Best gymnastics aqua aerobics - a review for beauty

Aerobics is a favorite pastime for those who want to dance in a group and lose a couple of kilograms, hone a figure, cheer up. Aero - means movements with high oxygen consumption, which is achieved by a fairly active pace of exercises involving large muscle groups. But one more Latin word was added to the familiar name, and a new trend arose in sports and fitness programs - aqua aerobics. The review of her among lovers of water procedures is the most enthusiastic.

water aerobics review

Pleasant pastime in a group of friends, simple exercises that bring muscle joy to the body, quickly tangible results - this is how those who have already mastered the initial program characterize their impressions. There is nothing better for beginner athletes than water aerobics: training is simple and does not require special sports skills, is accessible to all ages.

If those who are well acquainted with aerobics on land have come into the water, they will immediately notice that the complex of aqua aerobics resembles the “dry” complex in terms of the structure of exercises and the exercise system. Indeed, warm-up, training, hitch, stretching are also done. The instructor also stands facing the practitioners and shows the technique of movements. The only difference is that the group itself is in the water.

water aerobics training

However, exercises in water are distinguished by greater force loads on the muscles, more energetic efforts for movement, which cannot be achieved on land. Those wishing to lose weight have already noted how much more effective is water aerobics.

Feedback on the effects of water on weight loss is also made by training specialists. They explain this effect by the fact that water not only relaxes the body, but also exerts resistance and static pressure from all sides. If on land you have to use dumbbells, elastic bandages to create an additional load, then water already loads the muscles with its weight. It is enough to fold the palm of the hand with a bucket - and the water resistance to the hand increases significantly.

For beginners, such a natural burden does not cause stress, since the very touch of water is very pleasant and relieves stress. They do not feel the discomfort sometimes associated with land activities: water cools, holds the body and levels the stress of movements.

water aerobics complex

The back is unloaded, the joints do not beat - all this is provided by water aerobics - recall of those who experienced its beneficial effect on themselves.

Those who want to lose weight not only get rid of excess waist and hips, but also acquire very seductive forms. This is due to a good strength study of the muscle corset. Any resistance exercises increase the strength and strength of the muscles, make them consume more energy. And the more calories the muscles eat, the less excess fat becomes. The less fat, the more beautiful and beautiful the body looks.

Such a complex effect on humans is provided by water aerobics: the review of fitness professionals also confirms this. Those who are already familiar with the water system of exercises, do not miss the opportunity to practice independently, for example, at sea during the holidays. The result is not only a beautiful tan, but also a flat stomach and smooth hips with no signs of cellulite.


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