How and how to clean crystal at home?

Crystal has been appreciated at all times and around the world. Indeed, such products give any festive table more chic, and chandeliers not only serve for lighting, but are also considered an excellent decorative element. And crystal vases? They also decorate the interior, because they look great in bouquets of flowers. But the medal, as they say, has another side. Over time, products lose their luster. And many housewives face the question of how to clean the crystal at home and not spoil it.

how to clean crystal at home

Few rules

Since it is not easy to clean the crystal from yellowness, the procedure should be carried out about once every 12 months. Otherwise, all the charm, brilliance and transparency will disappear. Returning all this is not so easy.

Cleaning can be of several types: dry and wet. Each of the methods has its own characteristics. The main thing is to forget that crystal is a very fragile material that does not tolerate mechanical influences, as well as aggressive abrasive substances. It is necessary to tidy up the product carefully. Naturally, the second question arises: "How to clean the crystal at home and how to restore its shine?" Of course, you can purchase special compounds in the store, or you can cook everything yourself.

What you should not do

So, we will find out how to clean the crystal at home. Before you begin, you need to remember what you can not do with such products. First of all, it is strictly forbidden to use abrasive and aggressive agents. Such formulations can damage the integrity of products.

Do not wash crystal items in very hot water. Products will fade after drying.

Also, do not use antiseptic duster brushes for cleaning crystal chandeliers. The contact of the pendants with each other can lead to their destruction, which will ultimately affect the beauty of the crystal chandelier.

how to clean the crystal from yellowness

Ammonia solution

So, with what and how to clean the crystal at home, if there is no special composition at hand? Ammonia will come to the rescue here . Almost every housewife has this substance in the medicine cabinet. Preparing a solution is quite simple. To do this, take a container of a suitable size and mix 1/4 of ammonia and 3/4 of pure water in it, preferably at room temperature. Crystal products need to be lowered into the solution, and then dried with a soft cloth. As a result of such actions, you can return the brilliance not only to the dishes, but also to individual details of the chandelier. Those parts that cannot be removed can be gently wiped with a cotton cloth dampened in the prepared product.

Removal of green and brown sediment

How to clean the crystal at home, if at the bottom there is a precipitate that is unpleasant for the eyes, which is not washed? This phenomenon can often be observed in vases in which there were fresh flowers. Such a precipitate can easily be removed with a solution consisting of coarse sea salt and vinegar. The finished composition should be poured into a vase and left for a while (about five minutes), and then just wash the product well enough, of course, in cool water.

clean crystal at home

We clean glasses and vases

How to clean crystal at home if there is no ammonia? There are a huge number of methods to get rid of yellowness and restore the brilliance of the product. For example, glasses and vases with a low degree of pollution can be washed in ordinary soapy water, and then wiped with a soft cloth dipped in a special solution. To prepare the composition, you will need several tablespoons of pure water, the same amount of ground chalk (you can have tooth powder) and, of course, a little blue - ΒΌ teaspoon. Since it is very easy to clean the crystal from yellowness in this way, you need to wipe the dishes with this solution and just let it dry. A bluish coating may form on the surface. It can be easily removed with a soft woolen cloth.

how to clean crystal at home


Now you know how to clean crystal at home. As you can see, you can do without buying expensive tools to remove yellowness from such products. Observing all the above rules, you can return the crystal things to shine and transparency. The main thing is not to use aggressive and abrasive substances. Otherwise, the crystal will lose its beauty forever.


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