Professional devices "Strong" for manicure and pedicure: an overview, types and reviews

The beauty of every girl is not only in skillful make-up and chic clothes. Manicures and pedicures also play a role in creating an image at any time of the year. Today in the world there are many ways to care for nails, and one of the important positions is occupied by hardware manicure. Thanks to him, you can quickly and efficiently remove the cuticle or adjust the shape of the nail itself. Strong devices for manicure are an excellent example of high quality.

Varieties of manicure machines

Basically, all the cars are made on the same principle, so it is impossible to separate them into specific types. They can highlight only additional features, for example, the presence of manual or foot control.

In the first case, there are switches on the handle of the machine that allow you to adjust the power and other parameters. The second option has a pedal for controlling the foot. That is, depending on the force of pressure on it, the speed of the tip of the handle changes. Also, some manufacturers have already produced combined devices, where control is carried out as a pen or pedal.

Depending on these features, customers express both positive and negative opinions. For example, "Strong" (apparatus for manicure, pedicure) reviews is exceptionally good. They can be considered in more detail at the end of the article.

apparatus for manicure and pedicure professional strong

How to make the right choice?

Now released a lot of machines for manicure and pedicure. Among them, of course, there are quite a few truly high-quality products, but at first glance it is impossible to determine. Therefore, in order not to waste money, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • power not lower than 50 watts;
  • the number of revolutions of the tip is not less than 30 thousand;
  • the presence of a reverse drive rotation.

The apparatus for manicure and pedicure "Strong" meets all these requirements, so few doubt its quality.

Home use

The main component when choosing is a tip (cutter). They come with each device, but sometimes you need to purchase additional nozzles. Milling cutters should be selected depending on what this device will be used for - polishing nails, correcting cuticles or side rollers and so on.

Based on the hardness of the material, power should also be increased. That is, artificially extended nails must be filed only at maximum speed and, if possible, take the nozzle with more abrasiveness. To cut the cuticle you need a tip of a cylindrical shape, a cone-shaped cutter will be needed for the side rollers, and a fluffy and fairly soft brush polishes the plate well.

strong manicure machine reviews

Devices "Strong" for manicure

A router from South Korea is an example of high quality. This is a professional device that helps in the correction of the nail plate. Power makes it possible to use the machine not only at home, but also in specialized salons. And most importantly - the parameters for the work are set on the device itself or on a special pedal.

You can safely forget about overheating the motor. The engine blowing system works at a high level. Also, when working with these devices, no one will notice noise or annoying vibrations.

The benefits of professional devices

In fact, the apparatus for manicure and pedicure (professional) "Strong" has significant differences from other similar devices. First of all, customers are distinguished by the size and structure of the machines. Also, the professional version is a device in the form of a unit, to which a cord with a handle and a rotating head is attached. But the usual and cheaper option is a small stylus that works on a network or battery.

Power and functionality in them are also different. Indeed, cheaper devices have several times less functions than professional ones. And, accordingly, the price is also different. Conventional devices are cheap, while professional ones correspond to status. But expensive options will never let their owners down.

Types of devices "Strong"

Strong devices for manicure can be divided into a couple of types: stationary and portable. The first option has large overall dimensions and a special device that cleans equipment from dust and burn dirt. The second option is designed specifically for craftsmen who work at home with clients. They look compact enough, not too heavy in weight.

Strong manicure machines

Machine features

Now you need to understand in more detail the functions of the Strong machines. Their capabilities include:

  • plate alignment;
  • painless cuticle cutting;
  • thorough processing of the nail, as well as the skin in the area without any steaming or lubrication with special creams;
  • turning and creating the shape of the nail plate;
  • burr prevention;
  • getting rid of corns and other rough skin areas;
  • processing the skin between the fingers.

In order to carry out all this, the Strong typewriters have a handle, wire and pedal for controlling speeds.

The device for manicure "Strong 210"

This option is one of the most popular devices, so consider it in detail. The maximum speed is 30 thousand revolutions. It has a smooth regulator for speed and a switch for the direction of rotation, which is called reverse. Thanks to him, you can easily do manicure and pedicure procedures, as well as correcting marigolds.

Strong manicure and pedicure machine

The kit includes a pedal, which is a comfortable option when working at home. This machine is ideal for beginners in the field of manicure and will teach the basic rules for nail care.

Absolutely all Strong devices for manicure, in particular this one, have no errors in operation. All customers are satisfied, because such machines are really convenient to use and do not bring any harm to the health of nails and skin.

Milling cutter for manicure and pedicure "Strong 90"

Strong 90 is also quite popular. The rotation speed reaches 35 thousand revolutions in one minute. The metal case and rather convenient weight help the device work to the maximum even with frequent transfers from one place to another.

Strong manicure machine 210

And additional advantages of the milling cutter are a rather powerful motor without overheating, as well as a smooth rotation speed switch.

Customer reviews

The Strong manicure machine has reviews from both customers and salon employees, and from customers who have chosen it for home use.

strong pedicure manicure machine reviews
A powerful and silent machine for many has become an indispensable step in creating a beautiful manicure or just correcting marigolds. The pleasant appearance is especially pleasing to the girls, because behind it lies not just some nonsense, but a really worthwhile device.


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