How to sit on the twine at home without too much effort?

Not everyone can boast of body flexibility, although many dream of having a good stretch. This is especially true among those involved in sports or dancing. But there are many people who would like to be able to sit on the twine just for themselves. If you not only want very much, but also regularly engage in muscle stretching, this will not be so difficult. Exercises to sit on the twine are not difficult, but you need to be patient, especially those who have never before been involved in any kind of sports.

In total there are three types of twine: left longitudinal, right longitudinal and transverse. The most difficult of them is the last, so for a start it is worth learning at least the first two. The right and left longitudinal splits, as you might guess from the name, are when one leg (left or right) is stretched forward and the other back when landing. Transverse twine, however, is when the legs “roll apart” when planting. If you decide to train yourself, remember that before you sit on the twine at home, you will definitely need to warm up the muscles. This is necessary in order to avoid stretching, tearing and other injuries, so before you start stretching, run for a few minutes or jump on a skipping rope. For the especially lazy, there is another way to warm up the muscles: if there are no contraindications, and the cardiovascular system is normal, get a hot bath and lie there for about 15 minutes. After that, you can immediately begin stretching exercises.

Start by exercising in a supine position. Find a place near the wall, lie on your back (the distance between the wall and buttocks is 8-15 cm) and lift your straightened legs on the wall. Do not bend your lower back. Slowly, without tearing your heels off the wall, spread your legs to the sides as far apart as possible. You should feel a slight tension. Stay in this position for half a minute and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several (5-10) times.

Another “lying” exercise will help to stretch the muscles of the back of the thighs, as well as the calf muscles. This must be done before learning how to sit on the twine at home. Here you need not a wall, but a door. Lie on the floor, lift one foot on the door, and the other remains lying on the floor, extended in the doorway. Having clasped your fingers with a lock on the back of your head, raise your torso and tilt it as close as possible to the doorway, hold it in this position for 10-15 seconds. After completing these exercises, you can get up, relax for a moment and begin stretching in a standing position.

Before you sit on the twine at home, you will need about 2-3 months of daily stretching exercises. So, from a standing position, stand on one knee (any), take one leg back, and gradually move the other forward. Having reached the maximum amplitude for you, try to lower the pelvis down and linger in this position for 10-20 seconds. After that, try to extend your leg even further and hold out the same amount of time. The legs need to be changed periodically, so you can immediately sit on both the left and right longitudinal splits.

And now a little about how to sit on the twine at home, which is called transverse. There is a fairly effective way for which you need ... a stack of books. No, you don’t have to read them, you will sit on them. Take as many books as you need to sit on them unhindered, spreading your legs as far apart as possible. After sitting in this way for 10-15 minutes, pull one book out from under you and sit down on the pile again. Stretch in this way for about an hour, but if it is difficult to endure so much time, reduce it to half an hour. But you still need to train every day, until you pull out the last book from under you.

In how to sit on the twine at home, a second person can also help you. Ask one of your relatives or friends to help you. Sit on the floor, legs apart and begin to tilt the body forward. The second person’s help is to help you lean as low as possible. He should either push you in the back, or, sitting opposite you, hold your hands and pull you towards you. Most stretching exercises are very static, so try to stay in any position for 10-20 seconds, while maintaining smooth breathing. And remember that in no case should you overstrain. It’s better that you give half an hour to the first time, but then, when the muscles get used to it, you can increase both the load and the time for training.


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