Is it a snack? This is how to say

Many people think that a snack is such an appetizer. But let's define the concepts. In Russian, the word "snack" has several meanings. First and foremost is the aperitif. That is, an easy meal for the stomach, designed to arouse appetite. Served such appetizers - fish, meat, but more often vegetable - in front of the main dish. The snake has a completely different purpose. Do not cause a rush of gastric juice, but rather, slightly dull the feeling of hunger. And they do not eat snacks before a meal. Although there are moments ... But we will talk about what to serve as snacks and when to offer them to guests another time. And now we only note that the English explanatory dictionaries interpret this concept as a small amount of food consumed between main meals.

Sneak it

The origin of snacks

In crops with a cold climate, the diet was as follows: hearty breakfast and no less plentiful dinner. They took lunch with them in the field. If he donned it not far from home, the tiller came to midday. They usually ate soup. In lands with a hot climate at sultry noon there is no desire. The role of dinner for the peasants was played by fruits or small sandwiches, nuts, raisins or dried figs. So people had a snack between breakfast and dinner. The soup was eaten at the evening meal. In France, there is the concept of hors d'oeuvre - this phrase can be translated as a snack. This is any small light dish that is eaten without cutlery, with your hands. An example of such a French snack is canapes.

American fast food

The intense rhythm of life in the United States has created a completely new kind of snack. If in France, Spain or Italy, the hostess could serve a plate with tartlets, bruschetta or canapes to take guests before serving the main course or just to accompany small talk with a glass of light table wine, then in America a snack is already lunch. It must be of high calorie content so that the eater can easily “reach” to the end of the working day and, accordingly, dinner. In addition, the snack should be easy to use so that it can be eaten without “separation from production”. It is good in portioned packaging that you can put in your pocket.

Fish snacks

Beer Snacks

There are other situations where snacks are appropriate. Their goal is not to whet your appetite and not drown out your hunger, but to emphasize the taste of the drink. And also in the case when they drink alcohol - a large amount of it or distillates. And if herring, pickles or pickled mushrooms are good under vodka (as well as a tiny piece of lard, placed on the edge of rye bread), then with regard to beer, the range of possibilities expands. You can eat fish snacks together with a foamy barley drink - all kinds of dried or dried ram and even seafood. It goes well with beer and raw smoked basturma meat. Something salty will also be very welcome - a variety of nuts, crackers, potato chips, corn sticks, straws, crackers and more. However, it is worth considering that some types of snacks are high in calories and contain a small amount of nutrients. Together with a barley drink, such snacks can give rise to “beer” bellies and big stomach problems.

Beer Snacks

To eat or not to eat?

The fact that snack is a small dish gives rise to the illusion that it can be consumed in large quantities. And now, whether we watch TV or try to quit smoking, we resort to the help of these small snacks. But if earlier the most popular snack among us was considered to be sunflower or pumpkin seeds containing many useful substances, now we don’t think going to the cinema without a pack of popcorn, but we give the children “Mars” chocolate bars with them to the school. In general, nutritionists say that snacking on the go is bad for the stomach. Food should be eaten meaningfully, so that not only the hunger is satisfied, but also the tongue, eyes and smell are enjoyed. And the snacks that the Americans themselves call junk food - unhealthy food, do not satisfy these criteria. However, on the road or in case of a delay at work, snacks can come in handy.


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