2 Tarot Swords: Meaning in Divination

The minor arcana in the Tarot do not describe global processes, but small forces affecting them. However, without considering their meanings, it is impossible to fully understand the situation. Let's talk about such an important, rather pessimistic lasso, like 2 Tarot swords. It should immediately be said that this card is deciphered in different ways by the classics of fortune telling. When you pick up the deck, look who created it, so as not to make a mistake in decoding.

2 tarot swords

Card description

We will see two classic decks: Thoth and White. In them, 2 swords Tarot has a diametrically opposite meaning, which is why even the essence of the prediction changes. White linked this lasso to the moon in the Gemini. This is the energy of doubt, throwing, which prevents one from seeing things as they really are. The person under her influence looks like a hedgehog in the fog, he wanders and gets confused, unable to find the path. In the Tarot of Thoth, 2 swords are connected to the Moon in Aquarius. This combination gives rise to the energy of satisfaction with the course of events. We will continue to denote it with the letters LP to show different interpretations of the layouts and combinations. In White's deck, 2 Tarot Swords is an image of a blindfolded woman. She sits under a young month next to a pond. This man came under the influence of new, yet unknown energies. He is not able to figure out what the situation portends to him, how these forces will affect fate. Nevertheless, the woman holds in her hands two swords crossed among themselves. This is a hint of the fact that she has fortitude and the ability to sort it out. But while internal energies are oppressed by external circumstances. There is a lot of work to do with the painful choice. But there is a chance to get out of a confused situation if a woman can make the right decision. Next, we focus on the more common White deck, sometimes citing interpretations of Thoth.

2 Tarot Swords

The sacred meaning of lasso

In Tarot, all cards are connected, suits are composed of a series of pictures, the energy of which has a structured logic. In front of our lasso stands the Ace of Swords. He personifies a breakthrough, a big surge of power, something new has entered the aura of man. This is the lasso of the extravaganza of success, the triumph of emotions and intelligence. But, having survived such a storm, a person must master the received energy, distribute it within the aura. Therefore, the 2 swords of Tarot has a completely different meaning. This is the lasso of external confusion, stop. This is how an exhausted runner feels, feeling that he wasted his strength at the start and does not know how to get to the finish line. Experienced athletes are well aware of this state of expectation of a second wind. The card breathes peace. Behind the figure - calm water, in the sky - a month alluding to fear. In White’s deck, the moon always speaks of a negative emotional perception of reality. But the waters are calm, which means that the person is not concerned about external events, his fears are deep inside. The blindfold speaks of immersion in oneself. A person has to deal with the solution of internal problems, which consist in mastering previously obtained important information. Such a process usually goes on a subconscious level. The personality itself feels insecure and confused before the upcoming breakdown of the situation (three of swords). Our lasso in the deck of Thoth is interpreted somewhat differently. 2 Tarot Swords (LV) - this is peace and contentment. It does not take into account the depth of the impact of new energy on the individual. This deck superficially interprets the subconscious perception of reality, an intuitive understanding of upcoming events.

2 swords tarot lv

The general value of the arcane

When a specialist conducts a conversation with the deck, he always looks at the energy of the combination. Tarot 2 swords immediately suggests that changes are taking place in the life of the client. He is not yet ready to admit this to himself, to realize that he will no longer be in the old way. However, previous events made him different, endowed him with some new strength or information that now has to be processed and implemented in his life. Currently, the client is in "prostration", he needs to understand himself, to somewhat move away from active affairs. 2 Tarot swords, the value of which in the White deck is connected with intuition and the inner world, offers not to rush, not to make decisions, to wait for the initiative from the outside. Reading the alignment, you need to look at the accompanying lasso. It is to them that the energy of the two swords is applied. That is, in a sense, our map has a corrective function. For example, the combination of Tarot: 2 swords, the Sun is a hint of excellent chances in any situation. However, the client is not able to make out and realize them. He simply does not see which way to go in order to fulfill his dream. This combination is dangerous in that you can take the wrong step, turn away from luck, destroy it with your own hands. In such a situation, it is recommended not to take proactive measures, as so far no basis has been created for this. As a rule, the two of swords advises to wait for the development of events. Oddly enough, but the recommendations of the lasso from the deck of Thoth completely coincide with those described.

