How to restore nails: effective home methods, professional medical products, rules and features of application, tips and recommendations of specialists

Well-groomed hands are a sign of nobility, and the use of varnish is just a tribute to fashion. Women sometimes thoughtlessly inflict a ton of advertised makeup products without thinking about what their excess will lead to. Creams of a certain direction can quite cope with the emerging skin problems at the initial stage. And brittle nails may need to be treated with a course of medication or vitamins. How to restore nails without medical intervention, experts in the field of manicure and pedicure know.

Expert Advice

In order not to bother with the problem of treating nails, you need to carefully treat the nail plate. Therefore, the ladies who keep up with the times forever abandoned the building procedure and preferred gel polish.

In addition, modern manicure experts advise you to follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is necessary to remove the previous varnish using special tools designed for a specific manicure material.
  2. Before applying the gel, you need to lightly sand the nail plate without using hard abrasive tools.
  3. It is recommended not to deviate from the technology and to process and color the nails in accordance with the developed rules.

Performing exactly the technique of applying and removing gel polish will allow you to enjoy a neat fresh manicure for a long time.

Why does the nail plate suffer?

It happens that the fairer sex, even visiting a specialized manicure room, is faced with the destruction of nails. Often they see the cause of damaged nails in the application of the gel. This leads to the rejection of any coating and the search for another master who will tell you how to quickly restore nails.

Of course, the guilt of salon workers is possible, but not required. There are many situations, the consequences of which are fragile nails. Fragility can lead to:

  • general state of health;
  • nail fungus;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • the use of defective material or low-quality manicure tools.

Of course, having identified the cause, one can easily get rid of the problem of destruction. And to deal with the consequences will help a specialist who knows how to quickly restore nails after gel polish.

The benefits and harms of shellac

It is difficult to say whether the coating of the nail brings any benefit, whether it is ordinary varnish or its modifications. Definitely, the chemicals in the composition of manicure do not carry a utility. But the protection that is formed when the gel is applied to the nail reliably hides it from adverse environmental conditions.

Manicured Nails

Opponents of gel polish voiced the opinion that artificial coating leads to certain difficulties and can seriously damage health. By accumulating the recommendations of famous masters of manicure, you can identify those actions that will harm the nail plate:

  1. An erroneously calculated drying time under a special lamp will lead to a yellowing of the surface under the gel.
  2. The use of non-certified varnishes of low-quality performance will force them to cut off a larger layer, which will ultimately thin the nail.
  3. Application of the gel to a damaged surface.

Unprofessionalism of a manicure cabinet employee is that harmful factor that can bring a client's hands to an ugly state. Then the only option for salvation will be to search for information on how to restore nails at home, so that at least for some time not cause horror among others.

Means for treatment

Any competent specialist will say that the use of a decorative coating requires interruptions. And even if the nails look pretty decent in appearance, care during the period of rest from gel polish is simply necessary.

There are several available tools to help strengthen:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • lemon juice;
  • a decoction of chamomile;
  • olive oil;
  • iodine;
  • garden berries;
  • cuticle gel.

If you go to the salon with problem nails and ask the manicurist a question about how to restore the nails, he will probably offer one of the following procedures:

  • paraffin baths;
  • sealing the nail plate;
  • medicinal varnishes.
Healing varnish

Any of these options can restore the structure and help in the short term.

However, one cannot heal nails and forget about them. Only the competent use of special cosmetics in combination with home care and proper nutrition will allow you to keep the plate in perfect condition.

Sea salt

To quickly restore nails after the gel, you need to prepare a solution by stirring 15 grams of sea salt in half a glass of hot water. Immerse your hands in the prepared composition, hold for 10 minutes. To avoid dry skin, it is recommended to lubricate it with cream after the procedure.

If the hands are prone to drying, you can additionally use emollient formulations of oils. You can achieve the perfect result by alternating baths with sea salt and any aromatic oils.

Sea salt

The preparation of complex solutions not only eliminates this problem, but also stabilizes the condition of the nail for a long time. Lemon juice provides good help in combination with sea salt, a teaspoon of which must be squeezed into the prepared solution.

A decoction of chamomile in an amount of 300 ml, with a tablespoon of salt diluted in it, will also contribute to the growth and hardening of the nail plate.

Olive oil

How to restore nails after a gel without resorting to salon care? Of course, using food. Olive, almond, corn or sunflower oil perfectly moisturizes a delicate fragile nail and cuticle. A few drops of lemon juice will be a great addition.

Lemon juice

It is necessary to heat the base component in the form of any oil, add lemon juice to it and hold the hands in the resulting composition for 10 minutes. After bathing, it is recommended to rinse your hands with hot water.

A mask of olive oil, carrots and kefir will help against the delamination of nails. Three tablespoons of finely grated carrots should be mixed with 10 ml of kefir and 20 ml of oil. Apply on hands for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.


