What is a chess order? It...

Quite often we come across the phrase “stagger”, but not everyone can immediately figure out what exactly it means. In order to deal with this issue once and for all, you just need to look at the chessboard. Surely every person at least once in his life saw what she looked like.

What does a chessboard look like

A chessboard is a square that is laid out into smaller cells. In the conventional representation on the board there are 64 small squares of black and white. The size of the board is 8 by 8 cells. Moreover, they are painted in such a way that cells of the same colors touch each other only diagonally.

Chess board

That is, the chess order implies that objects or colors will alternate from row to row, and identical objects will be located diagonally relative to each other.

How to arrange items in a given order

If you are faced with the task of arranging objects in a certain way, then first of all you need to visually imagine how it will look. In a checkerboard pattern, objects are arranged in rows in two or more lines, while the same objects are located diagonally relative to each other. And the resulting pattern will be similar to a checkerboard pattern, which is an alternation of black and white squares. For example, this way you can arrange chairs in the conference room or lay tiles.

Where is the chess pattern applied?

The game of chess is an old-time entertainment that has been popular among various nations for many centuries. Therefore, the chessboard pattern is used as the main prototype in many modern industries and spheres of life. As an example, a cell in a checkerboard pattern is used in construction, fashion, gardening, cooking, and interior decoration. More details about how the chess pattern is used are described below.

Use in construction and repair

The alternation of materials and colors diagonally is used in construction and repair during the laying of building materials and preparation of structures. Sometimes concrete pillars, piles and other supporting structures of buildings and structures are poured in this way. And the most common example is a staggered floor, with floor tiles, parquet or laminate being used as the material. Quite often, the effect of alternation is created through the use of materials of different colors. But there are times when the material of the same color and texture is simply laid in different directions (due to the incidence of light and the texture of the elements, the effect of different tones is created).

Checkerboard tile

Application in agriculture and horticulture

In the process of planting trees and some crops, farmers and gardeners quite actively use the plant placement method, in which the seedlings are placed diagonally to each other, and the gaps between them remain unfilled (leave “white cells”). For example, seedlings of sweet pepper are placed in a checkerboard pattern (so that in the process of growth the bushes do not interfere with each other's growth). Such a landing looks pretty nice and allows you to get a larger crop.

Staggered trees

Cooking use

In order to prevent the baking from sticking together during the cooking process, culinary specialists use the method of stacking items on a baking sheet or in a pan in a checkerboard pattern; gourmet photos confirm that the cage is actively used not only for laying out products, but also for decorating cakes, cookies, rolls.

Checkerboard baking

Chess-style pastries look very impressive and appetizing. The Chess cookie has won consumers in Soviet times and still remains popular, due not only to its taste, but also to its attractive appearance, which resembles a chessboard.

Chess Cake

“Chess” fashion is always in trend

Black and white prints are actively used in dyeing fabrics, sewing clothes, and jewelry design. For many years, things from checkered fabric do not go out of fashion and are quite common. Checkered coats and trousers are popular; each fashionista has a scarf or stole of a berry color, which uses chess motifs.

Plaid coat

Due to its geometric accuracy and color contrast, the chess cell began to be actively used by jewelers in the manufacture of massive jewelry. This pattern allows rings and earrings to look bright and stylish.

Checkered ring

Warfare and Chess

Since ancient times, emperors and commanders have used various geometric shapes and patterns to build an army in the battle. In martial art, a wedge, a system, a phalanx, a square, a linear battle order, a chess order and many others are often used.

Chess army

The famous Roman army, famous for military power, used various tactics of warfare and many types of building troops. Often the Roman legions were built along the front and in the depths were staggered. The dismemberment of the legion made the army more mobile and maneuverable, allowing for quick rebuilding and effective fighting on rough terrain.

What else counts beyond color

Sometimes, when speaking about the arrangement of objects in a checkerboard pattern, they mean not only the observance of color combinations, but also the arrangement of the figures and the rules for their movement. That is, it is understood that important figures, objects, or people are placed between smaller “figures”. In the first row are the most insignificant objects or people (“pawns”), which form the so-called retinue of the king and protect the more “important” pieces.

Chess army

As an example, reflecting the principle of chess placement of pieces, we can cite the arrangement of seats in the cinema. Tickets are not expensive in the front rows; spectators who wish to save on a ticket (“pawns”) are accommodated there. The most expensive are tickets to the central seats in the 7th-9th rows (“the king and his retinue”), while tickets to the extreme seats located near the aisles are cheaper than the central ones. That is, the cost of tickets corresponds to the significance of the pieces on the chessboard.

It should be noted that the color alternation of cells and places along the diagonal is not taken into account in this case. In practice, such an interpretation is used much less frequently than color variations.

Given the modern popularity of chess, even a child can color the cells in a checkerboard pattern.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8514/

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