tarot 2 swords sun

2 Tarot Swords: Significance in a Relationship

Our lasso influences such a situation not in the most favorable way. Its main essence is that the client is immersed in himself, estranged from the world. Therefore, the partners are not yet euphoric and happy. They barely perceive each other. Moreover, these people can lead a normal life, outwardly everything looks beautiful and safe. But they are already diverging in different directions in order to ponder the situation and decide whether they need these relationships. This is said to be a “neither peace nor war” situation. Most likely, the partners simply put up with the current state of things, unable to undertake anything concrete. The future for both looks vague and uncertain. At heart, everyone has not yet decided whether he needs a partner. Yes, and think about this lack of time, you must first understand yourself. Tarot's two swords characterize the relationship as vague, but does not hint at their break. Such situations of temporary cooling occur in almost all pairs. They may be followed by parting with the same probability as complete harmony. It is important to watch the related major arcana. For example, the Tower next to the two of swords directly speaks of treason, the partner has another attraction. The Empress, on the contrary, portends excellent prospects, if she falls in a direct position. This is a sign that the couple is correctly tested for strength relationships.

Inverted deuce in the alignment of love

So far we have been discussing only the meaning of the direct lasso. But the inverted position completely changes the meaning of the tarot cards. 2 swords is no exception. It reflects, in fact, a situation where the client is completely confused, his perception of reality is far from what is actually happening. The inverted lasso indicates a lack of perspective, energy or information is not enough to understand. In the scenario of love, this means a wrong opinion about the partner. Whatever the client thinks about his loved one is self-deception, in fact, everything is different. Moreover, our lasso does not reflect the opinion itself, it only speaks of incorrect perception. The client can consider the partner an angel or the devil - all deception. You should look at the companion cards to get to the bottom of the problem. For example, the combination of Tarot “2 swords, 6 swords” indicates the fate of a relationship if both lasso are upside down. This is a karmic lesson that the client needs to complete correctly. Relationships themselves can come to naught over time or be reborn and lead to happiness, here the meaning is different. Now man unleashes the karmic knot that has caught him from the past. In general, an inverted deuce is considered a negative sign. She predicts a shallow relationship, talks about the immaturity of individuals.

tarot 2 swords 6 swords

Business alignment

The presence of our deuce when divining for work is also unfavorable. Arkan describes an unstable situation where partners do not trust each other. Project prospects are vague and unclear. Most likely, the matter is hindered by the absence of any information that is intentionally hidden. Someone is acting contrary to the client, trying to secretly impede him. Subtleties tell related arcana. The deuce only says that the question was asked on time, since serious work is needed to clarify the situation, only after it can be decided. For example, if in combination there are 9 swords 2, pentacles (Tarot) in the upright position, then the client is faced with a serious enemy. It is recommended to temporarily stop the development of the project, look for the enemy in order to further build a defense strategy. To initiate an attack in such a situation is extremely harmful. Nine of swords hints that the client may get sick from experiences caused by incomprehensible frustrations of plans and other troubles. If next to the two of swords there are favorable senior lasso, then it is worth talking with your partner honestly. There is probably a mistrust in the team caused by mutual secrecy. In general, the situation is not as bad as it seems. Otherwise, the deck of Thoth is interpreted. The two of swords in the business situation here is considered a favorable sign. She predicts rest after a successful operation or transaction.

