How to compose a cold call script. Script ("cold call"): example

In the field of sales, cold calls are often used . With their help, you can effectively sell goods, services, make an appointment for the subsequent discussion of the terms of the transaction. In some cases, scripts are used to make cold calls. What it is? What are the criteria for their effective engagement?

What are they needed for?

A bit of theory. “Cold bell” - how does it differ from “hot bell”? Everything is very simple. It implies a conversation with a person or company with which the caller had no contacts before (remote acquaintance). In turn, a "hot" call is the development of existing contacts in order to maintain contact with a partner or enter into a new transaction with him.

cold call script

Actually, what are cold calls for, the scripts of which we are going to study? What is their practical effectiveness for business? Experts note: the use of "cold calls" is one of the most affordable and effective methods of sales. This technique is designed, first of all, to save the manager’s time in relation to performance indicators. The involvement of many other sales channels (such as, for example, newsletters) does not always give a comparable effect.

Many experts are sure that communication with clients as such, regardless of whether the calls are “cold” or “hot”, is one of the main criteria for business success. If only because this tool, in contrast to various types of electronic channels (social networks, e-mail), appeals to the natural need of a person - to speak with oneself.

cold calls scripts

It's simple

Cold calls are easy to make. At least from a technical point of view, because there is a regular phone in almost all offices. It is easy to do them also from the point of view of preparation. Even if a person is not used to talking on the phone, he has a faithful assistant - a ready-made script. Or, in another way, a script. “Cold Call” with its help turns into almost a routine work, but at the same time incredibly exciting. If we use a successful script, a cold call will help you make great money. But what is the likelihood that our scenario will provide a sale?


One of the most common goals that a cold call script is designed to solve is to schedule a caller to meet with the person you are talking to. That is, probably with a potential client of the company. In some cases, the manager can use, making "cold calls", sales scripts in pure form, persuading the client to buy something without a meeting. It all depends on the specific task and the specifics of the product or service being sold.

cold calls sales scripts

Therefore, choosing the optimal script, you need to make sure that it is suitable for us, based on all relevant criteria. We read the script and decide whether it is optimal for a meeting or is it better adapted just for sales. After that, we study the structure of the script.

Chef required

In sales practice, the main emphasis is on the interaction of the manager of the company producing the goods and the provision of services, and the person who makes decisions on the side of the client company. Often this is a top-level manager, and getting through to him in a direct way is not always possible. Adapted to the task that cold calls perform, scripts are sometimes subdivided into two subspecies. The first of them is in the best possible way to achieve a conversation with the "boss". The second, in turn, contains instructions applicable to the conversation with the decision maker. In the first scenario, the sales manager, as a rule, communicates with people whose status with respect to the "boss" is initially unknown. Accordingly, the script may contain mechanisms by which the caller displays information about the official with whom it is desirable to talk.

Thus, based on the specifics of the task, we determine which part of the script to use - the first or immediately the second. After we begin to closely study the contents of the script. We analyze how effective it will be.

Script Performance Criteria

We have a script. Cold Call is the main tool. How to ensure the result? What are the script performance criteria? Let us agree that the task before us is a conversation with a decision maker. We got through to the "boss" or we have his direct phone number.

1. The finished cold call script should, first of all, contain a link to a significant informational reason for contacting the company. Experts believe that in a good scenario, there should not be a direct indication of the purpose of the call, which is a sale or a meeting with the person making the decision. It is important that the phrase is written in the script, which will at least ensure that the interlocutor of the manager is not indifferent to the conversation.

A short example of a cold call script that can interest someone on the other end of the line: "Good afternoon. Our company sells innovative methods for storing large amounts of computer information. Would this be interesting for you?" In fact, we sell flash drives in bulk. But if we admitted on the spot: “I want to offer you to buy flash drives,” the interlocutor would probably refuse to continue the conversation, because the information line is clearly not “catchy”.

2. The script must provide for dialogue, not a monologue. All matters are that the interlocutor, if the conversation began, as a rule, raises questions, opinions, judgments. Including those that relate to competitors. He can say: "Oh, I do not need flash drives, I use devices from Alfabet Electronics, they are quite fine with me." It is absolutely unacceptable for the script to have prompts of the form: "What are you," Alphabeta - this is the last century! " It is necessary to respect the opinion, and, importantly, the choice of the interlocutor.

An example of a "cold call" script with the correct option: "Great choice! Want to see a device with improved features compared to the products of this brand?"

3. Following the instructions of the script necessarily leads to the result. To one of three. The first is failure. And do not confuse him with the objection, which most often sounds like this: "There is no time, I'm sorry." The second is a meeting. In order to show flash drives that are superior to competitors in terms of performance. The third is consent to talk later.

Cold call script sample

These are, of course, just a few basic criteria. Now we will move on to more detailed examples of involving ready-made telephone sales scenarios. In each of them, a technique has been applied that can positively affect the decision of the interlocutor. That is, the logic of the script is built with an emphasis on one or another aspect that expresses the advantages of the product or service being sold.

