Flaunts - it is likened to three musketeers

Usually the word “bravado” is characterized by a negative context. And this despite his closeness to the word "brave", which means a positive characteristic of a person or his act. Where is the difference between these root words? And is it really that a person who flaunts is necessarily a person who acts with frivolous courage?

Listen to linguists

Scientists attribute the origin of the word to the French bravade. Its main meaning is "folly." Demonstrative courage, neglect of danger, aggression is usually equated with the word "flaunt." The meaning becomes more or less clear.

As for the negative coloring of the word, its roots lie in the ostentatious character of bravado. That is, we are talking about the absence of any rational reason for such behavior. Moreover, not only the subject himself, but also the people around him can senselessly suffer from the chosen method of action.

It turns out that he flaunts - it means likened to the famous three musketeers. It was they who chose the besieged bastion of Saint-Gervais for their lunch, and not a more calm and safe place.

flaunts it

What to do with reality?

The reality is very different from fiction. Therefore, demonstrating daring and fearlessness, briefly incur unpleasant consequences. For the same reason, for many people, the use of the word “bravado” in speech is an expression of aversion to the actions and behavior of a person.

Let's try to trust psychologists

From the point of view of psychology, a person who flaunts is a person who is not self-confident and heavily dependent on what others will think of him.

That is, so he compensates for one or another complex. Resting in confidence that for those around him he is a cowardly and weak-willed subject, a person becomes inclined to commit ridiculous and dangerous acts. For example, this can be expressed in violation of the speed limit on the roads or attempts to be at a high altitude without any special need.

flaunt value

Young people usually tend to such actions, who do not understand that others experience different feelings: condescending sympathy, sincere anxiety, but in no case enthusiasm and respect.

So, knowing that in fact, "flaunts" - it means he performs ostentatious acts, you can correctly assess the behavior of relatives and friends. And if necessary, warn them against such frivolous actions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8566/

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