What is smeared around the nail during manicure: useful recommendations, practical tips and reviews

Every girl who is serious about the beauty of her hands wants to do absolutely any manicure without unnecessary difficulties. But if simple staining of the nails usually does not cause problems, then more complex options often require additional preparation. We will figure out what is smeared around the nail during manicure, so that no varnish stains remain around.

Why is this needed?

To begin with, we will determine what benefit is caused by applying various compositions to the skin around the nail plate. Some of them are designed to care for and soften the cuticle . From special oils and creams, the border of the nail plate becomes clearer, does not peel and does not exfoliate.

than smear around the nail with manicure

But this article is about something else. Sophisticated manicure designs - for example, water and ombre - require a more serious approach than classic French or plain. In the process of creating such effects, the varnish goes beyond the boundary of the area allotted to it and simply stains a finger. It is in order to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the hands, and you need to apply a special liquid to the skin.

A little later we will go directly to the answer to the question, what is the finger smeared around the nail with manicure. But for this you need to have a complete understanding of why this manipulation is needed at all.

How do ombre

That is exactly what beauty salons call a smooth transition from one color of varnish to another.

what is the finger smeared around the nail with manicure

There is nothing complicated here, so the stages of creating such a manicure can be divided into several simple steps:

  1. The nail plate is prepared for applying varnish - the edge is adjusted, polished, polished and the edge of the cuticle is smoothed.
  2. On a piece of foil, two or three rows of varnish are applied close to each other so that they join. In the middle they can be mixed.
  3. Foam rubber (you can use a piece of sponge for washing dishes) is dipped in this varnish and pressed to the nail several times.
  4. This operation is done for all fingers.

Now it remains only to wait until the varnish dries, and remove its residues. If the fingers were not prepared, it will be quite difficult to do this. That is why it is important to know what is smeared around the nail during manicure with a sponge, and in particular - in front of it.

Water manicure is much more complex, so for instructions to it you will need to write a separate article. We will not spend time on this and go directly to the topic.

Special tools

In professional beauty salons, of course, the question does not arise, how to smear the skin around the nail with manicure. There they use special products from well-known manufacturers.

Many cosmetic companies produce formulations that prevent colorants from getting on your fingers. In addition, they often contain beneficial substances that nourish and moisturize the skin. Some formulations have antiseptic and regenerative properties that improve the appearance of the hands during the procedure.

than smear around the nail with water manicure

The main component of such professional solutions is usually rubber - it creates a thin polymer film on the surface of the finger. Excess varnish is easily removed with it after all procedures are completed. This is one of the most convenient options for preparing for a complex manicure, but at the same time the most expensive. The cost of 15 ml averages about 250 rubles.

Fat cream

This is one of the most popular ways to remove excess nail polish from your fingers. Finding a fat cream is not difficult - it can be a means to care for the skin of your hands or face. The main thing is that it is poorly absorbed.

Fat cream - this is what smears the skin around the nail before the manicure of the girl who wants to save on the purchase of specialized products. This is how they do it. Immediately before staining, a thick layer of cream is applied to the skin around the legs. This must be done carefully. The fat mass should not get on the nail plate itself. If this happened, gently and thoroughly wipe off all the rest of the cream with a cotton pad or stick where it does not belong, otherwise the varnish will lie unevenly. Now you can create any design at your fingertips.

After the manicure is done, and the varnish is a little dried up, you can remove its remains with the cream. Use cotton buds for this, being careful not to damage the pattern on the nails.

Petroleum jelly

What is smeared around the nail with manicure for those who do not have oily creams or nail polish in the house? For example, petroleum jelly. This greasy and viscous substance is an excellent protector against excess varnish. Before creating the design, apply it on the okolonogoltevny areas not very thick layer. As in the case of the cream, it is necessary to ensure that the product does not get to where the manicure will be created.

than smear around the nail with manicure sponge
After painting the nails and drying them a little, you can remove the product with a cotton swab. The advantage of Vaseline is that it is very poorly absorbed, creating reliable protection against varnish. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and quite inexpensively.

PVA glue

Polyvinyl acetate is one of the main analogues of what is smeared around the nail when manicuring in beauty salons. Some professional products have a pronounced PVA odor, which means that their compositions are similar.

One of the most important advantages of glue is its harmlessness. This is a water-based substance with a characteristic odor, but non-toxic. PVA during drying creates a dense film resembling a rubber one. It perfectly protects the skin from varnish and is easily removed after the manicure is completed. This tool has earned a lot of positive reviews from those who create nail designs at home. Many say that there is practically no difference between professional tools and PVA glue.

than smear the skin around the nail before the manicure

In addition, you can buy it at almost any stationery store. But it must be borne in mind that some unscrupulous manufacturers sell too liquid a substance whose useful properties are minimal. Therefore, it is not worth saving when buying PVA, especially since even the highest price for it is quite acceptable.

Less popular options

What is smeared around the nail during manicure, if the above means are not at hand? To do this, you can use any very oily substance - for example, oil. It can be ordinary vegetable, intended for cooking, or special manicure. In the latter case, you combine the creation of a beautiful design on the nails with the healing of the skin around them.

than to smear the skin around the nail with manicure

Many do not stop at the methods proposed above for creating a neat manicure. The main material for one of the options is a regular stationery tape, which glue the area around the nail. This method has several disadvantages. Firstly, adhesive tape does not adhere to the skin well. Therefore, to create reliable protection with its help will not work. Secondly, no matter how good bonding, lacquering will necessarily occur when painting under the film. With a water-based manicure, scotch tape can even peel off from moisture. In other words, using this option is recommended only if all the others are not available.

How to remove residual varnish

After creating a manicure, even using the above tools, small spots of paint may remain, which must be removed. You can use a special erasing pencil, which is sold in cosmetic stores. It will allow you to do even the most delicate work without damaging the manicure. But after several uses, the pencil may darken, and you will have to buy a new one. Isn't it better to find a cheaper way to get your hands in order?

For large spots, ordinary cotton buds are suitable. For finer work - toothpicks. The tip of a wooden stick is wrapped with a small piece of cotton wool and moistened with nail polish remover. This method is suitable for those who are not afraid of hard work and at the same time know how to save.

Now you know how to smear around the nail with water manicure or when creating an ombre and how to remove the remnants of varnish without spending any extra money. Do not forget to take care of your own hands, and then any, even the simplest design, will look at them stylishly and attractively.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/A8640/

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