DIY wiring. Wiring in the apartment: materials, connection diagram

If your posting has long been in need of replacement, then this event must be held as soon as possible. It is advisable to coincide this lesson with a major overhaul in the room. We can say that the wiring with your own hands does not change so easily. Usually, this business should be taken only when there is not enough money for professional assistance. Average prices in the Russian Federation for 1 square. meter wiring arrangement in a residential building are from 800 rubles and above.

DIY wiring

Golden Rules

Before you begin, you must familiarize yourself with the basic rules for performing installation work. There is nothing complicated here, but all this must be strictly observed and implemented. One of these requirements is the replacement of aluminum wires with copper. The second is a change in the power supply circuit. This implies the replacement of a grounded neutral by protective grounding of consumers. And the last requirement is the use of connecting wires in separate branches instead of branching wiring.

As for aluminum, it was extremely popular in the 1930s and 70s for several reasons. Firstly, it was considered environmentally friendly material, and secondly - rather cheap and affordable for the population. But it soon became clear that it was better not to use it for wiring. This is due to the following factors:

  • Over 20 years of using aluminum wiring, it becomes very fragile due to ongoing chemical processes. As a result, the wiring becomes not only unreliable, but also to some extent dangerous.
  • If moisture gets on aluminum, the process of electrocorrosion begins. This leads to complete destruction of the wire and an emergency.
  • Aluminum contacts are considered one of the most unreliable. Firstly, the material is very difficult to solder, and secondly, it is harmful.

Something else

As for the power supply scheme, the TN-C used in Soviet times is not ideal. Moreover, even in the old days it was used not because it was good, but because with its help it was possible to electrify the population en masse without the use of long lines and expensive metals. We can say that at present in the Russian Federation there are a large number of multi-storey buildings with a TN-C connection scheme, in other words, ungrounded. Using a TN-CS public protection circuit, user safety can be achieved regardless of wiring status. Often this moment is omitted by local authorities, so do-it-yourself wiring is installed.

do-it-yourself wiring in the apartment
As for the branching scheme, this is also a necessary measure. The essence of the whole system was that apartment wires were connected to thicker (central) wires. This branching was located in junction boxes. A large number of twists, terminals and other methods of connection led to the fact that these places became vulnerable due to the likelihood of moisture and short circuits. Therefore, today do-it-yourself wiring is made somewhat differently. From each input to the group there is a single cable, without insulation and terminals.

Do-it-yourself wiring in the apartment: work steps

Time spent on installation work, as well as financial costs can be significantly reduced. But for this, you must adhere to the technology and follow the instructions. All work can be conditionally divided into five stages:

  • development of the scheme;
  • drawing up a plan and its approval, the wiring diagram is also approved;
  • the device of repair makeshift;
  • installation work;
  • installation of mechanisms: switches, sockets, etc.

Before starting installation work, it is recommended to ground and ground. The wiring of the electrical wiring in the apartment is carried out at the last stage and is not particularly difficult. But in any case, we can talk about significant savings. If the electrical wiring in the apartment with your own hands will be completely completed, then you only have to buy material, and this is already 65% ​​savings. If any part of the work will be entrusted to specialists, then you can count on 20-50% savings.

Power supply scheme

This figure in the section is for informational purposes only. Nevertheless, such a scheme is mandatory, and it is difficult to do without it. As for the terms, the first thing you need to deal with is them: kWA is the meter, and RCD is the residual current device. The figure also shows that a single-line connection scheme is used. A pair of slashes on the wire indicates that instead of one cable there are two: phase and zero. They are laid together. If a three-phase wire is used, then the dash will be three.

wiring diagram

Any such wiring diagram can be tailored to your needs. For example, you yourself decide how you distribute the wires in points. In any case, it makes sense to draw your own scheme, even if based on the finished one. If all else fails, then the work can be entrusted to a specialist. He will need initial data, so the amount for the work will be quite large. However, do-it-yourself wiring is not possible without a pre-compiled diagram.

How to think about power supply?

Correct wiring is always based on selected power. For example, a limit of 10-20 kW is issued for cottage villages, but such miracles can not be seen in apartments. If the house is old, and the wiring is still Soviet, then the maximum power that the wires can withstand is 1.3-2.5 kW. If the circuit breaker is absent, then too much turned on equipment will cause the wiring to burn. If there is an automatic machine installed in the entrance, then it will be constantly knocked out. But we can confidently say that 2 kW for a modern consumer is very small, so the basis for calculating the need to lay the limit of at least 4.3 kW of power. In this case, the wiring should still hold. In addition, the randomness factor works here. It consists in the fact that nobody turns on all home equipment at the same time, that is, if you started a laundry, this does not mean that you will have a vacuum cleaner, kettle, air conditioning, etc.

