Today you work legally - for retirement you receive the honorary title of a labor veteran and benefits

A law adopted at the federal level in 1995 defines how to obtain the title of a labor veteran. Citizens can also become owners of certificates at the present time if they have the appropriate length of service and honorary titles since Soviet times or the awards of today's Russia, or insignia of service department. But the conditions, how the order of receipt, the list of benefits - all this is determined by the regional authorities.

Veterans who began their work before they became adults during the war years have every reason to obtain a certificate of labor veteran. All awards and marks will be valid when a person reaches the age of retirement pension. The title can get another 33 categories of citizens, a complete list of which is easy to read in the Law of the Russian Federation on Veterans. But benefits are granted only to those who do not have payments in other categories.

The experience under the law on veterans should be for men - forty years old and for women - 35. It includes calendar days, regardless of whether there were periods without work or not. Years spent in the army or on maternity leave (up to three years) are included in the seniority when counting. But the years spent in the university on a full-time department will not be counted.

Seniority and departmental awards

It should be noted that if a person has a long working experience, but does not have awards, distinctions and departmental ranks, he will not be able to get the title of a labor veteran. The insignia, in addition to federal and regional awards, can also be departmental, which are given for skilled work. Such as the "Master of Livestock" or "Senior Teacher". If you are an honorary donor and have a badge, then this fact also gives the right to receive the title of labor veteran.

Regions can independently determine the ownership of signs and awards. In the Astrakhan region, for example, a decision was made by the local Duma on a departmental badge distinguishing the merits of civil defense workers, it will be seen there as a departmental badge granted for excellent work.

At the same time, many holders of the title “Winner of Socialist Competition” in court proved their right to become labor veterans, and judicial practice shows that positive decisions are made.

The procedure for payments and benefits

The Federal Law determines that the order of appointment, benefits and payments are determined by regional laws. Therefore, the monetary benefits of a labor veteran are not the same; in each region they are different. For example, in Moscow this amount is equal to 911 rubles, in the Altai Territory - 495 rubles, in Sverdlovsk - 650. The same is with the procedure for determining the length of service. For example, in Yuzhno-Uralsk the “hot” experience does not give a reason to demand a certificate of labor veteran, while in the Kemerovo region, 10 years of “hot” are enough for the total length of service.

In many regions, the list of benefits is different, and it is not always extensive. In 15 regions there are restrictions, for example, somewhere the condition is that the experience must be earned only in the region. Or obtaining a certificate requires that a reward be received from the governor, enterprise or legislature.

When the total seniority at the time of accrual of old-age pension does not reach the veteran term, it can be earned while already retired, and it will be counted.

You can learn how to get the title of a labor veteran at the regional social security service. To clarify the procedure for obtaining a veteran certificate or clarify benefits and payments, contact the regional department of social protection. All services for providing a list of documents and issuing a certificate of labor veteran are free. If an application and a full package of documents are provided, then the certificate of a labor veteran (or refusal to receive it) can be obtained within 15 days.


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