Gel "Polish": if cheap, then bad? 3 facts about "Chinese" materials

The term "gel polish" generally means in the literal translation "gel polish". And there are a lot of companies that produce it, from the first and world-famous Shellac to Chinese gel polishes at low prices. And just one of the firms in the Middle Kingdom releases a material called Gel Polish. At a very affordable price. And what about quality?

gel polish

Color palette

Of course, it plays far from the first role in the choice of material. However, the breadth of the palette also matters. And the gel "Polish" has more than 170 colors. Not weak! But Chinese manufacturers generally differ in this: the more, the better, in their opinion. And some are even willing to sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity. But the fact remains - the palette of gel varnishes and gels from the Celestial Empire is vast, bright, colorful and very diverse.

gel polish

Cost of materials

Gel "Polish" can be purchased, depending on the seller, at a price of 80 to 300 rubles per bottle. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the volume of the material itself. For example, for 80 rubles you can buy a bottle of 5 ml. For home use, this amount is quite enough, but for working as a manicure master - very little, it takes a little more. But in any case, the low cost of the material is another β€œfeature” of the Middle Kingdom. Gels and gel polishes are unmatched cheaper, in addition, many sellers often arrange sales or make discounts on orders from three or more positions (bottles).

gel polish polish

Material quality

As the practice of many masters shows, Gel Polish, presented in the photo, has a fairly good quality. However, there are some peculiarities. So, pale and light shades do not fit too smoothly in one layer. Therefore, the nails have to overlap two to three times. But dark colors look good even in one layer. Also, masters note that in the view of Chinese manufacturers, Polish gel and gel polish are almost the same thing. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the latter option. Gel polish is intended for manicure, and not in order to build up nails. The latter procedure is already out of fashion, giving way to naturalness.


Naturally, it is impossible to evaluate quality without evaluating durability. Gel "Polish" on average lasts about two to three weeks without chips. But! Provided that the base and fixative are used by another company. It is noted that the "native" foundation and top do poorly with their task: the material from the nails cleaves on the third day. Therefore, to get a truly persistent manicure, you should pay attention to the funds of other companies. By the way, some masters in nail art schools are sure that if there is a base and top of good quality, then any gel polish will last a long time. Perhaps there is some truth to this.

gel polish reviews

Customer reviews

Gel "Polish", the reviews of which are very positive, has already been loved by many girls and masters. Firstly, with proper use, it lasts a long time: three weeks. Secondly, the cost of the material is not the highest, so it is advantageous to purchase it. Thirdly, an extensive palette! Yes, this is precisely what attracts gel and gel polish from this company. Many colors allow you to choose absolutely any tone for any design. So, a manicure using pale and pastel shades can also be created, despite the fact that you need to apply many layers. Most often they are used to perform French manicure or some special design with decorative elements. For example, with broths, mica or feathers. Yes, and for point design, the material will fit perfectly.

Final opinion

Yes, Chinese materials do not inspire much confidence, but they are attractive because of their low cost, therefore they are in demand. Gel Polish "Polish" can also be purchased without much concern, like gel of this series. Moreover, its cost is not the highest. With the right treatment and approach to manicure, there is a chance to get a really long-lasting and high-quality design. It is only important to follow all the rules and canons for applying gel polishes and gels. And, of course, use a quality base and fixative. And in order not to spoil the nails after building up or manicure, it is also necessary to remove the material correctly: do not tear it, but wash it off with a special liquid. In this case, even the most budgetary gel polish or gel from the Middle Kingdom will not bring harm. Especially if you use a good foundation.


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