What are nail buffs and how to use them

To make an irresistible manicure, you need to use the right equipment and tools. In addition to the usual nail files, each girl should also have a buff in the arsenal. This word is new, because this accessory appeared relatively recently. Therefore, what buffs are today, not everyone knows. But this tool is very useful and easy to use. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

what are buffs

Buff is a special type of file, represented by a volumetric parallelepiped, which can be used both for processing your own natural and extended nails. The word itself is borrowed in English and literally translates as β€œpolish”.


What are buffs, professional manicure masters probably know. This universal tool can be used both in salon conditions and at home for self- correction of nails. Salon workers prefer to use disposable buffs for polishing nails. However, modern technologies make it possible to produce nail files for grinding nail plates from a wide variety of materials, and some of them can be completely disinfected in a standard way.

nail buff what is it

Shellac masters also often use nail buffs. What is it and why is it needed? This is often asked by those who decided on shellac for the first time. But those girls who already have experience wearing gel manicure are unlikely to be surprised by polishing sticks. After all, all fans of shellac coating are well aware that careful preliminary polishing is the key to a good result. The gel polish will lie smoother and hold well on the nails.


We found out what a buff is. It's time to learn how to understand their diversity. It may seem that they are all the same, but this is not at all the case.

The peculiarity of polishing blocks is that they are all made of soft materials. Buffs are classified according to the material taken as a basis. It can be fabric, glass, wood or plastic. Different materials have different abrasiveness. It is this criterion that determines their rigidity.

nail buff how to choose and use

Simply put, abrasiveness depends on the number of pores on the polishing surface of the bar. In the language of professionals, these pores are called grit. The tool must be selected taking into account abrasiveness and take into account why this or that nail buff will be used.

How to choose and use

When choosing a buff, look at the markings. Remember the main groups presented on the market and you can always easily find exactly what you need:

  • 60-80 grit. It is used to process artificial nails on the hands. It can be used for pedicure. These buffs are considered rude and tough;
  • 100-150 grit. Used for corrective procedures for extended nails. It can be used before shellac coating for both hands and feet;
  • 150-240 grit. Suitable for small jobs with artificial nails, as well as for overwhelming natural nails;
  • 300-450 grit. They can be used only for delicate work with natural nails. Those who know what buffs are and how to work with them use this look for the most thorough polishing.

When purchasing a buff for natural nails, consider the features. The thinner the nails, the higher should be the number on the marking. Do not take a tool with high abrasiveness for fragile nails, otherwise it will hurt, and it will not be easy to restore.


Let's talk about the use of this tool for nails. What is a buff is already more or less clear, but what to do with it? First of all, remember that buff and nail file are not the same thing. Do not abuse this tool. You need to apply the buff with the wide side to the nail plate. Do this so that the surface covers the maximum area of ​​the nail. Try to make as few movements as possible. In this case, the chances of damaging the nail plate will decrease. Do not change the direction of the saw when polishing. The procedure should be carried out in two directions: to the right and to the left. Do not polish more than once a week, otherwise there is a risk of extremely thinning the surface of the nail, thereby causing serious injury to it.

nail products what is buff

Once a month, use a firming essential oil when buffing the root of the nail. This will seal her.


Unfortunately, today on sale such a product as a nail buff is not so common. What are these, many potential buyers already know, but not many sellers have responded to the growing demand. This does not mean that the product is classified as scarce and completely inaccessible, but it may be necessary to go around several stores to buy it.

And to do this is desirable. A nail file, even the most tender one, will not replace a buff. If the necessary tool is not at hand, it is better to use a piece of coarse cloth. But those who already know what buffs are, are sure that neither nail files nor rags will give such a good effect.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A1282/

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