Inverted lasso in the business scenario

Give up hope - a combination of cards screams. There is no chance of success, the situation got out of hand if there is an inverted 2 Tarot swords in the layout. The combination of the lasso with the favorable only emphasizes the bitterness of defeat. The fact is that the client managed to take a number of wrong steps. This sometimes happens. The card indicates that the fortuneteller took for granted the information provided by the dangerous intriguer. An influential competitor has been acting against him for a long time, gradually tightening the loop. Now the time has come for reckoning. The client in this situation is powerless to fix anything. It is necessary to gather courage and admit defeat. You will find out where the danger comes from by the accompanying cards. An inverted two of swords indicates the inability to recognize the trap in time. In a more mundane sense, the card speaks of intrigue, gossip around the name of the client. They harm, damage his reputation, which is why his affairs are rolling downhill. It is likely that colleagues tell the boss that it is the fortuneteller who is guilty of all the hardships of the enterprise. But all this is done secretly, so that the client cannot resist, whitewash his name. If the moon is near, then this black fuss will remain behind the curtains. The tower will predict losses. But the presence of Hierophant is considered favorable. Whatever the enemies do, they are not able to harm the client. It is recommended not to concentrate on their machinations, so as not to get dirty.

tarot tota 2 swords

2 Tarot Swords: Health

Our lasso in the sacred sense shows the presence in the aura of non-processed energy. And this is dangerous for the physical body. If the client does not take care of themselves, then it is likely that vision or cardiovascular system damage. The fact is that the deuce reflects inner experiences. They appear due to unresolved issues in a particular area. When it comes to personal life, it is likely that eye damage will occur until complete loss of vision. The situation itself is not so critical if the client timely resolves an urgent issue. That is, you cannot start a situation; it requires the work of the soul. Experts recommend meditating to clarify the problem. After all, the risk of a deuce is that the eyes are blindfolded, the client does not really understand what is happening. The inverted lasso predicts the waste of vitality. His recommendation is that a person needs rest. He beats “against the wall with his head” with no prospects of achieving the planned result. The result of this behavior can be a heart attack or other damage to the cardiovascular system. You need to stop and look at your life from the side. This simple tactic will make it possible to discern a problem and maintain health.

Personality card

The person characterized by our lasso is like an oyster that has slammed shutters of its shell. He fenced off from the whole world, as he foresees a quick pain. And this is justified, since in the energy system the two follow the three, the essence of which is a catastrophe. Characterization of personality refers only to the period for which they are guessing. Man now does not trust anyone, he is cold and closed. He relies only on his own judgments, trying to find balance in the soul. His energy is destroyed, but moving toward balance. Its level cannot yet be predicted, therefore, one should be careful about his words and actions. Everything can be expected from such a person: from tantrums and tears, to scandals and threats. He grimaced inside, although he might look quite calm. If we are talking about a loved one, it is advisable to leave him alone, unobtrusively showing his love. Sooner or later, he will feel the need for support, then he will accept it with gratitude. If deuce means insignificant for a fortuneteller, communication with this person should be reduced to a minimum. While he is his own enemy, in the same way as everyone around him. He needs to deal with internal problems so as not to harm either himself or those with whom he communicates. An inverted two of swords characterizes a person as a fan, fixated on some fad. He goes nowhere, in vain squandering vitality. In addition, this person in the future will be a vampire for others, since he will completely use up his own energy.

9 swords 2 pentacles tarot

Period map

When laying out for the day, the two of swords recommends not making any decisions, reducing activity to a minimum. She does not talk about serious problems, only about the prospects for their creation as a result of wrong steps. The lasso advises lovers not to listen to gossip, regardless of how trusted this source was. All information received will be false and lead to a quarrel. An inverted two of swords as a card of the day predicts stupid actions, strange errors, oversights and the like. Most often, the card portends a day spent in empty talk. If you are guessing for the whole year (month), then the forecast for the lasso is unfavorable. You should not start significant projects during this period without sufficient preparation. Success in all areas of life is unlikely. The envisioned period is well suited for relaxing, practicing spiritual practices, and treating chronic diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8629/

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