Any chess game begins with one and the same. Players arrange the pieces on the board and draw lots, who will play in what color. Let's see how the arrangement of chess pieces on the board is done.
The playing field in chess is a square divided into 64 small cells, painted in white and black. It is from here that the expression “staggered” came from. It is worth noting that calling colors “white and black” is more a tribute to tradition. Chess pieces are made of a variety of materials - wood, bone, granite, marble, amber ... Therefore, it will be more correct
to name the sides - light and dark.
An amateur game usually takes place on an unallocated field, but professional parties are recorded. Therefore, to mark the moves of the players, markup is used, similar to the game in a naval battle. On one side of the chessboard are numbers from 1 to 8, on the other - Latin letters from "A" to "H".
The arrangement of chess pieces on the board begins with cell A1. From this angle rows of “whites” line up. Black pieces are set exactly opposite. Here you need to clarify. In amateur games it doesn’t matter on which side of the board to play. In official matches, they line up exactly as the rules for placing chess pieces indicate.
Let's consider all figures separately.
The simplest and weakest figure on the board, while capable of becoming any other, but only if it reaches the end of the board. Pawns go only in a straight line. They move forward one cell. An exception is the first move of a pawn standing on its starting line, however, it cannot "jump over" a piece that blocks its path. Pawns are beaten exclusively diagonally by one square.
The placement of pawns is very simple. If we talk about a professional match, then white pawns line up in the line "2", and black ones - in the line "7". Pawns enclose your main "troops".
In order for the arrangement of chess pieces on the board to be correct, we will begin to place the pieces from the very corner of the board. White rooks are placed in cells A1 and A8. Another name is tour, or in common people tower. Thus, they are a kind of support for your troops on the flanks. The rook walks and hits only in a straight line and is not able to jump over other pieces. When used correctly, this figure will become the basis of your defense.
Perhaps the most versatile figure. In skillful hands, the horse makes a mess in the ranks of the enemy. Due to his unexpected moves, you can make your opponent make a blunder and completely turn the outcome of the match. It is not for nothing that there is a popular expression “make a move with a horse”. At the beginning of the game, the horses are located in the fields following the rooks. According to official rules, these will be cells B2 and G2.
By the way, a horse is the only figure capable of jumping over others. That is, at the very beginning of the game, when pawns still block his path, he can go beyond the camp. The horse moves with the letter "G", that is, to determine the place where it can be put, count three cells in the right direction, and then one to the right or left.
The zoo continues. In fact, there are many names for this figure. In different countries he is called differently - a jester, a runner, an officer, a bishop. This is the only figure that has undergone changes since the creation of chess. Initially, she walked only two cages and, like a horse, was able to jump over the pieces. Now the elephant walks on any number of cells diagonally, however, it does not jump, but stops or hits a figure that it reaches. The correct arrangement of chess pieces suggests that the bishop is immediately after the knight in cells C1 and F1.
Or the queen. It can be called differently, but this piece is the most valuable on the board, except for the king. The queen walks in all directions and is a kind of mixture of a rook and an elephant. He doesn’t know how to jump over figures, and, as children who know how to play, like to play tricks on his friends, can’t beat the figures he passed by.
The order of the arrangement of chess pieces implies that the white queen is placed on the square D1. For children, a phrase “the queen loves her color” is a good way to remember. Looking at the board, you can see that the white queen is placed on a white cell, and the black one is opposite it, on the black one.
Finally, we reached the central piece in a chess match. The king is the most clumsy and useless figure in terms of attack. Although sometimes it can act as a "pushing" factor. He walks, like the queen, in all directions, but only on one cage. There is another way to move the king, but only if he and the rook have not yet moved and there are no other pieces between them. Castling is carried out in 1 turn in 2 stages. First, the rook on the right / left "reaches" the king, then the king jumps over it and becomes nearby. It turns out two options:
- King G2, Rook F2.
- King C2, Rook D2.
The arrangement of chess pieces on the board indicates that the white king is placed on the E1 square.
That's all. We have finished arranging white pieces on the board. Black is located on the opposite side of the field in a mirror.
Online chess
If you want to share any chess situation or position, or maybe you want to ask someone for advice on the Internet what to do in this or that trap, then you will definitely need the editor of the arrangement of chess pieces. It will help you reflect the existing situation on the board, create a link to the picture and allow you to insert a finished picture on the forum.
Perhaps this is all you need to know about chess. Play for your own pleasure and remember that this is not just a board game, but a real strategic battle that tests your mind, calmness and ability to resist panic in difficult situations.