Crematorium in Voronezh. How did the locals react to the upcoming neighborhood?

Rumors about the construction of a crematorium in Voronezh appeared in 2016. It was then that the local entrepreneur Konstantin Kucherenko launched the design of a new ritual institution. The news caused a mixed reaction from the local population, which became the starting point of many interesting events.

Where is the construction planned?

Crematorium construction in Voronezh

The address of the crematorium in Voronezh is not yet known. It is only clear that it will be built on the basis of the South-West cemetery with a slight distance from residential areas. The new building is expected to be erected on January 9th Street.

The closest to the new construction will be the residential neighborhoods New Bombay and Scandinavia.

Why Voronezh crematorium?

old crematorium Voronezh

One of the problems of the million-plus city is the insufficient number of places in cemeteries. A crematorium in Voronezh could be needed back in the 19th century. By the middle of the 20th century, the need for it became obvious to almost everyone, but it was not possible to implement the project.

Although there was an attempt. In the 80s of the last century, places in cemeteries again ran out of Voronezh. With the solution of the problem it was impossible to delay, the building with special equipment was erected, but the story made its own corrections and the project was frozen.

Today, the lack of the required number of places in cemeteries has led not only to the development of a corruption component in this area, but also to wild cases of illegal burial.

We can safely say that the residents of Voronezh need a crematorium. Why, then, did the idea of ​​construction take out such a rapid resonance? Let's try to figure it out.

Local protests

crematorium in Voronezh

The fact is that the construction of a crematorium in Voronezh is planned to be carried out in close proximity to residential buildings.

On the one hand, an unpleasant psychological effect is created when corpses are cremated near a playground or a grocery store. On the other hand, the proximity of such an institution is simply dangerous for the health of citizens.

The news about the construction of a crematorium in Voronezh caused a series of rallies, pickets and protests of the local population. Social networks are actively discussing new measures to counter construction. Citizens prepare a huge number of complaints to all regulatory authorities and even collect signatures for a petition to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The collective claim of local residents to ban the construction was dismissed.

The ideologist of the project abandoned him

It is worth noting that even Kucherenko himself said that the construction of a crematorium in Voronezh would lead to a violation of sanitary standards and would negatively affect not only the environment, but also the health of local residents.

Some regional media outlets suggested that such a quick change of mood is connected with the choice of a contractor who is not financially connected with the ideologists of the project.

The most interesting thing in this story is the fact that the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor issued a decree on the inadmissibility of building a crematorium in the vicinity of residential buildings. The supervisory authority said that the operation of the facility would violate sanitary standards and would endanger human health. The fact is that such a specific object should be located at a distance of at least 500 meters from any buildings not related to its maintenance.

In general, against everything except the city hall. This is a decisive factor. Despite the protests of residents, the indignation of regulatory authorities and even the experience of other cities, construction began. In May 2018, a foundation pit was built, and to this day, builders have begun to build the foundation.

Will the protest of local residents win or the crematorium in Voronezh still begin its activity? One can only guess about this.


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