A logistics company is an enterprise that provides services for the transportation, handling and storage of goods. Rating of Russian logistics companies

Many foreign companies have been hiring outside organizations for the provision of services related to the performance of non-core functions. A similar scheme is called outsourcing. It means attracting on a reimbursable basis a third party in order to fulfill the tasks that the company faces. Outsourcing helps the business to be more flexible, which allows it to make good profits.

Logistic Services

Today, there are organizations that offer a wide range of operations related to the storage, purchase and transportation of goods. Among them:

  • Warehouse logistics, processing, storage and distribution of goods;
  • transportation logistics, designed to meet the needs of companies that do not have their own fleet of vehicles, in the transportation of goods;
  • customs logistics, which represents assistance in certification and customs clearance of goods.

transport and logistics company

To date, the services of logistics companies have already outgrown the 2PL level, offered by small providers to perform simple operations in the field of transport and warehouse services, namely, storage or transportation of goods.

A modern logistics company is an organization located at the 3PL level. That is, she adheres to a scheme in which she acts as a third party in transactions between buyers and suppliers, providing a full range of services to handle the cargo.

Field of activity

Logistics is the science of controlling, managing and planning the movement of resources and goods. The main objectives of this area are:

  • development of turnover infrastructure processes, starting from the producer of raw materials and materials to the producer of goods from these resources, and then from the company that produced the products to the final consumer;
  • the formation and constant maintenance at the proper level of functioning of the general system of circulation of goods;
  • inventory management;
  • optimization and rationalization of the process of moving goods, as well as the production and marketing of finished products.

rating of logistics companies

In management, the concept of logistics is considered when developing a strategy for the management of procurement and transportation, storage and sales, financial and information flows. The main object of this discipline is the direct process of moving goods, resources and goods. This also implies one of the main tasks of logistics, which consists in using effective methods and techniques, as well as forms of managing information and flows of goods, formed thanks to a preliminary analysis of cause-effect relationships in the commodity chain.

It is worth noting that logistics got its start thanks to the military sphere. It was there that, first of all, the well-functioning work of industry and transport was necessary to achieve the goals. Then the first logistics company appeared in our country. And only after that a similar management system was borrowed by the business, which turned out to be very effective for him.

Extensive service selection

A logistics company is an organization that offers its partners the following:

  • Optimization of logistics costs.
  • Escort of transported goods by company representatives.
  • Monitoring the movement of goods.
  • Certification and customs clearance.
  • Warehouse processing and subsequent storage of material assets.
  • Expert and consulting services.

A logistics company is a reliable business assistant that will allow the company to completely legally reduce the cost of producing goods by optimizing material flows. This is due to the selection of optimal routes, which are most effective in terms of terms and tariffs, as well as in connection with a reduction in warehouse and customs costs.

A logistics company is an organization that allows you to save significant amounts on the maintenance of your own unit that performs similar functions. In addition, it can be used to flexibly reorganize the supply policy, quickly responding to changing market requirements.

How does a logistics company work? She creates her own infrastructure, establishes close business relations with the administrative services of the customer and with carriers. Thanks to this, customers are provided with a mechanism for optimizing and constructing all chains of cargo movement. A very obvious advantage is when a logistics company takes over. How it works? The customer company receives a significant gain not only in cost of services, but also in terms of delivery of its cargo.

Pulkovo logistics company

As you can see, business logistics solves an extensive list of tasks. They relate to virtually all areas of the enterprise, not covering only accounting and personnel issues.

Benefits of Collaboration

Is it profitable for an enterprise to attract a company operating in the business sector to solve its issues (logistics is an area that receives increased attention)? After all, you can create your own departments that will deal with the movement, storage and promotion of goods. It should be borne in mind that such divisions of the enterprise will require considerable additional funds for maintenance. Based on existing practice, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that such departments are not always able to demonstrate the necessary level of effectiveness of their work.

The main advantage of a logistics company is that it really allows you to increase the productivity of the enterprise’s turnover and its productivity. Many organizations, seeing the senselessness of the existence of their own departments, involve third-party organizations in cooperation, which:

  • allow you to expand the market, bringing finished products to the international level;
  • organize the processes of transportation of small and large batches of goods, specific and dangerous goods that require special conditions of transportation;
  • allow to reduce the cost of goods.

Conclusion of contracts

How to start working with a logistics company? To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with her, which must indicate:

  • volumes and ranges of services provided;
  • responsibility of both contracting parties;
  • features of paperwork accompanying the cargo;
  • amount of remuneration, as well as methods and procedure for payment of company services;
  • ownership of the goods.

