Checker combinations - the key to victory?

Checkers is a game with a long history. Yes, they were modified, which led to a modern look. Perhaps the most popular type of game can be called Russian drafts. And there are also Chinese, giveaways, and hundred-cell ones. Before you get seriously involved in such a game as checkers, you should study its rules. They are pretty simple. Even children are able to understand them. Those who are interested in thinking of various combinations of the game of checkers will be especially interested.

combinations in checkers

Rules of the game

The game board is divided into 64 filled cells: 32 dark and 32 light. The shape of the checkers should be flat and round. The color of the figures is also dark and light. Regardless of the color of the checkers, the game is played only on the cells painted in black. Each player has at his disposal 12 pieces.

Checkers are located on the 3 lower rows. The division of figures goes to simple and so-called ladies. When the checker reaches the extreme row of the enemy, then it turns into a lady. If a simple figure can move diagonally only one cell, then its “eldest in rank” “sister” is able to move by how many pleasing number of filled cells, but only obliquely.

As a rule, the first to start the game is the one who placed the white checkers. Combinations in checkers also presuppose a development of events that many forget about: if a participant in a “battle” touched a piece, then he must walk with it. Change it to another will not work.

combination checkers for beginners

If there is a black cell next to the white figure and an empty cell diagonally after it, then the light “rival” must pick up the dark checker, even to the detriment of herself. The goal of the game is to clear the field from all the “warriors” of the enemy. It must be remembered that the possibilities of a lady are unlimited, since she can move in any direction and remove figures from the territory, no matter how much.

Win, lose, draw

Victory is possible in cases where combinations in checkers lead to the following development of events:

  • Opponent admitted defeat.
  • One of the players has no moves, because of which he cannot continue the “battle”.
  • One of the participants was left without drafts.
  • If one of the players violates the rules or does not follow them.

In addition to such a development of events, a possible outcome called a “draw” is possible. This happens if:

  • There is no way to beat any of the participants.
  • When a player offers his opponent to end the game with a draw, and the second agrees to such a condition.
  • After 15 moves, the participants in the game went only ladies and did not remove a single opposite piece.
  • The same combination appears on the playing field for 3 turns in a row.

Key Strategies Leading to Victory

  • It is not enough to build various combinations in checkers; the enemy can easily break them. It is important to try to get into the dames much earlier than the opponent. In this case, the chances of winning increase.
  • It is important not to lose your “fighters”, since a numerical superiority is always a “plus” to victory.
  • Checkers is a game that makes you think a few moves ahead. The player's task is to unravel the intent of his opponent. It is advisable to predict his future movements and upset his plans.
  • The player must calculate his moves in advance. The more accurately everything is thought out, the higher the probability of winning.
  • You can build various combinations in Russian drafts if you move your pieces to the center. Then the number of moves increases significantly.
  • Experienced players are advised to apply the tactics of "giveaway". Its essence is not to give in, lose, but to sacrifice some pieces in order to win.

checkers combinations

  • The “love” strategy suggests this option: the checker of one player is sandwiched between his two “rivals”. Moreover, she has a chance to remove one of the opponent’s pieces from the field.
  • Blocking an adversary is a well-known tactic. It is necessary to arrange as many of his drafts as possible in the opponent's pieces so that he does not have the opportunity to walk.

Tournament preparation

If you learn various combinations in checkers, then this will not become a 100% guarantee of victory in the tournament. It is important to learn some points that will become the key to winning.

combinations in Russian drafts

1. Any tournament is always held according to certain rules. The player’s task is to find out for what.

2. You should constantly train and remember the so-called openings (certain sequence of moves at the beginning of the game). It will be useful to consider options for arranging figures in the middle or at the end of the game.

3. Prior to the tournament, it is recommended to play with the best opponents in order to improve their skills. The stronger the enemy, the more useful you can learn from him.

4. You should study the special literature corresponding to the skills of the player. It is recommended to pay attention to books, articles in magazines, recently published. They describe the various options for the parties that took place shortly before the intended tournament.

Useful Tips

  • Losing is not a cause for frustration. It is important to learn from this, remember it, and not make mistakes.
  • If a player is just starting to play checkers, combinations for beginners are what you need to get practice.
  • Keep your last row intact for as long as possible. Thanks to such tactics, the opponent will not be able to make a dame, which means that his chances of winning are reduced.
  • The figures should be moved in pairs or groups so that the result is a kind of triangle. In this case, the opponent will not be able to knock out any of the pieces.

As you can see, the presented game is not in vain causes enviable interest among many people. Everything is simple here. The main thing is to calculate everything in advance.


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