Technical data for an apartment with an area of ​​40-100 square meters is as follows:

  • Main machine for 25-32 A (depending on area). In this case, the current safety factor must be at least 1.3 A and not more than 1.5 A.
  • Residual current devices (RCD) - 50A.
  • Two branches with a section of 4 mm 2 should go to the kitchen with an automatic machine for 25 A and an RCD for 50 A for each branch.
  • Air conditioning (if any) - wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2 , automatic machine - 16A, RCD on 20A.
  • Outlet branches and lighting circuits require the use of 2.5 mm 2 wires. In this case, you can do without a machine. In principle, with knowledge of all this data, a wiring connection can be made.

wiring connection

Plan preparation

Do-it-yourself wiring in the house begins with preparing a plan. It all starts with the fact that two branches go from the counter to one room. One of them is wiring outlets, the second is lighting. Powering the bathroom is a complex case that requires special attention. But first of all, it is necessary to designate the lamp in a safe design (waterproof).

In your plan, designate only those branches that go to stationary installations, such as sockets, switches, stationary electrical installations, etc. By the way, to stationary structures should be attributed those that are rigidly fixed or fed from one-piece connection. Particular attention should be paid to additional elements that today are very fond of introducing into the plan. Here we are talking about LED ceiling lighting, various carrying and extenders to the balcony. All this significantly clutters and complicates the scheme, and the inspection does not welcome such introductions. Remember the basic rule - do-it-yourself wiring in the house does not imply holding branches on the balcony, loggia, etc. This is a gross violation of the PUE.

Room wiring

So, and now it’s time to supply power to each room. The greatest difficulty is the bathroom. It is easy to guess that this is a room with high humidity, therefore, safety measures should be strictly observed here. In addition, if the floor is splashed with water, and a person is steamed, then his resistance becomes less. An electric shock in this case can lead to death, and even an RCD will not help here.

how to post

As noted above, there will be a lot of work. It’s worth starting with the fact that we completely change the wires from the boiler and washing machine, shower, etc. on longer. Further, these wires through the baseboard and the holes in the wall are led to the kitchen. There should be an extension cord, in which the washing machine and boiler are connected in the “permanent” mode. You can insert anything into the remaining slots. These simple measures can reduce the risk of electric shock to zero, since bare wires and connections will be in another room. Before wiring, familiarize yourself with the proposed wires. Priority is given to a secure three-wire cable.

As for the toilet, then everything is simple. There is one lighting branch. In addition, the bathroom and toilet lamp can be connected in series, there is nothing wrong with that.

Kitchen and other rooms

In the kitchen you will need to distinguish two branches. One will be used by the bathroom. It is advisable to choose a wire with a cross section of 4 mm 2 . Protective automation is used the same as in the bathroom. Some differences are in connection points. For the kitchen, you need to use two triple sockets. All electrical equipment will work from them: a dishwasher, an electric oven, an electric kettle, a microwave, etc. In addition, an extension cord socket is connected to one of the sockets in the bathroom. As for the location of the outlets, then here you are free to choose for yourself. It is advisable to place them away from the sink and places where there may be a leak of water.

Two branches go into the hallway and corridor: one to the sockets, the second to the lighting. If there are several lighting points (spotlights), then each of them should have its own wire. In the children's room everything is the same, but with only one significant change - the sockets should have a protective disk, preferably locked with a key. Wiring in other rooms (living room, bedroom, etc.) is carried out in a similar way. In general, for a 2, 3-room apartment, it is necessary to use about 15 branches.

do-it-yourself wiring in the house

How to determine the brand of cable?

Of course, you need to choose the right wires for electrical wiring. Many professionals recommend NYM. This is an expensive European cable, which, in fact, is not so good. The fact is that its technical conditions for installation do not allow the laying of wires in wet concrete. Agree, there is no guarantee that the concrete structure will be dry all the time. That is why it is better to give preference to the domestic cable. The most common options are VVG and PUNP. The first has reliable insulation and a high price. The second is a more budget option, which with proper installation will not have any complaints. All proposed options are single core. Electricians can immediately say that, they say, this is unreliable. However, the fact is that a multicore cable in the wall also does not give any guarantee, but its price is many times higher. You may encounter difficulties using the PUNP cable. This is due to the stiffness of the wire. But with some effort, you will succeed. If you do the wiring yourself, then, in any case, it is worthwhile to prepare for difficulties, and then enjoy the result.


Do not forget that before starting work, you must completely disconnect the apartment. To do this, the edges are turned out or the machine turns off. But even in this case, it is necessary to understand that a de-energized wire can be energized at any time. For this simple reason, it is necessary to observe basic safety rules: do not touch the cable with exposed parts of the body, clothing.

electrical wiring

As for gating, this is a very laborious, dusty and noisy job. Strobes, by the way, should be strictly horizontal or vertical. Performing inclined channels is not only unsafe, but also pointless. In addition, coordinate work with neighbors so as not to interfere with any of them.

Wiring is one of the simplest activities of the final stage of work. There is nothing complicated here. Pieces of cable and corrugation are measured, then it is pulled on the floor. The ends of the wires in the places of the sockets are inserted into the holes. All work must be accompanied by periodic plastering with alabaster strobes (every 50 cm). Do not forget that open wiring in the bathroom is unacceptable. Observing all of the above requirements, you will be able to perform installation work with electrical wiring yourself or partially. So you will not only save, but also get a valuable experience.


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