Make dumbbells with your own hands - you can strengthen your health yourself

There was a time when heavy cast dumbbells were an indispensable attribute of almost any apartment. Anyone who is accustomed to doing morning exercises every morning under the radio or without him must take them in their hands and exercise for their pleasure. Of course, they didn’t do dumbbells with “shaped” strokes, but they didn’t allow the muscles to “lose weight” either.

Do-it-yourself dumbbells
Then, for charging, there was no desire, somewhere time was lost. And the dumbbells slowly disappeared from the household. Now they (if you were not lucky enough to be inherited) you can buy any, there is a choice. But when you see that the simplest dumbbell is ten times more expensive than a bottle of beer. Okay, let's not talk about sad things. Better think about how to make dumbbells with your own hands.

The first option is a product from the ubiquitous PET bottles. Four pieces of a suitable size must be cut so as to remove the cylindrical middle - it is not required. But the remaining neck and bottom need to be carefully glued in pairs so that four tight containers are obtained. All of them must be filled with something weighty. As the simplest filler, sand or a cement mixture is suitable. A dumbbell bar, convenient for grasping with a palm, can be made from a bottle of an iron tube or rod that is sufficiently long and suitable for the neck diameter. In order to make dumbbells strong with your own hands, all joints must be carefully wrapped with tape or electrical tape.

How to make do-it-yourself dumbbells
The second option also does not have to spend a lot of money and effort. For the vultures, two pieces of pipe 50 cm long, previously monotonously painted, will be required. Each end is drilled with holes in which long self-tapping screws are screwed so that they stick out of the pipe perpendicular to it in different directions. Then, freshly mixed concrete is laid into the prepared mold the size of a conditional “pancake” for a dumbbell, into which a pipe is inserted at one end strictly in the center. After that, it should be tightly fixed with braces and ropes. When the solution solidifies, they will not allow the pipe to deviate from the vertical, and self-tapping screws will give better adhesion to the bar. The solution will completely harden in two days, after which the procedure is repeated to obtain a second weighting agent. We will make dumbbells with our own hands with concrete “pancakes”. Rough, but with a suitable weight for exercise and reliable.

Dumbbell Discs
The third option is more difficult to manufacture, but also more flexible and versatile, as it allows you to adjust the weight of the dumbbells in a fairly wide range. For this, first of all, you will need a metalworking machine on which dumbbell disks can be cut from a steel sheet. What weight they will depend on the thickness of the sheet and the marked diameter. It is possible by further processing on a lathe or grinding machine to achieve the exact weight of such a pancake. The inner hole should be slightly larger than the threaded thread on the bar fittings, but smaller than the bar itself. Do-it-yourself dumbbells are collected by assembling the right amount of pancakes and tightening them with a nut. Need more dumbbell weight - just add pancakes on both sides.

In order to keep track of your physical condition and constantly keep yourself in good shape, you don’t need fashionable gyms or expensive trainers. Enough quick-witted head, skillful hands, a small amount of consumables - and dumbbells with your own hands are ready! Since the government has no means yet to make them cheaper than a bottle of beer.


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