Mutually beneficial cooperation

So, let's consider a possible cold call script (sample). We call the owner of the bakery and offer him to buy croissants from our own private bakery. The main thing that we will motivate our future partner with is the prospect of mutually beneficial cooperation.

We call and immediately lay out the essence of the matter: "We offer you mutually beneficial cooperation." But that's not all. We immediately substantiate: "The proposed croissants, and this is proved by the example of dozens of our partners, will increase your revenue by 15%."

Cold Call Script Example

The profitability of bakeries is now relatively low - the competition is great. And because the owner of the institution at least listen to the details. Which, of course, "we will discuss with you in person." All. Next, off-line sales techniques set to work. The "cold call" script, a sample of which we have just reviewed, performed its function.

The sales manager will most likely show the charts that will show: croissants in their price segment and consumer qualities fit perfectly into the bakery menu. And because they will be actively bought along with other types of baking for tea, which ultimately should increase sales.

More customers

The following scenario, which we can give as an example, is motivation based on the prospects of attracting more customers. The cold call script template may contain the following phrases. "We offer a product that will significantly expand your target audience," we state the essence of the matter to the bakery owner. Do not forget to once again refer to the successful experience of numerous partners. Next is the meeting to which the experienced manager goes. We used the script, the cold call worked.

Cold Calls Realtor Scripts

Most likely, the manager, when meeting with the owner of the establishment, focuses on the fact that with the appearance of the bakery croissants on the menu, client groups will replenish with people who appreciate quality sweets - these are children, people of the older generation. In principle, the revenue is also likely to increase due to the same mechanism.

I know everything about you

And one more interesting option. It is based on the ability to pleasantly surprise an interlocutor with knowledge of the facts about him. However, their reliability may not play a role. Why? We look at an example.

"Hello. We were told that your bakery specializes in selling fresh croissants on a yeast-free test. This is a very rare segment. Do you want to share experiences?"

The owner of a bakery, even having no idea that his company bakes croissants without yeast, will be surprised at least. But with a high probability he will agree to a meeting, since the person who will seem to own this technology will be the interlocutor at it. It will be great to know how delicious croissants are baked! There will almost certainly be a meeting where the sales manager of our bakery will give croissants a taste for the baker, but will never tell him the recipe. However, a contract for the supply of baked goods will be signed.

Sales examples

Above, we considered an option in which call scripts are used to schedule an appointment. This is an emphasis. Now let's try to study the situations in which sales scripts are involved (if it is decided to practice “cold calls”). That is, the purpose of the conversation is not a subsequent meeting, but the conclusion of certain contractual agreements by telephone.

Take for example an internet segment. This service is one of the most popular in Russia. The competition is quite high (although the positions of monopolists are strong), and many subscribers often change one provider for another, having heard that somewhere, the tariffs for the same speed are cheaper or the connection is better.

Script cold call advertisement

The main recommendation here is to immediately focus on the competitive advantages of the offer. If the provider accurately guarantees, for example, that the price will be lower than the market average by 20%, this fact should be immediately voiced. If the interlocutor indicates the name of their provider, it is not worth specifying that this particular provider loses in the price of our company. It should be limited to the diplomatic phrase "your provider works within the framework of average market prices." The client will be able to draw a small logical conclusion himself, while the caller will show respect for the previous choice: if a person has previously found a provider with average prices on the market, then what is shameful? However, we will offer cheaper. If this, of course, is our main competitive advantage. A component that should never include a cold call script intended for use by managers in the communication services segment is advertising. A specific sentence should sound - connect. Or leave contact details for the application.

Who else can "cold calls", scripts greatly help out? Realtors, of course. True, to a greater extent for one segment - commercial real estate. When it comes to buying apartments, people usually call themselves. Similarly, we focus on the competitive advantages of production facilities or offices. These may be the location in the city center, near the metro, near shops, etc. Since we are not talking, as is the case with providers, about opposing their offer to another brand (as a rule), the seller may well tell the client everything he thinks about the current premises he rents. And how to praise yours.

Good scripts

Whatever the goal of the sales manager, it is extremely important to maintain tact and courtesy in communicating with the interlocutor. Even if he himself does not have that, preferring to respond with harsh phrases. In most cases, the interlocutor can be completely rebuilt to the desired emotional mood, which contributes to a more constructive dialogue.

What else could be a sign of good taste in cold phone sales? The correctness of the wording. It’s more correct to say not “let's try”, but “we offer you”. Not "you want", but "you may have a desire", etc. Before using the script, you should check it for diplomatic wording.

It is important to complete the conversation extremely correctly, even if it did not lead to the desired result. It is likely that the same person will have to call again with a similar proposal, but with a new approach or with a different idea. It will be great if a sales manager will be associated with courtesy and tact.

Thus, high-quality scripts should comply with the recommendations presented above. The main condition for their use is the maximum automation of the communication scenario. The sales manager, in principle, should only follow the text, read it in the right tone. The script is mainly intended to facilitate the work of a sales specialist. This is not a theoretical guide, but a practical tool designed to produce results.


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