How to paint nails: everything you need to know

Many girls complain that they can’t accurately paint their nails. And by the way, there is nothing surprising in this. Only at first glance it may seem that everything is simple. Of course, you can rid yourself of any problems if you go for manicure and nail painting to the salon. But not everyone can afford it. What then to do, how to properly paint nails at home? Learn to. And what should be known for this, and our speech will go further.

Rule N1

So, for a start, learn such a thing for yourself: if you want your nails not just to be made up, but to radiate beauty and a healthy look, constantly do manicure. If they are not well-groomed, then not a single varnish can give them a neat appearance. In addition, after this procedure, the varnish lays on the nails better.

Rule N2

Since you really need to be able to properly paint your nails, never rush in your first endeavors. That is why you should always have about an hour of free time left, although even this time may not always be enough. Most of it will be spent on drying the varnish. Usually this takes 30-40 minutes. If you do not take this time into account and quickly begin to perform any work, the varnish may scratch, peel and become uneven.

Rule N3

Pay attention to the length of your nails. As a rule, working with long nails is easier, but with short nails you have to tinker a lot so as not to stain the skin located with the nail. Length also determines the color palette. So, if you are the owner of long nails, then you can afford any color of varnish. But on short nails, it is undesirable to use excessively bright or, on the contrary, too dark colors. What color to paint your nails is for you to decide, and yet the best option is translucent shades. Drawing on short nails also does not always look beautiful, as well as various sequins, stars, etc.

Rule N4

You can figure out how to properly paint your nails only if you clearly build the entire scheme of work in front of you. And you should have it like this:

β€’ First, grease your hands with a nourishing cream, soak it for several minutes, and then degrease your nails with a nail polish remover or toilet soap.

β€’ Apply the base under the nail polish. This is necessary so that the varnish does not peel off and for a long time retains its original appearance. In addition, the base nourishes the nails and protects them from the effects of those substances that make up the varnish.

β€’ Start painting with the little finger. It is most convenient to do this on the table. Put your hand so that most of it hangs, and only fingers lie on the table.

β€’ Dampen the brush in a jar of varnish. To do this, it should be completely immersed in the liquid, and then remove the excess on the edge of the jar.

β€’ For better convenience, the entire nail should be divided into three parts. The central part is painted over first: the brush is gently guided from the base of the nail to its free edge. After that, the other two zones are stained. Movements must be fast, otherwise the varnish may lie unevenly.

β€’ Wait for the first coat of varnish to dry and apply a second coat. Also leave the nails to dry for 30-40 minutes. It is not necessary to put more layers, it will already be too much. But one layer is not enough for the nails to find beauty.

β€’ When the varnish has dried, apply a fixing base over it. It will protect the varnish from mechanical influences and allow more time to be on the nails and not to climb.

β€’ Take a toothpick and finely wind a cotton wool on one end of it. Soak it in nail polish remover (after the nails have completely dried) and remove excess on the cuticle and skin.

That's all, now you know how to paint your nails. By the way, you can paint your toenails in the same way . But for this, first practice on your hands. After the painting of nails becomes a habit, each time you will get better and better.


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