How to create a storage system in the garage and clean up

The garage for many men is a cult place. After all, here you can not only store the necessary and not very things for cars, fishing and construction, but also just sit with friends, repairing a car or bicycle, sipping beer with fish.

Is a garage always a mess?

But a few men can boast of order in the garage . As a rule, no attention is paid to the storage system in the garage. Things get there randomly, usually they are put anywhere, and over the years the room is very cluttered. Many people come to the point that there is no room for a car, so many things are accumulating there.

a lot of things in the garage

To organize the order, you should create a storage system for things in the garage. It seems to many that this is very simple. After all, there is nothing complicated in throwing away the unnecessary and leaving the necessary. Thousands of men have been promising women for years that they will have order in the garage, but in the end everything remains. The peculiarity of the men of the Slavic mentality is that not everyone represents the order and organization of the storage system in the garage. It seems to men a trifling task. However, many can not cope with it for years.

What to do?

To clean up the garage and create your own unique storage system:

  • understand what things to store in the garage;
  • to think about what to get rid of;
  • determine the timing of cleaning and cluttering;
  • come up with a storage system in the garage.

Only with a conscious approach to putting things in order and clearly visualizing the final result can you get rid of the mess in the garage once and for all.

Remove excess

First you need to get all the things and objects on the floor to the center of the room. Then they should be carefully sorted and reviewed. Old, dilapidated and unnecessary should be ruthlessly removed from the garage to the trash. With character traits, when a person cannot say goodbye to unnecessary shabby things, it is recommended to seek help from relatives or hire a special person. They will be more impartial and will easily throw away unnecessary junk and garbage.

garage work

You should also separately collect unnecessary, but good things and objects. It can be fishing rods, tools, children's small devices, ropes, buckets and much more. If such items have not been used for more than a year, then you can easily say goodbye to them. This does not mean that they need to be thrown away. They can be sold, given to relatives or used for charitable purposes. It is not worth creating a storage, albeit good, but unnecessary things in the garage.

We sort and lay out the necessary

After cleaning from unnecessary and distributing good, but unused things, proceed to sort the remaining items. You should define groups of things and put them together, for example, by categories:

  • Construction power tools (grinders, jigsaws, drills, perforators).
  • Not an electric tool (hacksaws, levels, tape measures, brushes).
  • Construction material.
  • Work clothes or special equipment (for fishing, hunting).
  • Car things (keys, oils, chargers, spare parts, fuel).
  • Wheels.
  • Paints (car enamels, varnishes, paints, aerosols).
  • Other items.

The entire room should be visually divided into zones and consider where and in which part it would be better to store one or another group of things.

garage order

It will be best if there are things and objects in the garage that are relevant only to the car and its care. But also nothing bad will happen if an accurate system for storing tools in the garage is created. In the absence of other utility rooms or workshops, it is permissible to store construction tools and material in garages. However, it should be understood that, for example, storing rolls or clothes in the garage where the car is started and the gas pipe is exhausted is not entirely correct.

Create a storage system

After things and items have been categorized, you should think over and organize places and containers for storage. In order not to spend too much and not to buy special containers in stores, you can make a storage system in the garage with your own hands. To do this, it is recommended to use:

  • Large plastic bottles. They can be used to store small items, bolts, nuts, screws, screws. In order to better navigate, each flask must be signed with a marker or glued inscription. Flasks can be cut to the desired size or cut in a special way, leaving the handles, while maintaining the ability to hang the container.
  • The hooks on the walls are suitable for organizing the storage system of wheels in the garage.
  • Homemade wooden boxes can be made to the desired size and filled with large objects, for example, power tools or paint products
  • Cardboard signed boxes make it easy to find small parts.
  • Paint buckets are suitable for storing medium-sized items: hammers, tape measures, hacksaws.

Shelving. You can arrange on them all the organizers according to the categories on the shelves. It is advisable that all labels on boxes, drawers and buckets are legible.

storage in racks in the garage

Of course, the containers from the store will give the garage a more neat look, but if desired, homemade organizers can be decorated or painted in the same style.

Maintenance Tips

The key to creating a garage storage system is maintaining it. To maintain order and ease of cleaning, you should follow simple rules:

  • Do not litter - forget the habit of dumping everything unnecessary and superfluous into the garage.
  • Clean the room regularly.
  • Putting in place - return each item to a previously selected shelf.
  • Systematize - periodically carry out de-cluttering, clean up the unnecessary and rebuild the storage system for yourself in accordance with actual life tasks (repair, painting a car).
garage order

It is enough to allocate a little time and bring the garage in the proper ordered form. Being the owner of a beautiful and practical garage with an organized storage system is much nicer than spending hours looking for things lost in the mess.


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