Kaushiki Yoga Dance: reviews

Yoga is a combination of wellness practices that have a long history and philosophy. One of these is the Kaushiki dance. Reviews about him gain weight. We will get acquainted with the theory of dance, its impact on the mind and body. And what do ordinary people practicing this dance think?

dance kaushiki reviews


The basis of the Hindu religion is the divine triad. It is composed of the gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The latter personifies cosmic consciousness. Its element is fire, which symbolizes the masculine principle. To fulfill his divine mission, Shiva dances the tandava. These energetic movements in a certain rhythm have long been picked up by yoga devotees and turned into a special male dance. It is a kind of ritual of spiritual enlightenment and harmonization of internal energy.

Expert reviews of Kaushiki dance say that it is a kind of response or addition to the tandava. After all, kaushiki is a dance for women, although sometimes it is performed by young men. It was created by the Indian guru Baba (or Sri Sri Anandamurti) in 1978.

The name of the new practice comes from a word in Sanskrit that sounds like “kosh”, which means a layer of the mind or inner “I”. According to the philosophy of dance, it is designed to develop, enlighten the mind of a woman, help her reach the macrocosm, make her mind sharper and stronger. This is where professional reviews about the Kaushiki yoga dance are formed, which say that this is primarily a psycho-spiritual practice.

kawiki dance reviews


But, of course, it also has a healing effect. Often kaushiki called panacea for all female and some male diseases. The influence of this dance on the nervous system is great. According to reviews, the Kaushiki dance eliminates lethargy and insomnia, hysteria and various phobias. His regular practice helps self-expression and creative development, suppresses complexes and self-doubt. The list of positive effects included both nervous exhaustion and neuralgia, which Kaushiki dance also helps to cope with.

The feedback from practitioners is called comprehensive. Since this rhythmic exercise has a positive effect on the endocrine, osteoarticular, digestive and genitourinary systems. It strengthens absolutely all the glands in the female body, regulates their secretion and fights obesity. People who have suffered a stroke, suffer from arthritis and gout, kaushiki helps relieve inflammation, reduce pain and learn to control the operation of the limbs.

It is noteworthy that women can dance it even during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. The effect also extends to easier labor. And for men, this yogic practice helps in the treatment of dropsy of the testicle and inflammation of the urethra.

And finally, reviews of the Kaushiki dance note a rejuvenating effect. Regular practice helps to slow down the aging process, smoothes wrinkles, cleanses the liver, the body as a whole and helps bring the figure back to normal, get rid of extra pounds. In modern India, girls sometimes perform this dance at special concerts.

dance kaushiki reviews of people


Kaushiki consists of only 18 movements. They are repeated for 21 minutes. That is how much time once a day you need to devote to dance practice. Movements must be performed in one rhythm. As a musical accompaniment, they use a mantra performed by the guru himself. She is called Baba Nam Kevalam. In parallel with the dance movements in the mind of a person should be an ideation, or the creation and retention of a figurative representation.

According to reviews, the Kaushiki dance has a clear algorithm that cannot be violated. First, the practitioners perform namaskar mudra (i.e. greeting). To do this, you just need to stand up straight and connect your palms above your head. Then the dancers begin to move in the rhythm of the mantra. They, like pendulums, walk left and right, “tapping” their feet slightly (more precisely, with the thumb on the floor behind the heel of the other leg). In this case, you need to create an image in your head and try to keep it until the end of the dance.

Each movement is made meaningfully and has its own verbal interpretation. For example, the first gesture, when the arms are raised above the head and connected by the palms, can be translated as: "I am establishing a connection with the Higher Consciousness." In this case, we are talking about Cosmos, the Universe. It is he who helps to find a balance between the external and internal worlds, micro- and macrocosm. Kicks are a kind of semantic continuation of each movement and read like this: "Because I live in Your rhythm."

dance kaushiki who dance reviews


Then follow the slopes to the right and left. Each includes three parts, i.e. a gradual change in angle. Moving in the rhythm of the mantra, a person leans gradually at 45 degrees in three stages (discretely at 15 degrees) and returns back in two. In verbal interpretation, this movement sounds like this: "I know how to look for You." This is an open message to the Universe, preceding the appeal to it.


Now follows the movement in the opposite direction. It is an accurate reflection of the previous one. And symbolizes harmony, the unity of the energies of Yin and Yang. In Hindu culture (as in many others), a woman is the beginning of life. Motherhood is her true destiny.

That is why the reviews of people about the dance of Kaushiki note that the practice is female. It is designed to awaken the energy of Yin, to develop it and combine it with the energy of Yang. At the physical level, dance creates all the necessary conditions for the fertility of a woman.

dance kaushiki real reviews of people


Leaning forward is the next movement in the dance. It should also occur at an angle of 45 degrees (in two stages there and in one - back). Hands can be held in front of you. The slope shows respect and love for the Universe and is translated as follows: "I bow to Thee." During the ideation, many women represent a loved one. Thus, they connect their energy with the energy of a man. This is partly the right approach. Since each person is a creation of the Universe, which means that its image is present in each of us.


And finally, you need to make a tilt back (as far as flexibility allows) and return to its original position. At the same time, one should keep in mind the thought "I will overcome all obstacles on the way to You." This is a kind of auto-training, the final point, which serves as a psychological setting for a person. Therefore, in consciousness, it must “sound” clearly and confidently. Upon returning to the starting position, the upper body should always be kept straight: from the chest to the fingers.

yogic dance kawashi reviews


Today, the number of women and men who like this amazing practice is increasing. Everyone becomes healthy who dances kaushiki dance. The reviews of these people naturally contribute to the dissemination and strengthening of this practice in Russia. It is noteworthy that the implementation of the dance takes only 21 minutes, so it can be combined with other yoga lessons. In addition, when practicing, a person does not experience a lot of physical activity.

He can relax and charge himself with positive energy. In order not to become a victim of advertising, it is better to look at real reviews of people about kaushiki dance, which can be found on special forums. As it turned out, not everyone liked this practice. Some people saw it as a waste of time and money.

However, there are women who, indeed, felt the beneficial effect of dance. According to the instructors themselves, kaushiki is a very easy practice in terms of performance technique. It can be easily mastered at home. But whether she will like it and whether she will “dance” regularly is an individual decision of everyone.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8608/

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