Company selection

Today, Russia has opened its own business and many logistics organizations work. How to choose the most suitable one for the enterprise?

business logistics

To do this, be guided by the following rules:

  1. The services provided by the transport and logistics company should be used in most cases. An exception may be situations when the company has its own large fleet of vehicles. In this case, a preliminary assessment of the option of engaging a third party organization should be given. But even in such a situation, the “economies of scale” will play a significant role. After all, the transport and logistics company will transport quickly and make it cheaper. It will save financial resources in connection with its bulk purchases of gasoline, as well as low costs for the maintenance of vehicles, as it has its own workshops or enjoys significant discounts as a regular customer in third-party repair organizations.
  2. If the carrier does not have its own fleet, it is not worth concluding a contract for the provision of logistics services. This will result in a large amount of financial costs for the enterprise.
  3. When choosing a logistics company, you should pay attention to those guarantees that a potential contractor can provide. In addition, the draft contract should indicate the exact time of receipt of the goods, as well as transit time.
  4. It is advisable that the carrier be prepared to insure its liability for the complete safety of the material assets transported by it in any third-party insurance company.
  5. When considering candidates for the conclusion of an agreement, one should compare the cost of services of carriers and specify their readiness to work with “non-standard” deliveries. If necessary, an additional contract can be concluded, guaranteeing the company the provision of the vehicle it needs in case of emergency.
  6. Before concluding the contract, you should read the reviews about the prospective partner.
  7. When providing customs broker services, it will be necessary to take the choice of a logistics company as seriously as possible. After all, mistakes made during the declaration, sometimes have a negative delayed effect.

Moscow logistics companies

Which artist to choose? For this, it is worth considering the rating of logistics companies in Russia.

Business Lines Company

The motto of this organization is the words “Quality and Reliability”. Business Lines is one of Moscow's logistics companies. It is in the capital that its main office is located. After all, transport services are very relevant for this metropolis.

The company operates based on the wishes of its customers. She is ready to quickly and with a high level of quality deliver the necessary goods to their destination not only from Moscow, but also from St. Petersburg. The customer can receive his goods the very next day after his release from the warehouse. The company offers its services at the most affordable prices and at the most modern level. In their list are:

  • transportation by rail, air or road;
  • consolidated cargo delivery;
  • transportation of goods by a separate mode of transport;
  • cargo delivery to all regions of the country, as well as to Kazakhstan and Belarus;
  • expedited express delivery.

logistics company services

The company also offers the customer transportation of goods, taking into account temperature conditions. To do this, she uses special equipment with the organization of a separate flight.

In the process of its work, the logistics organization constantly maintains contact with the client, notifying him of the location of his material assets.

PEK company

This organization provides transportation services throughout Russia. It is also on the lists, which include Moscow logistics companies. Constantly expanding its work, it opens up more and more new branches in various regions of the country. Moreover, the organization is constantly acquiring new customers.

PEK only offers modern services at the highest level of service. Indeed, its staff consists of qualified specialists who are constantly improving their level of work. The company uses freight vehicles and aircraft to deliver goods.

The complex of services of the company PEK includes the following:

  • collection of goods from the customer and transportation to the destination;
  • constant informing the client about the location and condition of the cargo;
  • high-quality packaging of goods;
  • loading and unloading of material assets.

Bee Logistic Company

This company provides comprehensive services, offering:

  • the implementation of the entire volume of logistics operations with the goods;
  • transportation, storage, loading and delivery of goods to the buyer;
  • placement of goods in beautiful packaging.

Bee Logistic is on the list of the best logistics companies in St. Petersburg, but in addition to the Northern capital, it also operates in Novosibirsk.

In addition, she offers the client:

  • storage of goods in a warehouse;
  • preparation of products for sale (sticker stickers, marking, sealing in film, repacking);
  • providing any necessary information transmitted online;
  • provision of office.

Air freight

In the ranking of companies specializing in the transport of goods, Pulkovo Logistics Company stands out. It is located in St. Petersburg. It also has offices in Moscow and China.

logistics company is

Pulkovo logistics company is engaged in air cargo, considering them the most reliable and fast. Indeed, the delivery of goods by plane is the fastest option, especially in cases where the route runs to the remote corners of not only our country, but also the planet.

Qualified specialists of the company carry out logistic support of goods and choose the most optimal transportation options for them.

In order to order air transportation, just a call to the company. In this case, you will need to specify the dimensions of the delivered material assets, their nature, weight, and also the number of seats. The specialist will immediately calculate the most optimal delivery options. Next, the cargo must arrive at the cargo terminal at Pulkovo Airport. If the client does not have such an opportunity, then the logistics company will take care of this. If urgent delivery is required, a charter flight can be arranged.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8589/

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