled in the present tense, as if you have everything you desire here and now. “Soon”, “will be”, “tomorrow” - these are the words that prevent the fulfillment of desire. Tomorrow, as you know, never comes. In addition, the words “I dream”, “I can”, “I want” are completely contraindicated.
So, for example, the phrase "I wish my salary is bigger" needs to be replaced by "My income is constantly growing." These are the main
ways to attract money. The third rule:
positive emotions from affirmation. If it does not cause such, then something is being done or pronounced incorrectly. Also, everything written should be directed at you. That is, not "the Director considers me the best", but "I am the best specialist and I am constantly improving." In addition, specifics are definitely needed. That is, not "I have a great new car," but "I have a new red Lexus GS 460."
I would like to say that when checking certain methods of attracting money, it is important to constantly practice them. The same goes for money affirmations. When working with such a mantra, you must first achieve a sense of grace and faith in what you say. Repeating them is necessary not just daily, but many times a day.