It cannot be said unequivocally that iodine is a natural home remedy, but its presence in every family implies ease of use. This is what housewives use with success. The application of a grid of iodine to the nail plate facilitates the delivery of nutrients to the nail. Before using an alcoholic solution, it is recommended to lubricate the cuticle and periungual surface with any hand cream in order to prevent skin burns. After applying iodine, you need to dry your nails for 10 minutes.

Some ladies fell in love with iodine baths, which are more gentle on the skin. So, 2 drops of iodine, 50 ml of freshly squeezed citrus juice and 1 teaspoon of salt are introduced into a glass of hot water. After a quarter of an hour, the hands are removed, dried and treated with a nourishing cream.

Garden berries

Currant berries

How to restore nails after varnish in the field, without going outside the horticultural area? Lovers of village life, not seeking to return to the metropolis, can be advised to use a country harvest. Rubbed berries of currant, strawberry or sea buckthorn, infused with red wine for 4 days, will improve the condition of problem nails. The main thing is to rub the composition daily into the nails and, without rinsing, wait until it dries completely for an hour.

Cuticle Gel

A specialized tool is also difficult to attribute both to a home assistant and to salon care. However, its use, excluding the visit to the master, will be able to restore nails within a couple of weeks. Shellac, used in the salon, and its drying in a special lamp, spoil the cuticle. Perhaps the nutrition of the periungual space will lead to the revival of the plate. As it grows, the quality of the nail will improve and will be able to please with brilliance and beauty.

Nail Salon Features

A competent master, having examined the condition of the nails, will certainly offer to conduct a course that includes several procedures. The most popular salon care method is the paraffin bath:

Hot paraffin treatment can be carried out in three ways:

  1. The fingertips along with the nails are dipped for several seconds in heated paraffin. Then the hands are pulled out and wait for the product to freeze. After 20 minutes, chilled paraffin is removed, the skin is wiped with a damp cloth, and professional oil is applied to the nail.

  2. Using a special brush, apply up to 3 layers of paraffin. Before applying the next layer, the previous solidification is expected. Remove the tool in the same way as in the previous case.

  3. Warm wax is rubbed into the nail plate, after which the cuticle is treated with nutritious oil. This method is called sealing by specialists, since a thin layer of paraffin remains on the surface, prevents damage and strengthens the nail from the inside.

Paraffin wax

Also, after the client’s question on how to restore nails at home, the master may advise you to purchase professional varnish from him or in the salon. And some problems of the nail plate may require the purchase of a therapeutic agent through the pharmacy network.

Professional Tools

Quite a popular brand Trind produces a whole series of medical cosmetics, including Nail Caring Color, a nail plate restoration varnish. The advantages of the product are saturation with nutritious oils and a wide range of colors.

"Evelyn 8 in 1"

Avelin presents many professional nail products on the market. Among the strengthening varnishes, experts note several options: Eveline 3 in 1, Eveline 8 in 1 and Sos. The company also produces nutritious oils and other cuticle nutrition products.

Some manufacturers look at the problem of damaged nails more widely and offer to purchase basic treatment coatings, which are used under ordinary varnish for a long period of time. So, the Essie brand launches Super Duper. The product is applied to a cleaned nail as a base and as a topcoat on a decorative varnish.

Gel Shine is another coating available for basic use. The gel will quickly and quickly return a healthy look, and the additional shine will allow you to use instead of colored varnish.

The OPI brand is well known and produces both decorative and medicinal products. This company is faced by ladies attending nail salons. The master offers several options for coatings, among which are often found basic, basic and fixing agents OPI Professional coating Natural Nail Strengthener protects against damage, adverse external factors, gives strength, smoothes and strengthens the nail plate.

Perhaps the most popular tool is recognized by experts as IBX, which is firmly absorbed inward and not removed from the surface. Growing along with the nail plate, the varnish provides long-lasting strengthening and a brilliant appearance.

Nail Beauty Food

In case of problems with the nail plate, nutrition should be reviewed. How to repair nails with products? First of all, do not deny yourself the right food. You can not starve, sit on mono-diets that exclude most foods, abuse alcohol, sweets and smoked meats, fatty and fried foods. It is advisable to create a complete balanced menu, including daily protein intake. It is additionally recommended to add foods with a maximum calcium content to the diet. Vitamin supplements will also greatly improve the situation.

Healthy nails

So, proper nutrition, contributing to the restoration of the beauty of the hands, includes:

  • fish
  • legumes;
  • eggs
  • lean meats;
  • chicken breasts;
  • nuts
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • Cheeses
  • complex of vitamins A, D, E.

Recently, the popularity of seafood, raspberries and porcini mushrooms used for nail health has been increasing. Silicon from raspberries increases the elasticity of the nail plate, selenium and sulfur from mushrooms make the structure dense, and seafood contributes to good nail growth thanks to the omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

Therefore, a competent specialist will recommend to the client not to bring the nails to a deplorable state. It is better to prevent spoilage using modern care methods and proper nutrition.


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