Half-nose pose - description, features

The half-nose pose is one of the main asanas in yoga. Having in its name the name of a beautiful and revered in the East flower - lotus - it is highly appreciated in yogic practices. About how to properly take this asana, who will benefit from it, read below.

Ardha Padmasana

That is how the half-nose pose in Sanskrit language sounds. In the literal translation, the word "Ardha" means "half", and "Padma" means "lotus". This pose is recommended to perform yoga practitioners who are unable to perform Padmasana. Asana "Lotus" suggests excellent flexibility of the legs. Those whose muscles are not flexible enough should stop on the half-nose. By practicing this posture daily, you will teach your body to be in that position without any discomfort. In addition, after a while you can master the full lotus.

half-lotus posture how to

Ardha Padmasana is used in yoga for meditation. A straightened spine allows you to open the chakras and gives energy to freely pass through the whole body. A closed leg pose, on the contrary, leaves her. Energy, therefore, is stored in the body and does not go to Hell. As a result of such meditation, the mind is cleansed and calmed down, forces are restored and the body receives a complete rest.


The half-lotus posture has a huge positive effect on the body:

  1. It helps to form and maintain good posture.
  2. As a result of the practice of half-lifting, your muscle tension and blood pressure will decrease daily.
  3. Digestion will improve.
  4. The mobility and flexibility of the muscles increases.
  5. The half-lotus posture positively affects the pelvic organs, muscles of the lower extremities and periarticular soft tissues.
half-lotus pose in yoga

The last point is related to the fact that the usefulness of asanas is undeniable for pregnant women. Due to the special technique, it allows you to prepare your pelvic muscles for childbirth and avoid tearing. Another useful property that the half-nose has is that young mothers who practiced this asana while bearing a child did not subsequently experience postpartum depression. During pregnancy, they felt calmer and more positive. Being in this half-lotus, future mothers noted that stress was relieved from the back.


There are no special restrictions. However, people who have damage to the joints, muscles or tendons of the lower extremities should refrain from this asana. This will only aggravate the situation.

Despite the fact that the half-nose pose is useful for pregnant women, and there are contraindications. If there are deviations in the development of the fetus, then before performing asana, you should consult a doctor.

Execution technique

How to sit in a half-nose pose? Following the exact instructions, you can learn the asana correctly:

how to sit in a half-nose pose
  1. Sit in Sukhasana with your back straight. Translated from Sanskrit, it is "comfortable posture."
  2. Straighten your legs in front of you. Spread your heels a little.
  3. All of the following actions are carried out with the right side of the body. To do this, bend the specified leg at the knee. In doing so, grab the ankle with your hand. Grab the big toe of the right foot with the left handle.
  4. Raise your foot slowly. At the same time, lower your right knee, then bend it. It acts as a regulator. Place the foot at the base of the left thigh. Turn the sole to the top. Pay attention to the condition of the knees. No pain should be!
  5. Using your palm, gently lower your knee so that it touches the floor.
  6. Now carry out almost the same actions with the left side. To do this, bend the leg at the knee.
  7. Grab your ankle with your hand, as well as the big toe with your right hand.
  8. Bending the knee to the floor surface, gently move the ankle to the right calf.
  9. Lift the thigh of the marked leg, place the left foot under it.
  10. Try to keep both knees in contact with the floor.
  11. Straighten your back.
  12. Particular attention in this pose is paid, including the position of the hands. The thumb and forefinger need to be folded so that they form a ring.
  13. Try to relax the muscles of your face, mouth, and abdomen.
  14. It is important to monitor breathing. You need to breathe through the nose with your stomach. Relax your stomach as you inhale. As you exhale, vice versa, tighten your muscles.

The half-lotus posture options in yoga for women and men have a slight difference. The ladies should have a left leg on top. In men, on the contrary, the right.

halfhero halfhero pose

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

This is the half-lotus half-hero pose with twisting. It is important here to properly master this asana, and get out of it:

  1. Stand in Tadasana (mountain pose).
  2. Bend your right leg at the knee. Position the foot at the base of the opposite thigh. The heel should be approximately at the level of the navel.
  3. The left leg is the supporting one. With force, push the entire foot into the floor surface.
  4. After exhaling, start your right hand behind your back. Grasp the toe of the unsupported foot with the ring. Make a ring of thumb, forefinger and middle finger.
  5. To help yourself perform the above action, bend your left leg slightly. Body body also twist.
  6. Breathe in, straighten your left leg.
  7. After exhaling, tilt the housing forward. Place your left palm next to your leg.
  8. Stretch your chin to the lower leg of the indicated leg. Do not round your back. On the contrary, straighten it. But the sides and chest pull down. Try not to strain your neck. Twist a little to the right. This is necessary to level the shoulders.
  9. Being in this asana should be several respiratory cycles.
half-hero half-hero pose with twisting

We leave this variety of half-nose pose. To do this, do the following:

  1. After inhaling, forcefully press your left foot into the floor surface, lift the body to a vertical position.
  2. Performing the asana at first, you may feel uncomfortable under the knee. This is due to the powerful stretching of the tendons. To minimize inconvenience, bend your knee at the upright position.
  3. Raising the body, exhale. Place your right foot on the floor.
  4. Repeat the asana, changing legs.


Now we know how to take the half-nose pose correctly. It involves complete relaxation of the body. However, many experienced practitioners, as well as those who start practicing yoga, may experience leg swelling while in this asana. The main reason is body clamps. To get rid of energy blocks, one should practice meditation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A13287/

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