How to wash a down jacket at home?

Surely many people have faced this problem: you buy a down jacket, wear it and rejoice until the moment of forced washing. Then the product completely loses its attractiveness, the filler goes astray, and your favorite outerwear stops warming. No matter how you try to spread the fluff with your hands, the situation is only getting worse. There is only one way out - to throw out the spoiled thing and acquire a new one.

However, after a while it will have to be washed. After all, no one wants to look sloppy. Especially if the fabric from which the down jacket is made is light. And what to do? Dry clothes are expensive for many. And again, independently conduct cleaning procedures fraught with failure.

That is why in this we will talk about how to wash a down jacket.

washing the down jacket yourself

When you can do without washing

The convenience of modern “washing machines” has spoiled us so much that we immediately throw any, even once-dressed, thing into the laundry basket. But only if it is, for example, a T-shirt or underwear, such actions are quite appropriate. But if about jeans or a down jacket, then it’s worth several times to think about the need for your action.

So, when does one need to wash outerwear? Most experts agree that one should not get involved in this process. But the exact washing schedule cannot be established. Basically, people are guided by the degree of pollution. For example, if a stain appears on the jacket, it is not necessary to send it to the laundry basket. Especially if you do not know how to wash a down jacket. After all, outerwear, including a down jacket, is sewn mainly from a material that is easily cleaned with a brush. Therefore, you can arm yourself with a toothbrush or a clean shoe brush, drop a little liquid soap or shampoo on it, and then gently rub the blurred area. So it will be possible to get rid of the stain, and not to spoil the down jacket.

down jacket cleaning

However, surface cleaning only helps with light dirt. If the down jacket acquired a gray coating or turned yellow, it began to smell unpleasant, and the fluff inside it fell off, you should resort to washing.

How to choose the best washing option

Currently, each of us has a great opportunity to choose any necessary item from an unprecedented range. For example, down jackets are worn by both wealthy people and those who have average earnings. And all because such a garment can be both cheap - made from more budget materials, and expensive. That is why it is impossible to give clear recommendations on how to wash a down jacket without seeing a specific product.

For this reason, we strongly advise each reader to study their item before washing. It may be that it is generally forbidden to use a washing machine to clean it.

Is it possible to bleach a down jacket

In addition, many people who have a white down jacket in their wardrobe that needs washing may have a desire to bleach it using a special tool. The admissibility of such a procedure should also be known before the cleaning process is started.

Surely after the last words the reader had a question about how to find the answer to the above questions. Is it really necessary to run to the nearest dry cleaning? In fact, no, because you can figure it out yourself. It is important only to carefully examine the label located on the wrong side of the product. And then the question of how to properly wash the down jacket will become much clearer.

To correctly interpret obscure icons, we suggest looking at the following picture.

how to wash a down jacket

If there is a symbol on the label that allows the use of the washing machine

There are three most important rules for washing a down jacket in an “automatic machine”. And if they are observed exactly, it will be possible to avoid problems and negative consequences. But first, you should definitely make sure that such washing is allowed. Otherwise, even following the rules will not help.

So, how to wash a down jacket in an automatic machine:

  1. We check the pockets and fasten all the locks, buttons, buttons.
  2. Unfasten the hood and fur parts.
  3. We turn the product inside out and put it in the washing machine.
  4. We do not add any other items of clothing. Therefore, if you need to clean two down jackets, they will have to be washed in turn.
  5. But three or four tennis or thorny balls (they are also called massage) will have to be put. After all, they will provide the necessary "shake" fluff and will not allow him to fall down.

When the above steps are completed successfully, we move on to choosing the right program for washing, temperature and detergent. How not to make a mistake at this stage, we will describe in the following paragraphs.

washing a down jacket in a typewriter

What program will wash the down jacket

Many modern models of washing machines have a special function, which is called the “Down Jacket”. And you won’t have to rack your brains on how to properly wash the down jacket in a car. But if it is absent, do not assume that the device for cleaning the studied product is unsuitable.

So, the most suitable programs for washing a down jacket are the following:

  • "Delicate";
  • "Synthetics";
  • "Wool";
  • "Silk".

How to choose the right temperature

If the down jacket is very dirty, many people tend to clean it by choosing the maximum temperature. Just from this the product loses its shape, color and looks shabby and old. To prevent this, it is important to figure out how to wash the down jacket in the "machine".

As we said above, you can not make a mistake in choosing the washing option only if you carefully examine the label of a particular thing. But if the down jacket is taken from your hands or the owner has a habit of trimming all labels after purchase, it becomes impossible to determine the necessary parameters. That is why experts recommend setting a delicate mode and a temperature not exceeding thirty degrees on the machine. These two necessary conditions will ensure an excellent result and the desired purity of the product.

down jacket washing temperature

Which powder is better to use

Another issue that deserves serious consideration is the choice of detergent. We have already mentioned that if a down jacket needs to be slightly refreshed, surface cleaning can be done using shampoo or liquid soap. However, for natural reasons, none of these products can be put in the washing machine. Perhaps it is possible to clean the down jacket with ordinary powder?

Unfortunately not. This is evidenced by both experts and ordinary people who ventured to try such a procedure. After all, ugly white stains will remain on the clothes, which will make you repeat the wash several more times. But already without the use of powder.

That is why it is more appropriate to purchase liquid powder in capsules for washing the product under study. Of course, it costs more usually, but it can provide the required quality of cleaning the down jacket in the washing machine.

How to wash with the addition of bleach

The recommendations suggested above will help to clean solid or multicolor products from pollution. But if you want to bring the white down jacket in excellent condition, you will need an additional cleaning procedure.

So, how to wash the white down jacket:

  1. The easiest option is to use a special tool. It must be applied to spots or dissolved in a large basin with water, and then put a down jacket on it for thirty minutes.
  2. A more cost-effective bleach is the following: pour twelve liters of warm water into the basin, add eight tablespoons of salt, three tablespoons of ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide, mix. Soak in the down jacket for four hours.

After that, you can wash the down jacket in the car. How to do this correctly, we described in detail above.

washing white down jacket

If there is no symbol on the label that allows the use of the washing machine

Many readers, having carefully examined the label, found an icon on it, which depicts a basin with a palm. This means that this down jacket cannot be machine washed. That is why it follows:

  1. Fill a large basin with warm water.
  2. Add 30-40 milliliters of liquid soap or powder, shampoo or a special detergent for washing down jackets.
  3. Stir everything well.
  4. Drop the product into the composition.
  5. Rinse thoroughly, gently wiping off any dirt.
  6. Then squeeze slightly and rinse again. But already in clear water.

Thus, knowing how to wash a down jacket down, you can avoid a lot of problems and negative consequences.

Why does the jacket smell bad after washing

Often after washing, the down jacket acquires a dog-like smell. And the reason lies in the improper drying of the product. Recall that down jackets can only be dried vertically by hanging on their shoulders and stirring the fluff with their hands.

jacket drying

If the process has already been carried out, the fluff has fallen off, locked up and the product has become unpleasant to smell, it is necessary to rub the down jacket and dry it correctly.

What to do if the fluff is still falling

The answer to the question formed in the title is very simple. It is only necessary to use a vacuum cleaner, having previously removed the brush from it. Now we turn the down jacket inside out, set the power of the vacuum cleaner to a minimum and carefully drive along sloppy lumps.

Here's how to wash a down jacket at home.


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