Hemorrhoid treatment at home

Hemorrhoids are one of the most “closed” diseases of mankind. People are embarrassed to talk about this ailment and seek to find ways to treat hemorrhoids at home.

General rules for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which must be remembered and observed:

The duration of any treatment is at least 3 weeks.

Follow hygiene and diet: eat a lot of raw vegetables and lots of fruits daily (at least half a kilogram); limit the consumption of bread, meat, dairy products; exclude tonic, stimulating and alcoholic drinks, as well as confectionery containing cocoa.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home is possible in various ways, simple and complex.

The choice of prescription for treatment should depend on the characteristics of the course of a particular case of the disease.

The proposed list of recipes fully describes the features of hemorrhoids, offers simple and complex methods of its treatment:

1. Tea made of mullein skipper. Drink like tea.

2. Yarrow ointment for lubrication of hemorrhoids. 1 part of tincture is taken (30 g of herb per 100 g of alcohol, infused for 2 weeks) and mixed with 4 parts of petroleum jelly.

3. Tincture of radiol pink (golden root). Grind and insist on water for 10 days in a ratio of 1: 5. Use before meals, for 30 minutes 3 times a day, 15 drops.

4. If the location of the cones is internal and the lower back hurts significantly, you feel pain in the abdomen, below the belly button, use a decoction of 4 glasses daily, from buckthorn bark and leaves of stinging nettles (always old, from last year's fees), 8 g per liter of water each. From the moment of boiling for another 10 minutes, the mixture is boiled.

5. If the hemorrhoidal cones are swollen and leg vein expansion is observed, they use juice from freshly squeezed horse chestnut flowers: 26-29 drops per 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of water and taken twice a day. With prolonged use, pain and bumps disappear. Juice from horse chestnut flowers acts more weakly. It is diluted with alcohol 1: 1 and taken daily at 29 g three times.

6. 20 drops of purified turpentine are dripped into 50-60 g of water (¼ cup). This dose is taken three times a day. The treatment lasts two weeks. It should be repeated after six months. Three such courses are conducted.

7. Squeeze a candle from raw potatoes up to 1.5 cm thick and up to 6 cm long. Before going to bed this candle is fully inserted into the anus.

8. Moderately hot baths of infusion of chamomile, yarrow, lilac flowers. Take 2 tablespoons (tablespoons) of dried raw materials per 300 ml of water, bring to a boil and filter. Make local baths daily.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home is also possible with hemorrhoidal bleeding:

1. Apply a decoction of the bark of chestnut trees (55 g per liter of water) immediately after bowel movement, while the cones are still outside. Seated bath for 15 min at room temperature.

2. Fresh yarrow juice. Take one spoonful (teaspoonful) daily 3 times. Decoction of dry leaves: one spoon (tablespoon) in one glass of water. Three times a day, take one spoonful (tablespoon), (for hemorrhoidal bleeding).

3. Fresh grass of water pepper (400 g) is boiled in water (2 l) for 15 minutes, insisted for 25 minutes, filtered. Add to the broth milk (2 cups, very hot), in which 1 loaf (400 g) was cooked, cut into pieces. All this is poured into the basin - both the broth and the loaf - and sit in it.

In this case, you must try to make hemorrhoid cones accessible for washing. They sit in such a bath for 15 minutes, then are washed with water (warm). This technique is used after bowel movement. Such baths are repeated for a month daily. Bleeding and itching are reduced.

4. Ointment of common flax for hemorrhoid cones. Severe pain calms down, bleeding is delayed and inflammation decreases.

The mixture consists of equal parts: oak bark, flaxseed flowers, water pepper grass. Soak the mixture for 12 hours in melted pork fat, mix from time to time, then warm it up more and strain into a jar. Introduce a tampon, gauze soaked in ointment, into the anus for 3 to 5 hours.

5. Mistletoe baths (61 g per liter of water). Soothes pain, reduces bleeding.

The treatment of hemorrhoids at home is also possible using standard medicines sold in a pharmacy:

1. Tincture "Eskuzan" (sold in a pharmacy). Within 1 month, take 10 drops in sugar or in water daily 3 times.

2. Tincture of a smelly basilis (sold in a pharmacy). Take 3 times daily, before meals, 15 drops.

It is possible and necessary to treat hemorrhoids at home systematically, observing a diet and personal hygiene.

During treatment, moderate physical activity is recommended.

It is possible to cure hemorrhoids at home, but not in all cases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8527/

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