Indian summer is the beginning of autumn

Many people believe that Indian summer is the best time of the year. F. Tyutchev, Olga Berggolts, Leonid Vasyukovich sang this period in their poems. He was glorified in the visual arts. It is reflected in folk proverbs and signs. But what caused this natural phenomenon when it occurs and how long it lasts - many cannot give a coherent answer to this. There is also confusion with the concepts of “Indian summer” and “golden autumn”. Let's try to figure it out.

Indian summer is

Where does the name come from

Despite the differences in climates, in all countries of Europe, the USA and Canada there is this time. True, it does not always coincide in terms of time, which is understandable: it comes earlier in the north and later in the south. The name of the natural phenomenon arose organically: the harvest was over, and old women can warm their bones in the mound, rejoicing at the last warmth. But not all peoples, this time is indicated by the term "Indian summer." it St. Martin's time (November 11) in Spain, Portugal and Italy; Michael (September 28) in Serbia, Croatia; San Denis - in France. In Bulgaria, it is customary to call it “gypsy summer”, and in the USA and Canada - “Native American”. The Czechs call this time "Semenna - Panna Maria", the Carpathian Slavs - "woman frosts". And in the subtropics, this period is called the "velvet season."

Why is Indian summer happening?

When will the Indian summer 2013 begin
This natural phenomenon is associated with the action of the so-called Azores anticyclone. After the first cooling, which occurs in different territories at different times, the air masses warmed up over the summer form an extensive high-pressure zone. She, along with the Western trade winds, begins her advance east. In Western Europe, he is hardly noticed: summer reigns under the influence of the Gulf Stream. But in the west of Russia, Indian summer is long-awaited joy after the first breath of the approaching winter. Rains and fogs end, the air warms up to + 25 ° C during the day. The air is transparent and clean, in the bright sun gleaming long threads of cobwebs.

Indian summer duration

Since this climatic phenomenon also depends on the weather, Indian summers do not have clear dates for the onset, end, and duration. If July-August were cool, then the Azores anticyclone is weak. In certain years, Indian summer does not happen at all, and in others, two “waves” of this wonderful time occur. By the way, Russians have special definitions for these cycles: “young Indian summer” (late August – early September) and “old” (from a few days to a week in the second half of the ninth month of the year). Therefore, even meteorologists find it difficult to predict when the Indian summer will begin. 2013 the year was typical of the climate of Russia. But what can we expect next?

What is the number of Indian summer 2013

Confusion in terms

Due to the fact that Indian summer in Russia occurs at the time of yellowing of foliage and often goes in two waves, many people confuse it with sometimes golden autumn. In the beginning or middle of October, several days of dry, clear and moderately warm weather fall, when the autumn sun still warms the air to + 15-20 ° . But in Ukraine, these two periods are clearly delineated. "Baba" time comes with a full summer "surroundings": the foliage is still green, meadow flowers are blooming . Chestnuts and acacias, deceived by the heat that has come after a cold snap, begin to bloom a second time. And no matter what time the Indian summer (2013 met this time in mid-September), the golden autumn comes to Ukraine, as a rule, in the second decade of October.


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