Do-it-yourself ottoman to the anteroom: necessary materials, work technique and expert advice

If you want to update the hallway interior or make the space of this part of the house more functional, you can add furniture to it. But apartments most often do not differ in spacious areas, and you do not want to clutter them.

But there is a solution. It consists in the manufacture of ottoman. For this, you can use different materials, even old things.

how to make a ottoman in the hallway do it yourself

Materials and Tools

If you want to make a ottoman in the hallway with your own hands, then you can use the simplest technology. To do this, prepare:

  • the cloth;
  • sewing machine;
  • paper;
  • stuffing materials.

On paper you will need to apply a pattern pattern.

do-it-yourself ottoman for shoes in the hallway

Algorithm for creating an interior item

At the first stage, you will need to make a pattern. There are a lot of options here, you can choose the one that you like. After that, the template is transferred to paper, and then to the fabric. It will be necessary to cut 8 blanks according to the pattern of the fabric. You can buy new textiles, but if you want to save money, you can get old clothes from the bins.

On each workpiece, it is necessary to bend inward an angle of 6 cm and stitch it. This is done so that after connecting the parts, a hole in the upper part is obtained. Through it, a stuffing will be laid inside. Making the ottoman in the hallway with your own hands, at the next stage you will have to sew together blanks on the wrong side of each other. When cutting, leave an allowance of 1 cm. In the end, you should get four parts.

Two more elements should be connected, which will be the halves of the product. They are sewn together and the product is turned. The cover is stuffed with prepared material. After that, you need to cut another part in size and shape of the remaining hole. This item is sewn to the case. To make such a wrap on a pouf is quite simple, and the result will be original, cute furniture. It is not necessary to use fabric of the same color, you can apply multi-colored blanks and revitalize the interior of the hallway.

Making a classic pouf

With your own hands, you can make a ottoman in the hallway using classical technology. Begin with the legs of the structure. To do this, use two 48-centimeter boards. Their cross section will be 5 x 5 cm. Elements should be cut at an angle of 45 Β°, and then knocked together. As a result, you should get a cross. Another 35-cm block is glued to it. For reliability, fastening with screws is possible. Another similar cross is attached to the bar.

do-it-yourself ottoman in the hallway

Recommendations of specialists for work

Creating your own ottoman in the hallway, in the next step you will need to make a seat. For this, chipboard or plywood is suitable. The material must have a thickness greater than 10 cm. Its dimensions will be 40 x 60 cm. Foam is placed under the sheet. The thickness of the layer should be 10 cm. The material is cut with some margin so that it can be bent. Foam is bent and fixed to the plywood sheet.

Next comes the upholstery fabric. It will need to be positioned and strengthened from the wrong side of the sheet. The upholstery should be fixed with decorative nails. In addition to the crosses, it is necessary to nail boards in the form of crossbars, the wooden structure is then treated with stain. The seat must be attached to the base and legs.

Stylish interior from an old tire

If you wondered how to make a ottoman in the hallway with your own hands, then you can even use an old tire for this. For work, you will need plywood, from which two circles are cut. One of them should have the dimensions of the inner diameter of the tire. The second workpiece is cut by the outer diameter. The legs should be performed according to the pattern. He is circled and cut out a blank from the board. For work, you will need four elements.

do-it-yourself ottoman in the hallway

On a circle with a large diameter, legs are attached. This will be the basis. Details are fixed at regular intervals, the structure is reinforced with a bar. Leg blanks can be painted and glued to the base. The mount is reinforced by corners. Having examined the photo of ottomans for the hallway, with your own hands you can make such products without much difficulty. If you decide to use a tire for work, apply a layer of glue to the base with the legs, applying a tire with a disc on top. It is also necessary to apply glue to the cover by attaching it to the top of the wheel. The tire needs to be wrapped and pasted with a rope, you can use hot glue for this. A rope can have different colors. Then you can begin to stain the legs.

Wooden ottoman with box

You can make an ottoman with a box in the entrance hall with your own hands. For this, wood is used. Wheels are installed on the bottom for ease of movement. For the work should be prepared chipboard, from which the circle will be made. Its diameter is 30 cm. You will need 4 rectangular blanks, the dimensions of which are 40 x 33 cm. In addition, you need to prepare four bars, their size will be 4 x 8 x 8 cm.

For work you will need glue, screws, fasteners and wheels for furniture. Screwdrivers will be required from the tools, but it is more convenient to work with a screwdriver or a drill. Foam rubber should be used for stuffing, and fabric for decoration.

Technology of work

Making the ottoman for shoes in the hallway with your own hands, you will have to sew covers. There should be a sewing machine. At the first stage, chipboard sheets are involved. They should be connected so that the box turns out. At the joints, the structure is glued. Bars are located at the lower corners, additionally fastening with screws and glue. Wheels are fixed on the bottom bars.

The cover should be fixed with glue and screws. On this we can assume that the frame is ready. The design in the next step can be decorated. By making your own ottoman with a lid in the hallway, you will need to use furniture fabric. The shape of the lid should make a pattern of the upper part of the cape, a strip of fabric is sewn to it. Now you can sheathe the cloak. A layer of foam rubber should be laid on the lid for softness, the cover is stretched on top.

Making a ottoman in the form of a bag

do-it-yourself padded stool for a hall photo

If you don’t want to make a frame ottoman, you can do something similar to a bag. For production, you will need cotton fabric. Should be prepared:

  • sewing machine;
  • threads
  • needles;
  • filler.

First, a template is drawn on paper. You will need to make 4 side parts and 2 round. The diameter of the latter will depend on the size of the upper part of the side elements. Patterns are transferred to the fabric and cut out. All pieces must be sewn together, the result should be a ball.

It remains to remember to leave a hole where you will have to fill the filler. It can be purchased in the furniture hardware department. The workpiece must be turned out and the prepared filler put in it. It is important to achieve uniform density. The hole is recommended to be sewn with a needle and thread.

For such a ottoman, it will also be necessary to make a decorative cover. In order for the product to look attractive, the work should be performed on the same patterns.


do-it-yourself ottoman in the hallway with a lid

As practice shows, the easiest way to make frameless pouffes. For them, it is necessary to prepare only a piece of fabric, a sewing machine and stuff for stuffing. You can do without even a typewriter if you are ready to sew everything manually. Foam or synthetic winterizer are used as a filler. Budget options are trimming fabric.


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