Wagons: length of various types of trailer

This article will talk about the main characteristics of the trucks. We will consider their sizes, types and types. In addition, a table with the main characteristics of the machines will be provided for your attention.

General information

The common name "truck" means a large-capacity car with a semi-trailer. Such a name takes its roots from the German name for a horse-drawn freight cart. Employees of transport companies, freight forwarders use more specific definitions - “tent for ... tons”, “refrigerator”, etc., or the neutral name “car” if the characteristics of the car are known to the customer and there is no misunderstanding with him.

Cargo semi-trailers, eurotrucks: overall dimensions and description

truck length

To transport bulk cargo over long distances, they often resort to truck transportation as soon as possible. The carrying capacity of these vehicles reaches 24 tons, while the length of the truck is 15 meters.

Eurotrucks, or tilt semi-trailers

truck trailer length

Eurotrucks are universal semi-trailers that are most often used to transport goods up to twenty thousand kilograms. The device of this type of machine provides for the dismantling of the awning, sides, and removal of the rack for the possibility of loading long loads on the side of the car (if necessary, the frame can be disassembled entirely). Therefore, the trucks of the described type are the most common and are used for various transportation options - from transportation in the city to international freight routes. This type of truck has a length of about fourteen meters.

Isothermal Wagon

truck length with tractor

It should be noted that the van is used to transport goods without strict adherence to temperature during movement. It only allows you to maintain the initial temperature of the cargo for a short amount of time, and therefore, it does not have the ability to maintain a constant temperature during long journeys over long distances. For an isothermal wagon, the truck will have a length of about thirteen to fifteen meters.


standard truck length

To be more precise in the definition, the refrigerated semi-trailer is a vehicle equipped with refrigeration equipment with an automation system, with the help of which the set temperature during transportation is maintained inside the body. The length of the trailer of the refrigerator truck can be about thirteen to fourteen meters.

Unlike isothermal trucks, where only the body is thermally insulated, refrigerators have additional refrigeration equipment with an automation system to maintain a given temperature inside the body.

A rigid van is far from a universal vehicle, since it does not have the possibility of top or side loading, which leads to a rather rare use of this type of transport. For a rigid van, the European type of truck has a length of 13.2-13.6 meters.

Table of the main characteristics of the trucks

Specifications and the length of the standard truck, depending on the type, for the convenience of readers are presented in the table:

Name of the trailer or road train

Truck length with tractor, m

Volume cube m


Eurofur 82



It is a standard awning semi-trailer

Eurofur 86



It is a standard awning semi-trailer

Eurofur 90



It is a standard awning semi-trailer

Eurofur 92



It is a standard awning semi-trailer

Jumbo Truck



There is a L-shaped floor base, which refers to trailers with the so-called broken frame, equipped with wheels of a semi-trailer of reduced diameter

Truck MEGA



It is a standard semitrailer with an awning, large in height


box 7.1 + trailer 8.0


Is a camper van


box truck 8.0 + trailer 8.0


Is a camper van




It is a semitrailer equipped with refrigeration equipment with an automation system that has the ability to maintain the internal temperature from -20 ° C to + 12 ° C throughout the transportation, which will not depend on the ambient temperature

Isothermal Wagon



The walls of the van are thermally insulated, which allows maintaining the initial temperature inside the semitrailer during transportation for a short time

Low loader platform



Used for transportation of heavy objects

Open platform



Used to transport containers

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A12787/

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