How to send video by email: 4 proven ways

Once we wrote letters by hand and sent them to our friends and relatives by mail, which first had to be reached. And it came to the addressee only after a few days, or even weeks. With the advent of e-mail, everything has changed - now it takes only a few minutes to send an email to someone, and after a couple of seconds it reaches the addressee. But this is not all the opportunities that new technologies have given us. Now, in a similar way, you can send not only text messages, but also photos, and even videos. This allows us to be even closer to those who are very far away and to share our impressions with friends even brighter! If you have not yet taken advantage of this opportunity, then read how to send video by e-mail, and rather implement it.

how to send video by email

Almost all services on which you can register a mailbox have built-in functions for sending pictures, audio and video files. But they all have limitations related to their size. That is why, before sending a video by e-mail, you need to make sure that the file meets the established criteria. Let's look at a few options for sending them, depending on the size.

Sending by attachment

Most mail services allow you to transfer records whose size does not exceed 20-30 MB. If your video is very short and weighs no more than the established maximum norm, then this is very easy.

Go to your inbox and create a new letter. Enter the subject and email address to which you plan to send it. Then, if necessary, write a text message. Now it remains to attach the clip. At the bottom of the form for entering text, you will see the "Attach file" icon. A window opens to select the desired file. Select the video to send and click "Open." It will be downloaded and attached to your letter. Nearby you will see the name, as well as the size of the attached file. You can send.

send video by email

However, if for a regular text message the size of 20 MB is more than enough, then for a video file, as a rule, not. If your video weighs more, you can choose one of the following ways to send the video by email.

Upload to file hosting

There are a number of file-sharing services that allow you to upload large size photos and videos to them - from 2 to 10 GB. Many of them are free and do not even require pre-registration. You only need to download the file by clicking the "Add file" button. After that, you will receive a link to it. But how to send video by mail uploaded to a similar resource? Just indicate the link to it in the letter, and the recipient will be able to follow it and watch your video.

This option is good because you don’t even have to download the video. It just opens in a browser, and that’s it. At the same time, quality will not suffer at all.

Upload to video hosting

There is another way to send a video via email if it is heavy. Any video hosting will help us here. Two of the most popular are YouTube - YouTube (known throughout the world) and Yandex.Video (quite popular in Russia). What is required of you?

how to send video by mail

To begin, register on the selected site - it will not take much time. Then upload your video by clicking the "Add Video" button. By the way, you can immediately record it, if you wish - for this, select "Record from webcam." The maximum amount of downloaded video on Yandex.Video should not exceed 1.5 GB (this is a lot, about 1.5 hours of high-quality video), on YouTube - 2 GB. Almost any file format is supported, which means that you are absolutely free to choose them.

In addition, you can select the privacy level for the downloaded video. For example, to make it visible to everyone, only to friends or exclusively to yourself. In addition, if access to the video is open, you can disable comments on it. The steps are simple: you need to copy a direct link to your clip and send the video by email by pasting this link into an email.

how to forward video by mail

Sending to Hotmail

Is it possible to somehow turn the idea of ​​a movie without downloading it to extraneous resources? How to forward video by mail without using file hosting and hosting? You can do this by creating a mailbox in the right place. Hotmail allows you to attach files, including videos, up to 10 GB in size to letters! Here you can easily send powerful videos without additional and tedious manipulations. Also, if the file is already very large, you can divide it into equal parts using the WinRaR archiver (for example, in the case of DVD files).


We hope that the tips suggested in this article on how to send video by email will be useful to you. Each of the options considered has its own advantages and takes into account various features of the downloaded video files. Make your communication with dear people even warmer - record videos and share them easily.


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