Five ways to make a slingshot at home

Almost every boy once comes to his father or older brother with a question about how to make a slingshot. At home, this toy weapon can be made from a variety of materials. There are options for wooden slingshots, wire, plastic. And you can even make a slingshot from a plastic bottle. The article discusses various options for how to make a slingshot at home.

how to make a slingshot at home

"Shooter" from elastic on fingers

This is the simplest slingshot, for which you need only a rubber band. Having made a loop at each end of it, they need to be put on the index and middle finger of the non-leading hand (right-handed people - on the left, left-handed people - on the right). That's all! We take dowels twisted from paper, fold them in half, put them with a fold on an elastic band, pull them and release them. Here's how to make a slingshot at home in a few seconds. Its convenience is that you can remove the rubber from your fingers instantly, and to hide the rubber is quite easy. This is true if suddenly adults begin to look for the one who cheated ...

how to make a slingshot do it yourself

How to make a slingshot at home from a branch?

For the manufacture of such weapons, you can find a twig in shape resembling the letter Y - staghorn. Using sandpaper to remove nicks and irregularities, so as not to damage the hand during the game, we fix the elastic band to the upper corners of the slingshot. For convenience, you can grind the recesses in the attachment points so that the gum does not slip. And you can drill holes and fix the gum by threading it into the holes. The most comfortable slingshot is the one with a piece of skin attached to it in the middle of the gum. It is necessary to hold the pebble or ball.

How to make a slingshot with your own hands from a tree?

There is a β€œgift option” slingshot, that is, souvenir. This thing can be made stationary type, that is, with a stand. Then you should consider the option of the stand. The main distinguishing feature of this toy is that the skeleton of the slingshot has an original shape. This can be a funny muzzle of a teddy bear with its front legs raised up, or bunnies, where the ears serve to attach the elastic. And you can make a slingshot from an ordinary rolling pin with handles. It is only necessary to saw off a part about 15 cm long from it, to carve a recess in the thick (opposite from the handle) end, through which a key or a pebble will fly out, and make holes for fastening the elastic on the protrusions.

how to make a homemade slingshot

How to make a homemade slingshot of wire?

You can use a solid wire frame as the backbone of children's weapons. Branching in this case, there is no need to make the shape of the letter Y. In this case, the metal is bent at a right angle by a step, then folded in half and the second part of the frame is symmetrically executed. The lower part, where the wire connects together, is wrapped with electrical tape, and loops for attaching the elastic are formed on the upper diverging ends.

How to make a slingshot from a plastic bottle?

You can use a regular balloon or pharmacy fingertip and an empty plastic bottle of lemonade. The lid of the bottle is removed and cut off 7 cm, measuring from the neck. A ball or fingertip is pulled over the neck, tightly fixed with thread or wire. You can shoot from this device with a pen, pencil or an even piece of a branch, thrusting it in the neck. Through the rubber of the ball or fingertip, the handle is held by hand, the rubber is pulled and sharply released.


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